
The return of the Frog!

She laid on the ground and blew out a breath, saying "This won't change anything." Ryu stayed silent for a moment before replying "I know." She turned her head to him and he frowned deeply, saying "I knew this would happen eventually. I still don't feel good. After all this time, I've been lying to him although I treated him as my own son, he has parents."

He let Tsunade go and added "Don't have prejudice against Uchiha like the previous Hokages… All they want is peace, take control of the Anbu and do something useful instead of nothing. The Anbu have come to me for orders, what am I supposed to tell them?"

Tsunade sat up and punched the ground, shouting "Isn't this all your fault!?" Ryu turned to her and she teared up angrily "I came to be Hokage at the request of the village. I want to do my best too! You know, my grandfather was the First Hokage! I have my own pride too! You did so many things and everyone recognizes you! They just think I'm a replacement until the next Hokage election!"

She grit her teeth and continued "Do you know how I feel?! I can't do anything because it's already been done! You fixed the village! What am I supposed to do?! I really feel useless!"

Ryu turned around and said gently "Didn't I leave you future plans?" Tsunade looked at him saying "Oh, great, so they can praise you more?" Ryu shook his head, saying "They were for you! When you take over, you need to win the people's hearts. I was tough to the outside, warm to the inside. I wouldn't hesitate to start a war with anyone who wanted one."

Ryu raised a finger and continued, "At a time like that, what Konoha needed was a ruthless leader, someone who would take charge and change the way things were. If someone wanted to take a bite out of Konoha, instead of cowering they needed someone to knock out a few teeth! I played my part. I overruled everyone's opinions and established systems, changing the village completely!"

Ryu shook his head, adding "You need to have a different approach, optimize what I left behind, make it better, more prosperous. I left flaws for you to fix! The Civilians in positions of power will make them bloated with ego and cause a tumor. I purposely left them there and their egos are festering. I gave you the Uchiha clan, if you handle the situation properly, maybe you'll be the best Hokage Konoha's ever had."

He looked up at the sky and sighed, "All these obvious flaws are there for you to fix but you didn't even think about it! I'm not your babysitter! Do something about it! There's future development plans, use them! Take everything I gave you and use it to your advantage! A leader steps ahead of their subjects, not the other way around."

He turned to Tsunade and said "If you sit around the way you are, Konoha will self implode eventually. I designed it that way."

Tsunade was stunned, looking at him in a daze, saying "Why?" Ryu replied lightly "Because I don't want to be Hokage. I never had this intention. I only have one goal in my life and if I die during it, I will be happy."

He turned to the sunset and smiled gently, "I'm not a good Hokage no matter what anyone says about me. I'm sure Shikaku Nara saw through my plans, which is why he was disappointed by your reaction when you became Hokage."

He closed his eyes and said "Under the drawer there's a booklet. All the flaws and mistakes are inside there. If you fix those, it will be noticeable to everyone. If you don't fix them, Konoha will cease to exist. Become a great Hokage or destroy the village during your tenure."

He turned around to leave and Tsunade asked in confusion "But why do you want to vilify yourself? I don't understand?" Ryu replied "Vilify? No. Only spoil my reputation. The best Hokage to ever exist… I don't deserve this title…" he curled his lips gently and added "A certain yellow haired kid does." as he disappeared from the spot like a ghost.

Tsunade's jaw slacked and she sat there in a daze…

All just for Naruto?

What kind of care is this…

Ryu returned to the three little ghosts and smiled, "We're not done yet, little ones, come on!" as they started running again.

The following day

Tsunade announced that the Uchiha clan was back and that they never died, only hid.

She did as Ryu wanted and splashed dirty water on him, saying that Ryu hid them during the massacre waiting for the right time to come back.

And it did have an effect, Ryu's reputation dropped drastically as people still had bad feelings towards Uchiha…

Tsunade integrated the Uchiha into everyone's lives, taking in Anbu, sending the children to the Ninja School, and putting them in all walks of life.

Tenten was relieved of her weapons teaching position and Izumi took over instead.

The rest of the Uchiha joined the Police Force and started patrolling again, but their attitudes were much milder to everyone, even helping people.

Though, they still had cold faces.

As the months passed

Tsunade started fixing problems that Ryu left for her, improving several things that were obviously lacking.

She even took over Anbu but then found out that Ryu ordered them to train intensely until Naruto got back.

They even had copies of everything Ryu created so far, well except the Blood Surging Art.

Only Yamato had that.

