When old foes return, the young couple must risk their lives, putting everything on the line. Their love and integrity will be put to the ultimate test. With a new prize in sight, the bloodline of the royal family is at stakes, for this could be the end of it all.
Over only the course of a few months, the young couple rebuilt their nation, a new era of peace embraced by its people. They were a powerhouse, for the first time in fire nation history working side by side on each and every major decision. While Zuko worked on the inevitable, learning from past mistakes to build and maintain its army, Katara focused more on building strong allies and trade routes with other nations. Both strategies seemed to work in sync, making the nation into one they could only dream towards.
6 months after their 'I do's' all seemed quiet, no force strong enough to break their bond. That is until an anonymous letter arrived, addressed to the royal couple only.
"Lord, Zuko... You have mail!"
Iroh burst into Zuko's chamber, jumping and cheering like a child. Handing off the carefully rolled parchment over, Zuko sighed, rolling his eyes.
"It's only a letter, most likely from our troops, nothing to he excited about."
"Well come on let's see what it is!"
"You're so nosy..."
Untying the small red ribbon holding it all together, he unraveled the paper, reading over the words carefully.
I will see you soon, ZuZu
Quickly he threw the papers onto the ground, jumping up from his seat, staring down at the parchment with wide eyes.
"What is it?"
"Get Katara in here... Now!"
Without any doubts Iroh rushed out of the room, searching the halls for the young waterbender. The two rushed back into the Fire Lord's chambers, Zuko still standing in place.
"What's wrong honey?"
"She's coming..."
"Who do you think? My psychotic sister!"
"Z-Zuko calm down.... How do you know it's really her?"
With shaky hands he picked up the letter, handing it over to his wife. Her mouth dropped, she wanted so badly to stay calm and reassure him it was nothing, but they both knew Azula is the only person who would call him ZuZu. They had almost forgotten her escape, after so long with no word from her it seemed as if she would never become a problem.
"It's her."
"It might just be a bluff..."
"Regardless, she's insane and I'm not going to let anything happen to any of us, I'm heightening the security around the palace. I want it known that if anyone at all sees her to bring her into my custody right away..."
Iroh nodded with a weary smile, exiting to initiate the order. Katara moved to her husbands side, wrapping her hand around his.
"Everything will be okay."
"I know... I just can't let anything happen to you... I would never forgive myself... I can't handle another close call..."
"I can protect myself, you know that. We will be fine."
Zuko pressed his lips against her cheek before the brunette exited the room, her own plan in mind. Rushing through the halls she gathered the necessary supplies; parchment, ink, and a brush. Taking a seat out on the front balcony she immediately got to work, knowing a little more help around the palace would be reassuring to them both.
Dear Sokka,
All is well at the moment, I don't want to worry you. An old enemy has returned and I would appreciate if you and Suki would come visit for a few days. I'll explain everything when you arrive, I hope to see you soon.
For the moment that would be the best option. Bringing the letter down to the set of guards downstairs, she handed it over knowing they would pass the message along as soon as they could.
For now the couple could only wait for Azula's next move.