

Seeing the hot ramen coming at his face, Flash was completely terrified and then suddenly his heart beats raised up and his blood became completely warm and sparks of lightning started surrounding his fat body.

Time seem to slow down in his eyes and witnessing this he smiled with joy.

He stood up from his bed and caught the bowl in the mid air and filled it up with the spilling ramen.

He took the ramen in his one hand and with his other hand he picked the Sophia up, who is still in the mid air and then placed the bowl in her hands again.

In doing all this, it didn't even took him a second.

Keeping her strait and the ramen bowl in her hands he again sat on his bed again.

And woosh.. time fastened down again.


Sophia yelled while holding the bowl in her hands in front of Flash.

"What happened?, Why are you yelling"

Flash asked while showing a little comical smile.

Listening to his voice she suddenly came to her senses and noticed that she is not falling anymore and the bowl of ramen is also safe in her hands.

"Uh?, Didn't you saw me falling just now?"

She asked.

"Falling?, you?, where?"

He said acting like he is completely innocent.

"I was just about to fall down on the ground, but suddenly a lightning saved me, you really didn't saw it?"

She asked again.

"You saw a lightning saving you from falling?, Tell me, did that William guy hit you too?"

He asked.

"No, I am not lying.., Uhh whatever, just eat your ramen and meet me at the training ground behind our mansion".

She said and placed the bowl of ramen on the bed and started pacing towards the door of his room as quickly as she can.

After her leaving, Flash finished his ramen and bathed.

Doing all of this, it didn't even took him a minute.

Changing his clothes, wearing a white colored linen shirt and plain black pants he walked out of his room and started observing his surroundings.

He is currently on the 2nd floor of this huge mansion.

He suddenly turned into lightning and got outside of the mansion in an instant.

Getting outside his mansion he saw many guards bowing at him.

He started walking towards the back of the mansion, where there is supposed to be an training ground according to the Sophia.

Reaching at the training ground he saw many youths training there, sparing with each other on some huge platforms.

These platform are made up of some white colored stone that is very durable.

Flash reached near one of the platforms and besides the platform their were many swords placed on a rack.

Flash ignored the fight happening on the stage and started looking at the antique swords.

"Fat pig, no sword can help you win"

A youth wearing a white colored robe said in a commanding demeanor.

Flash shifted his glaze from the swords towards the source of voice and he saw a youth around as same age as his body, coming towards him with a haughty smile on his face.

Their were also some youth surrounding him coming with him.

"And how did you managed to recover so quick from my attack?"

The youth in white robe said again.

Listening to him Flash quickly understood that he is the one that killed the previous owner of his body.

"Its just, your punch was not great enough"

Flash said with a little smirk.

"YOU.., How dare you?, you were fainted in just one punch and you still have such audacity to speak in front of most talented man in our whole clan".

A youth wearing a purple colored robe, standing behind William said.

"Looks like this piggy need another round of beating to understand his correct place in this clan"

Another youth from the group behind the William yelled.

"Yes William beat him to his death this time"

Youth wearing purple colored robe yelled again.

"Lets have a sparing match piggy"

William said while unsheathing a sword placed near the rack.

"Sparing match huh?, ok, but lets bet something valuable on this match"

Flash said with a little smile on his face.

"Bet something valuable?, do you even have something valuable? you swine"

A youth from the group yelled.

"If I lose this match then I'll be your slave for rest of my life and If you lost then all of your savings will be mine and you will lick my shoes while calling me dad"

Flash said.

Next chapter