
Operation Mizukage Matchmaking

They appeared in Konoha.

Ryu dragged Nagato to Tsunade and shouted "Milk Cow Granny! Milk Cow Granny!" Tsunade appeared in front of him with red eyes filled with anger, but Ryu ignored her, holding up Nagato and smiling "Get him regular eyes, please. Thanks. Give me his Rinnegan."

Tsunade froze and frowned "What are you doing now." Ryu ignored her and said "Just do the surgery, time is of the essence, old lady!"

Tsunade looked at Nagato and finally said "Ok."

A while later

Nagato walked around with normal eyes.

Ryu bought him and Konan clothes and Anbu masks, telling them to just go find Yamato and ask him what the job entails. The duo looked at each other and nodded.

Ryu watched them go and smirked "Little rabbits, don't escape or else…"

Nagato and Konan felt shivers don't their spines and they turned to see Ryu grinning at them from the distance.

They turned back and picked up the pace, but didn't escape.

Naruto came back to find out that shockingly, Jiraiya was alive!

He was dumbfounded and heard that Ryu saved him as well as Itachi!

He ran to find Ryu, but Ryu was nowhere to be found. Only Aino opened the door, saying "Hmmm… Maybe at the Dango shop?"

Ryu was currently, sitting outside of Konoha tossing a jar of Rinnegan in his hands, humming to himself.

Sure enough!

Obito appeared out of thin air.

Ryu picked his head up and smiled "Obito! I've been waiting here for a while!" Obito nearly tripped and shouted "I'm Madara! Madara, understand?!" Ryu laughed and rolled his eyes, replying "Please! These are Madara's eyes in my hands. Plus, would Madara wear a mask? Anyone who believes you must have a brain problem!"

Obito froze and said "What do you want then, Ryu." Ryu smiled and threw the Rinnegan at him, saying "Make sure you resurrect Madara."

Obito froze and looked at Ryu in shock, asking "Do you know what you're doing!? Madara is-" Ryu cut him off and clenched his fist excitedly "Madara is my goal! My dream! I want to fight him for days and nights! The entire reason I've been training! That's what Madara is! What Infinite Tsukuyomi? What Eye of the Moon plan? I don't give a single fuck!"

He waved his fists under Obito's dumbfounded eye, "All I want is to fight Madara to my heart's content! Hahaha" he patted Obito on the shoulder, saying happily "Don't let me down, you crane tailed bastard! Hahahaha!" before walking away, bubbling with laughter and excitement.

Obito looked at his back and Zetsu came out of the ground with the same shocked face. They looked at each other before saying in unison "Madman!"

Ryu returned to Konoha in high spirits.

He walked along the streets and decided to treat himself rarely, buying 20 bags of the brand new Super Ultra Amazing Extreme Mega Sweet Red Bean vanilla chocolate mocha coffee bean caramel jelly paste Mochi Super Dango with 10 flavor super glaze mix and sprinkles!

Who could say no!

Ryu laughed to himself and waved at the cute aunty behind the counter as he left, swallowing a Dango whole. He trembled and burst out laughing as he shouted "I LOVE DANGOS! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The people around stopped and started whispering as they hurried away quickly.

Nagato and Konan looked at each other whispering. Konan said "This guy's nuts!" Nagato replied "Should we try some?" They looked at each other again with confusion in their eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, Konan said "Yeah." and they went to buy Mochi Dango…

Ryu walked by a big breasted tall blonde woman and stopped, looking at her. He turned around and stopped her, saying "Hello, pretty lady. How old are you?"

The lady frowned and said "29." Ryu rubbed his chin and asked "How do you feel about burning youth?" the woman frowned deeper, not understanding.

Another dark skinned lady shouted "Listen pal! Go pick up chins somewhere el-eh?" Ryu grabbed her hand that was pointing at him and threw her over his shoulder out of the Konoha barrier as he looked at the Blonde woman, smiling "So? Miss Samui-chan, how do you feel about burning youth?"

The man shouted "Karui! You basta-Eh?" Ryu threw him too and leaned towards Samui, smiling slightly "You gonna answer? Or am I gonna have to get an answer from A?" Samui grabbed her knife handle, but Ryu suddenly pressed on her hand, said "Ah ah ah~ I wouldn't… Bloody broads are such a shame, you know?"

Samui swallowed and replied "I would have to say I'm moderately accepting of burning youth…" Ryu rubbed his chin and said "I think that's alright! Now… final question…" he looked at her dead in the eyes before asking "Are you married?"

Samui blushed and replied angrily "Who asks something like that?! You damn perv!" Ryu narrowed his eyes and she paused, sweating slightly "I'm not…" Ryu took back his pressure and smiled "Then congratulations! You've been chosen as a blind date candidate!"

He grabbed Samui by the collar and dragged her away, humming to himself.

Samui was dumbfounded from the moment he spoke to the moment she was seated in front of Guy.

She blinked and said "Hello?" Guy smiled and a sparkle appeared at the corner of his mouth as he replied "Hello! I'm Might Guy! What's your name?" Samui was already absentminded, trying to remember why she came to Konoha in the first place… as she replied "Samui, I'm from the Cloud Village."

Guy smiled and said "Cool! I heard your Raikage is really good at Taijutsu! I happen to be a Taijutsu specialist myself." Samui asked curiously "Oh yeah? Our Raikage loves fighting all the time, but he always ends up destroying something…" as she sighed.

Guy chuckled and said "I'd love to meet him! Though, we'd probably end up destroying something. A battle between men brings out our Youth!" Samui smiled and giggled.

Ryu, Lee, Neji, and Tenten watched from across the street with Binoculars as Tenten said "OMG! She laughed?!" Lee cried "Ryu-sama! You're the best!" Neji was stunned, muttering "Can Guy-sensei really land such a beautiful woman?"

Tenten punched his head, complaining "She's beautiful?!" Neji looked at Samui and then at Tenten, looking down at her chest accidentally before nodding. Tenten exploded and almost beat Neji to death…

In her dreams.

Neji flipped her over and continued watching Guy and Samui chat.

Ryu looked at Tenten on the ground and sighed "Silly Tenten, Neji is what you call 'Emotional Idiot' with a negative EQ." he handed the Binoculars to Lee and walked away, saying "Anyway~ Make sure Guy seals the deal! We can steal another beauty for the village! Err.. I mean steal another ninja for the village!"

Lee and Neji clenched their fists, nodding.

Ryu thought of Kakashi and wondered who he should matchmake him with.

Then a figure came to mind.

Ryu suddenly chuckled sinisterly, it seemed like 2 horns grew out of his head as he rubbed his hands together, cackling evilly with wicked thoughts, "Oh my, that should be VERY interesting… Heh heh heh~"

Then he took out a little black book and wrote down 'Plan to steal the Mizukage.'

'Step 1: Introduce Kakashi'

'Step 2: Pretend to be an Evil Villain and attack Mei'

'Step 3: Lose to Kakashi and have him play the hero that saves the beauty.'

'Step 4: Attend the wedding and plant Mei in Konoha forever.'

'Step 5: Elect a new Mizukage before forgetting about that Trash Village. (What's it even called again??)'

'Step 6: Find out what the Mizukage's village is called'

Next chapter