
Flames of Justice (Completed)

Ryu came to the Naruto World with one goal and one goal only! HE WILL DANCE WITH THE BEST BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Itachi and Kisame

Neji teared up and looked at Ryu's back with admiration.

Yes! Why did his father have to die for the so-called peace?!

Shikamaru was with his dad and they looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

Shikaku sighed "What a terrifying guy…" Shikamaru sighed "What a drag… But he was really cool…" Shikaku taught him at this moment, "Listen, what did you grasp?"

Shikamaru replied with a squint "Well, Ryu-sama first abolished the Third Hokage's marks while also humbling himself with his shortcomings… Then he made himself approachable with his love for the village. In the end, raised everyone's spirits and took a step ahead of everyone, announcing that he was going to press the Village Hidden in the Sand for compensation or face war."

Shikaku patted his head and nodded, "You missed the School reformations which is arguably the most important thing." Shikamaru looked at him, confused. Shikaku grinned, "By extending the study time, more talents will be developed from different subjects like Taijutsu, Medical, Perception, etc. But also, he provided a door to becoming a Chunin other than dying in the Chunin exams."

Shikaku raised a finger, explaining "This breeds more talent for the village. And also makes all the Genin have hope that they don't have to participate in the grueling Exam. Parents are also worried about their children during Chunin exams, thus he earned a wave of grateful feelings. This is like 18 birds, one stone."

Shikaku raised another finger, saying "The last move was excellent, letting the spies report back to their villages shows that he doesn't take them seriously. He's not afraid of war and it creates an image that actually Konoha isn't hurt at all by this event! Third Hokage died, so what? The other villages will hesitate, but did you notice, he only let the spies go after he pressed Sand Village for compensation."

Shikamaru asked "But what does that-" before sucking in a cold breath of air.

Shikaku smiled, "Get it?" Shikamaru said incredulously, "Beat the chicken to warn the monkeys!" Shikaku smiled with approval, nodding "Exactly! The other villages will watch the Sand Village's reaction. If they give in, they're more likely to back off, and if they don't and go to war, the other villages are more likely to sit on the sidelines and watch the outcome before making a decision!"

Shikamaru's eyes brightened and he continued for his father, "Even if they don't back off, we'll have one less enemy! And if we can smash the Sand Village in one fell swoop, they won't move at all! What a move!" Then he hesitated, "But what if we go to war and struggle?"

Shikaku suddenly got serious and replied, "I'm sure he has a plan. The outcome must be a crushing defeat for the Sand Village or we'll be in trouble, but…" he curled his lips and revealed a hint "The Sand Village probably won't even make a peep and pay compensation."

Shikamaru was confused and Shikaku grinned "We have their most Elite Jonin in our hands. The Commander of their forces." Shikamaru jumped in shock, shouting "We checkmated them before we even started!?"

Shikaku chuckled and nodded.

Ryu returned to the Hokage office, sitting in the chair.

He opened the drawer at the desk and yawned before a funny expression appeared on his face and he wrote in the drawer.

'Ryu was here~'

Afterwhich, he leaned back and relaxed.

But he was suddenly interrupted with a ton of paperwork…

Kakashi smirked outside the door as he heard an agonizing groan.

A while later

Ryu was standing on a building outside, frowning as Itachi and Kisame walked around the village.

Ryu looked at Samehada on Kisame's back and rubbed his chin thoughtfully, maybe…

Just take it?

Could be fun?

He moved and appeared in front of the duo, lifting the bamboo hat as his Mangekyou turned in Kisame's eyes, putting him into a genjutsu.

He looked at Itachi, smiling "You're back. You changed your mind and don't want to die? Or could it be…" he narrowed his eyes and said "You came for the brand new Super Mega Ultra Sweet Red Bean and Strawberry paste filling Mochi Dango with white chocolate glaze and caramelized apple shavings with sprinkles?!"

Itachi froze and stared at Ryu, dumbfounded for a few moments before shouting "IS THAT TRUE?!" Ryu looked around and whispered "Yeah but… You have to ask for it. It's not on the menu, you know…"

Itachi looked enlightened and nodded heavily, saying with narrowed eyes "I see… Then it seems… like I have 2 missions here…"

Ryu looked at Kisame, saying "Who's the Shark-Human Ghost with you?" Itachi looked at him and said helplessly "My Partner in Akatsuki… We're here to get the Nine Tails from Naruto."

Ryu rubbed his chin and said "Bold of your leader to choose the strongest one first…" Itachi took out a stack of papers and Ryu took them from his hands, nodding "Thanks." then he looked at Itachi, saying with a sigh "Are you sure you don't want to change the plan?"

Itachi scowled and said coldly "I'm sure!" Ryu tried to persuade him, saying "Listen, we can cure you any way… And I developed a new technique to upgrade Sharingan to Eternal Mangekyou by training! You don't need to transplant your eyes!"

Itachi stiffened and said coldly "Where's the proof?" Ryu froze and stumbled over his words, "Well, I just created it so… It hasn't happened yet, but I'm sure it works! Anyway! You don't have to do this, you know?"

Itachi sneered at the corner of his mouth, saying "After becoming Hokage you're thinking of the village?" Ryu sighed and rubbed his face, smacking Itachi in the head as he shouted "I'm thinking of YOU! You damn fool! Your mother and father! How about them?! Idiot! Moron! You know, I still get messages from them, even Izumi asks me all day every day where you are, when you're coming back, if your missing is over, blah blah blah! It's fucking annoying!"

Itachi froze and shivered, saying while closing his eyes, "I can't! Why can't anyone realize that!" Ryu shook Itachi and growled "You bastard! I will clean you up, don't worry!"

Then Ryu suddenly remembered something and touched his chin, curling his lips. He chuckled and said "Anyway, Itachi, go easy on the Jonin… Ah, unless it's Asuma. You can kill him, I don't really care. A real pain in my ass…" as he disappeared.

Itachi sighed and suddenly paused, looking down at the ground.

His hands trembled as he looked around grabbing the paper and stuffing it into his cloak.

It was…

Directions to the Mochi Dango shop!