
The Clan Council

A big hall had been constructed generations ago, after the ancient world war was over, dragon families had been decimated, their bloodlines never to continue. The remaining families split into four levels in hope that will keep the peace. In the very center of the hall sat a round table with five places to sit for the five clans, the fifth one no one knows if they are real or a myth. Some tell of how they died out, others tell of when they left to a far away place never to return.

There was Eta who sighed contentedly to herself quietly as she watched the love of her life, sorta the love of her life talk about the progress of his clan's knowledge of stars further away. The subject of her thoughts was a Shadow Dragon sent to represent his whole society who was elected to come to the Council of the Clans. Eta represented her clan... what was left of it. She is a Flame Tail, wingless with no actual flames just feathers in her tail and her four feet are two shades lighter and more faded in color compared to her brightly colored and winged roving brother, Thuban. The clans of the No Landers always sent two, one with wings and one wingless, the Ground Dwellers sent their wisest among them. The Shadow Dragons sent him, Eltanin. A scholarly Dragon, and a star worshipper at that Eta's favorite subject she can recite every constellation and star in the heavens. When it came to diplomatic matters that is not her strongest or favorite subject. Eltanin finished speaking and Eta now had to listen to the other clans drone on about what advances their clans have made right up to the representatives from the No Landers.

Their broken clans never had anything worth while as they always had infighting among them, so their society began to dwindle and they relied on more of the lucrative side of life, the likes of which caused many scandals among the higher classes society. When Eta finished her part she closed this moons meeting and invited Eltanin to stay as she noticed that he looked like he had something on his mind.

Eta invited the Shadow Dragon to follow her and say what is on his mind. The young male followed the pale blue dragon and told her his observations of yhe sky. He spoke of another object that he believes is not a star, and came to a conclusion that it may be the mythical place that their society believed to harbour the dark sould and the source of Evil.

Eta stopped suddenly in the corridor and looked at this stargazing dragon in the low light her eyes held a flicker of fear in them , Eltanin saw it. He saw his young leader of the Clans was scared. No one in the Council could do a thing about it.