
Konoha's Economy is on the rise

He came to Hanabi, Hinata, and Neji, waving them over.

He passed them the new things, smiling "The Observation Haki will boost your Byakugan. Hinata already has this." Hinata nodded and smiled, Neji sucked in a cold breath, saying in shock "This is the technique that clears the blind spot!?"

Ryu nodded and said "Actually, everyone in the village will be using this very soon. The advantage of Byakugan is that your range and proficiency in this technique will be miles away from anyone else." he raised a finger and looked at Neji specifically, dropping a bomb as he smiled, "The extremities of this technique… Allow the user to see seconds into the future."

Neji froze all over and glared at the Observation Haki notebook with a vicious gaze, as though he wanted to eat the book itself!

Ryu pointed at the Armament Haki notebook, saying "This is suitable for your Hyuga clan too! The basic principle is to increase attack and defense by coating your body." he stretched out his arm and one by one his fingers turned black, his entire hand turned black, then half, then only a black spiral.

He explained, "This can be put on any area on your body." Neji was stunned, shouting "So if you use it with-" then he sucked in a cold breath again! Ryu nodded at him, smiling "Yes. But that's not all, watch this."

He took the stance of Gentle Roaring Waterfall Fist, and slapped out a bunch of palms and fists onto a tree.

The tree didn't look any different and Ryu said "Look inside the tree." Hanabi, Hinata, and Neji turned on their Byakugan and jumped in shock!

The entire inside of the tree was gone!

There was nothing there!

They looked at Ryu, who smiled at them.

Hanabi sighed, Ryu was like the Hyuga Clan God. Every technique mixed well with their techniques or Byakugan…

Ryu waved a finger and said "Of course that's not all. You know Vacuum Palm?" The three nodded and Ryu covered his hand in Haki, slapping the air.

A string of trees was blasted away instantly.

Neji almost knelt on the spot.

Ryu explained "The first layer is coating, the second layer is internal destruction, and the last is emission. Internal Destruction can also bruise the outside while destroying the inside. But most people can only achieve Coating their entire lives."

He turned around and smiled "Though, there is a secret technique to Armament Haki if you possess a certain qualification…" he raised a fist and wispy black lightning surged around his fist, covering it as the air itself trembled!

Hanabi, Hinata, and Neji were breathless, staring at the fist in shock.

Ryu threw a gentle punch at the sky and the three looked up, completely dumbfounded.

There were definitely clouds in the sky before, right?

Ryu turned to the three little ghosts and smiled "Finally, I've revised Gentle Roaring Waterfall Fist. You see the 2.0? This is the improved version, I had a sudden inspiration last night. I will train you all intensely until Naruto gets back. Got it?"

Neji asked "What about the Haki?" Ryu smiled and replied "Well the entire Village is going to be practicing that… I have to practice too so I'll only be a shadow clone with you, unfortunately."

Hinata said hesitantly, "Sensei… Can't we train with you?" Neji and Hanabi nodded, looking at Ryu, who scratched his cheek and chuckled "I'm not quite sure you can handle training with me…"

The three were firm and Ryu smiled "Alright then, I'll come back here tomorrow. Be ready then." The three nodded and Ryu left, waving his hand over his shoulder, "Familiarize yourself with these overnight, tomorrow is your first step into Hell."

Neji held the Observation Haki book with intense desire in his eyes.

He started training right away, asking Hinata for pointers which overwhelmed her.

Hanabi shook her head and looked at the Armament book, starting to practice. She wanted Neji to come ask her for pointers too!

Ryu appeared on a building and whistled.

A big crow flew down and Ryu said "Go tell Fugaku, it's time to come back." The crow cawed and flew away. Ryu watched it go and sighed, rubbing his eyes as he said "This is going to be troublesome…"

He slapped the spider on his shoulder and Sai appeared next to him the next minute, "Ryu-sama?" Ryu looked at him and smiled "Did you succeed?" Sai was excited and nodded "Yep! Ryu-sama is really a genius!"

He even took off his shirt, revealing the extremely delicate and beautiful tattoos all over his upper body.

There were dragons, bears, phoenixes, spiders, hummingbirds, falcons, owls, snakes, turtles, etc.

Sai frowned though, adding "However, Ryu-sama, my blood is a problem." Ryu smiled and said "Go get some blood replenishing supplements from Tsunade later." Sai smiled and nodded, Ryu suddenly got serious, saying "The Uchiha clan is going to come back in these few days."

