
Chapter 3 Getting A Divorce

Caroline showed signs of a miscarriage. Fortunately, she was taken to the hospital in time. Hence, both she and the child were doing fine.  

Lying on the hospital bed, Caroline was exhausted. She didn't even have the energy to open her eyes. She thought back about everything that had happened in the two months of her marriage. The more she thought about it, the more ridiculous it seemed.

The sky was completely dark by now. Eddison stood by the window with a hand in his pocket, his lips tightly pursed.

The atmosphere in the ward was not exactly oppressive, but it was not relaxing either.

After some time, Eddison walked toward the bed and said to Caroline, "Since you're pregnant with my child, you'll have to divorce Tyler Long."

His deep and mellow voice was pleasing to the ear.

Underneath the blanket, however, Caroline was clutching the bedsheet. She refused to get a divorce as she would not pave the way for Loraine and Tyler to be together!  

Eddison probably knew that he wouldn't get an answer from her. Eventually, he left the ward with steady steps.

After a short while, Caroline heard footsteps again. Thinking that it was Eddison returning, her anger welled up and she growled, "Get out of here! I won't get divorced!"

"Caroline, you b*tch! You're carrying another man's child and yet you refuse to let my son go! Why don't you go to hell?" Tyler's mother, Anne Moore, barged into the ward.

Tyler held her back and said, "Mom, calm down, calm down!"

Caroline frowned and opened her eyes. It was only then that she realized Tyler and his parents were in the ward. She sat up and looked at them with a sneer.

"Caroline, tell the truth, who's the father of your illegitimate child?" Anne was almost choking on her rage.

Caroline stayed silent. Tyler pursed his lips and answered on behalf of her in a rather aggrieved way, "Mom, the father of the child is Eddison Zellweger."

"What?" Patrick Long, Tyler's father, exclaimed in shock. He had watched Eddison grow up as the two families had been having a close relationship. He bellowed in anger, "Ridiculous! This is ridiculous!"

Anne burst into tears in Tyler's arms. "I told you not to marry this woman! Tyler, if only you had listened to me! She's a disgrace to the Long family! What could we have done wrong to deserve this?"

Patrick said furiously, "Get a divorce! Tyler, you have to divorce this shameless woman!"

Tyler looked torn and said, "Dad, Caroline used the child to threaten me not to get a divorce. If I divorce her, she's not going to carry on with the pregnancy. But the child belongs to Mr. Zellweger! How would I dare harm his child?"

Upon hearing that, Caroline's lips curled into a sneer. How shameless could Tyler be to lie blatantly at this moment?

Still burning with rage, Patrick shouted, "Who cares if the child belongs to Mr. Zellweger? Get rid of it immediately! There's no way that the Zellweger family will accept a shameless woman like her!"

Patrick's reaction was not what Tyler had expected. The purpose he brought his parents to the hospital was so that they could pressure Caroline into pleasing Eddison and giving birth to his child, not to make her get rid of the child!

He was going to use Caroline and the child in her belly to negotiate with Eddison. There was no way he would allow his father to ruin his plan!

As Tyler was deep in thoughts, Patrick gave him a shove and said, "You brat! Hurry up and ask the doctors to arrange surgery! Now!"  

Tyler staggered. Before he could respond, he heard a cold and overbearing voice sounding from outside the ward.

"Who do you think you are? What right do you have to get rid of my child?" said the voice.

His voice was like an unsheathed sword, so cold and sharp that it made everyone shudder.