Tsunade also had one and understood the importance of it, gathering all clan heads, even Fugaku, to tell them under no circumstances must the Blood Surging Art get outside of Konoha.

They all agreed deeply.

Fugaku didn't have a problem as the Uchiha Clan had been cleansed during these years.

The radicalists were killed by Itachi, and after Ryu gave Fugaku the Blood Surging Art, all the clansmen who wanted to leave and sell it were quietly dealt with.

The entire clan was like a well oiled machine.

Extremely loyal to Fugaku and Konoha.

Now that they were finally back, why would they leave again? Living outside was like torture for them.

Ryu understood that feeling deeply. When he thought of Naruto in his previous life, it was Konoha, and the void outside Konoha.

Does anything else exist?

Not really anything of importance…

Anyway, as a result of Tsunade's actions, Ryu's reputation plummeted and hers skyrocketed as people noticed that their quality of life improved drastically!

Regarding this, only a few people knew what was going on.

Shikaku sighed to himself, drinking in his home. In his heart, Ryu was one of the best Hokage, no matter how much his reputation plummeted…

The other clan heads also felt this deeply.

However none of them spoke as Ryu didn't say anything, this was obviously in his plans…

Finally, in the fourth month, Anko was pregnant!

Then 2 months later

Ryu and Anko were married.

They had a very small wedding, only a few people even showed up.

The clan heads of major clans, Hinata, Hanabi, Neji, Sakura, Guy, Lee, Kakashi, Tsunade, and the Aunty from the Dango shop.

After that day, everything returned to normal.

Ryu looked at the corner of his eye and saw a red 2.

[Congratulations for changing your future! (Hidden Achievement Completed)]

[All Knowledge from Future Sasuke, integrated into your mind]

[Wano Swordsmith Making Techniques and Future Chakra Clothing creation technique]

[Congratulations for getting married! (Hidden Achievement Completed)]

[Wood Style Blood Limit (Senju Bloodline Strengthening) (Anko)]

[Origin Replenishment]

Ryu felt an instant warmth and smiled to himself, looking at the Future Chakra clothes.

[Future Chakra Clothing Creation Technique: A technique developed in a far off future that infuses Chakra into threads to make a piece of clothing that is sturdier than chainmail! Can be made into any style of clothing without losing any defensive power.]

Ryu smiled to himself and wrote down the sword technique and the clothes technique before sending them to Sai to give to the Weaponsmiths and Tailors.

7 months passed since the wedding

It had been 1 year and 1 month since Naruto left.

On this day, Ryu's daughter, Aino Uchiha.

On the same day~

[Congratulations for having your first child! (Hidden Achievement Completed)]

[Natural Chakra Village Barrier Array]

But not only this!

Ryu maxed out Garp's template on this day!

He felt much stronger than before! Just that 1% took him 3 months!

Finally, he learned Garp's most powerful technique!

Fist of Love!

[Congratulations for Completing Garp's Template! (Main Achievement Completed)]

Suddenly, Ryu saw that damned Red frog again!

After 20 something years it was finally back!

He sneered at him and gave him the finger once again!

Ryu almost exploded and glared at the frog, he practiced bitterly in all Haki and Physique to finally get flipped off by this frog again!

The frog vomited up a few gift boxes before slapping his ass at Ryu and hopping away…

Suddenly, Ryu's vision exploded with notifications and confetti…

[Susanoo Enhancement]

[Moonlight Sword Style (GoH)]

[Fishman Karate]

[Shisui's Body Flicker Technique]

[Taijutsu Creation Talent upgrade]

[Kenjutsu Creation Talent]

Ryu nearly had a headache and guessed boldly that all the techniques Sasuke gave him came from this exact moment but since he knew them already then the rewards changed!

As for whether he was right or wrong it was impossible to know!

At any rate, Ryu slapped the ground after reading the Array description.

[Natural Chakra Village Barrier Array: Gathers Chakra from the outside, concentrating it in the village while simultaneously creating a barrier from non-Konoha residents.]

Then Ryu called back all his Shadow Clones and sent them all out again, making the new techniques and sending them to Tsunade one after the other, there were dozens of them, all variations and mixtures, everything.

He even gathered all the Kenjutsu techniques and created new sword techniques.

All kinds of new and fresh techniques were being added to the village and spread around to the ninjas, everyone was embroiled in a heated training arc!

Even Ryu didn't stop training just because his daughter was born.

Anko took care of Aino for now and Ryu would come back home every night to play with her.

Slowly just like this 2 years and 11 months passed by.

Next chapter