Sai froze and looked at Ryu incredulously, Ryu continued "They were never exterminated. It was all a façade to kill Hiruzen and Danzo. Now it's time for them to come back. I want you to tell Yamato to get the Anbu and snuff out all the spies, no matter how big or small. Every single spy needs to die, get it?"

Sai looked troubled and Ryu smiled, "I know it's not easy, that's why I'm handing this task to you. Consider this training." he handed Sai the haki manuals, saying "When Naruto comes back, you'll be in Team 7. Yamato will follow them as well to make sure the Nine Tails doesn't run loose. This time is the time for crazy progress. You have to get stronger and stronger so that you don't fall behind, Sai."

Sai held the books and nodded solemnly, Ryu patted his head and smiled "How do you feel in the sunlight?" Sai smiled happily, looking at Ryu as he replied "Great. It's very warm… Especially after the changes to Konoha."

Ryu nodded and smiled "It's only natural, I forced everyone to intermingle while rebuilding Konoha… Even Uchiha's 'resurrection' shouldn't cause a commotion." as he sighed, adding, "I really hope not…"

Sai suddenly asked with a strange expression, "Ryu-sama, why do we have to clear spies for the Uchiha's return? Wouldn't it be better to have other Villages know?" Ryu smiled at him, saying "A deterrence effect is what you're saying?"

Sai nodded in confusion and Ryu smiled, shaking his head and knocking on Sai's, "If it was only a few of them, maybe, but the entire clan is coming back. Essentially, it's like Konoha merged with another village. The Uchiha clan is just that strong, you understand?"

He waved a finger and curled his lips, "Faced with a slightly stronger enemy, they are deterred, but faced with an impossibly strong enemy, they are more likely to unite!"

Sai froze and said in shock "4 villages uniting?!" Ryu nodded and smiled "Which is why, Konoha has to become an iron fortress! Spies who enter, never come back out. Not only for the sake of the village but for other villages."

He waved and said carefreely, "The little villages on the borders get trampled every time there's war. Then they complain and it's a headache. No war is the best war. Plus, those little villages are providing Konoha with cartloads of money at the moment, it would be a pity to trample them."

Sai nodded and suddenly remembered, saying happily "Ryu-sama! Speaking of which, Yamato-senpai wanted me to tell you that we successfully acquired the Gato Company. Acting according to your orders, we purged all the drugs and contraband from the area and employed villagers to help with transferring goods."

Ryu nodded with a smile, asking "Did Yamato see that old man and his grandson?" Sai nodded and replied "A deal was made with the old man, several ninja have helped modify the bridge to Ryu-sama's design. Ships can now cross when the bridge is lifted on the premise that the small village is made a stop point."

Ryu smiled gently and said "That old man is a good one. As long as that village is developed in a good direction, it can be one of our major economic points. I have faith in that old man and his grandson. They're good people. Pull the ninjas from the village and tell the old man that Naruto says hello."

Sai nodded and smiled, sending a hummingbird out from his body.

Ryu nodded and added "Alright, Sai. After you inform Yamato and help him clear the spies, start intensive training. I want you to notify Yamato of this as well. All Anbu will undergo intensive training until Naruto gets back."

Sai nodded and disappeared, "Yes, Ryu-sama."

Ryu let out a breath, sighing to himself.

If he was being honest, he would rather just sit back and relax, but Tsunade hasn't done anything with the Anbu at all. Most of the time Yamato came to him to ask what they should do.

Ryu didn't know what to say and told him to ask Tsunade, he wasn't even Hokage!

But Yamato laughed helplessly, telling him that the Anbu was sitting around waiting for orders that never came, so they pushed Yamato to ask Ryu instead.

Ryu gave them an order to take over the Gato Company and cooperate with that old man and his little village for the trade routes to the sea and all those islands, bringing in more cash flow from trades outside the village.

Ryu wasn't too happy with the Daimyo sitting on his head, giving money on a whim. Look at the Sand Village.

Those poor ghosts can't even afford water and their Daimyo won't give them anything.

The Fire Daimyo might not be a problem now, but what about in the future?

Therefore they needed to be prepared to break away from him soon.

That was why Ryu established the Commerce Chamber and even a bank while promoting business growth in the village.

But in truth, he didn't want to be in charge of Anbu. He felt dirty about it, as if he was the Third Hokage or something.

Which was the main reason why he didn't tell them to do too many things.

Just listen to Tsunade, isn't it nice?

However, she didn't do anything!

That lazy bum.


He sighed and went home.

There were many things to prepare!

Next chapter