
Flame passion dual cultivation

Joey wake up in a room and relize that the world he used to live is gone. here Joey have everything that he lacked, caring grandfather loveable maids beautiful fiancee. followed the desired of a man who can't satisfy by power and seek more power.

Sachin_Kumar_1699 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 2- Extreme yin cold meridian.

Outside the backward hall which was decorated with Rasen flowers which speciality is that it's have unique fragrances that can calm the mind of any individual.

On the hall, three person can be seen a boy in purple robes with jet black hair and deep black eyes with sharp eyebrows and nose, sitting on the chair while enjoying the conor leaves tea which helps the body healing ability and also the enjoying the sound of Qulin and Flute.

The red hair girl with violet eyes which has otherworldly beauty, wearing the red Chinese dress, and have a mature aura playing the string of qulin with her jade like finger, accompanying her is a blue hair green eyes which also have pure angelic smile while playing flute.

the music of two instruments doesn't overlap each other and destroying the beauty of music but each of music notes are in harmony with each other, making surrounding more colorful, like a painter have brushed the canvas with happy colour.

the peaceful atmosphere was broken when they heard the noise of the running steps, a few breath later a servant comes to them and said while gasping the air.

"Young master; the clan master have called you to the clan library..."said midget looking servant.

Turning his head towards the Bella and Diviya, Joey has gentle and warm smile.

"That was wonderful music it's really help me to calm down, it's seem that i keep getting the favour of both of you..."Joey said with care free smile.

"You don't need to polite with us Joey..." said red hair beauty Diviya.

"Yes young master...." said blue hair beauty Bella.

Saying goodbye to both of the girl, Joey headed to the clan library. joey started to think about what happened to him in past one month

First he was starting to accept the identity of Joey raymond, this world is way different from earth here there was no technology but this world was way more advanced thanks to the essence Qi of this world.

This continent divided into five regions based on the name of Divine beasts, Azure Dragon,

Black Tortoise, White Tiger, Ice Phoenix and Rainbow Qilin.

Each of the regions controlled by a sect or clan like, Azure Dragon was controlled by Divine archery sect, White Tiger to the Bai clan, Black Tortoise to the Hammering Iron sect, Ice Phoenix to the Ice jade maidens sect and finally Rainbow Qilin which was ruled by Reynold clan.

Each region also have first, second and third rate clan/sects. but they have only one overload for each region.

"Raymond clan is one of the overlord clan where my grandfather is the sect master. that explains why this Joey was alive till now with the physique of extreme yin cold meridian..." said Joey, taking full incense time(15 min) to reach the clan library.

In front of the Joey there was huge five story tower, where the two base is for library and rest two for the clan techniques and last top tower was locked and it's only open to the sect master.

Entering tower Joey saw many clansmens, busy in reading the history of Rainbow Qilin or geography of Rainbow Qilin. avoiding them Joey headed to the stairs of upper sections. while Joey was climbing the stairs the number of people decreasing in each passing floor.

By reaching the fourth floor which was empty because of Richard order. when Joey enter the floor he saw the Richard sitting on a desk , writing on a scroll with feather while dripping the feather into ink,whole floor was covered in scent of old pages and piling of scroll on the desk.

Sensing the presence of Joey, Richard stop doing his work and said to Joey.

" Sit down..."

Hearing this Joey sit on the chair which was front of Richard. after a silence Richard said while stroking his beard;

"Joey what you knew about the extreme yin cold meridian blockage..."

Hearing this Joey answered what he knew from his memory in a simple way, " Extreme yin cold meridian blockage is a physique that generates the cold yin Qi in the body every night and imbalanced the Qi in body which results of having weak body and due to lack of yang Qi ,the body will never reach foundation realm and by irregular clash of yang and yin Qi in the body resulting in reducing the lifespan of the person."

"Correct! extreme yin cold meridian person never live past 18 years, i tried many yang Qi treasure just to maintain your life, even i engaged you to the holy daughter of the ice jade maidens sect of ice Phoenix regions because they have the most knowledge about yin Qi and cold arts but..." then Richard take closer look on his only grandson then resuming the talk.

"But now you have only one month left before you hit 18. because of sudden collapse of yours this time. going to the other region with given time was shorted and now it impossible to go ice jade maidens sect in time..." Richard said in regrettable voice, the wrinkles of his eyes shows that how much he suffered just for curing Joey.

Joey didn't interrupt the Richard, soon collecting himself Richard said in grave voice . " did you know why fifth floor of library only open to the sect master...". pausing himself for a second, Richard continued.

"because in the fifth floor is the record of our clan greatest genius or greatest sinner the clan. It's about a ancestor of our clan who has extreme yin cold meridian blockage..."Richard stop sayings anything further and looked to his grandson.

Who has shocked expression in his faces without even realizing Joey said in fabricate manner " what do you mean that i wasn't only with this physique..."

"Yes! our ancestor also have this physique but he lived long life because of the dual cultivation technique and that why i called you , go practice this dual cultivation technique with Bella and Diviya..." said Richard in firm voice, and throw a old scroll with many ancient letters on it toward Joey.