

"Miss Keren?" The lady in the counter holding a cup of sweet corn called. Suddenly a girl with sharp brown eyes, brown shining hair in a sky blue jacket showed up.

"Miss Keren?" the lady enquired.

"Yup....that me" she replied.

Keren took the sweet corn cup and went out of the shop. She was in a mall, the countries biggest one. She could see a whole lot of people especially in the sixth floor just above her. She walked around freely, smiling and teasing small kids who played along side. Even though she was going to be twenty six the next week, she wore a white frock barely covering her knee, with a blue jacket just as she liked, while other women of her age who's fashion sence she didn't actually mind wore long dresses with immense jewellery and a lot of stuff.

She was mature but didn't actually liked to be.

Suddenly her phone rang. She took it which was inside her pocket, which was inside her jacket. It was her housemate Jessi.

"Wassup Jess? "

"Come home I got news for you..."Jessi sounded really pleasant.

"Yeah, I'll be there" She hung up and rushed towards the elevator with her sweet corn cup in her hand.

Within a minute the doors of the elevator opened. There was no one except a tall man leaning on to one side, busy with his phone in black coat. She was a girl who always check guys but this time she didn't pay attention as her favourite corn was in her hands waiting to get into her mouth.

She stepped inside and started to eat her corn.

When they reached the third floor the doors opened and she saw a man from a distance approaching the lift. Her eyes widened. Confussion and suffocation started to flow through her mind. He was holding a file in his hands and there were a few men behind him. If that man enters the lift, then he will see her and she didn't want that to happen. In a hurry she pressed the button which makes the door close but the door wasn't closing. It seemed that it wanted that man to enter. She didn't know what to do. Even if she turned around then also there is a chance that he'll see and there was no way for her to get away from the lift as the way was blocked by many families who were standing along side the elevator for shopping. There was no way, she could escape. That's when an idea, in fact a stupid one struck her mind.

She turned and got hold of the man who was still busy with his phone. She grabbed his coat and dragged him towards her. In the force the phone in his hand fell down and his lips landed on to hers. And that was exactly what she wanted.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. Even though he made a small attempt to move her back she made him more close to her. She closed her eyes and kissed him deeply, not with passion but with confusion.

The man approaching the elevator kept the file aside and headed straight to see this weird site. He couldn't see her face as she was slightly turned around and also because the other man's face was fully onto her's.

'Children of nowadays can't control themselves' he said to himself as well as his other men and walked back.

After a ten second lasting kiss, Keren's lips slowly parted from his. Her eyes opened slowly and saw two furious ones. She realised that both of them were standing really close. There wasn't a space for thin air to pass between them. Her hand was holding his coats, her elbow could feel his muscular chest and his coat and her jacket were like sticked to each other. Her face was just hardly an inch far from his. She could feel the hot breaths of his, arising from his sharp nose. His brown eyes just like her's but more dark and sharp were staring at her in surprise, anger and shock.

She let go his coat and stepped back in guilt. She could now feel the sensation of his lips which she didn't feel before as it was blocked by her confussion.

She had kissed men before but never kissed someone in this manner.

She soon regretted.

'Shit Keren....how could you?'

With great difficulty she lifted her face. To her surprise there was no one, instead she saw an old women in a white outfit who seemed pretty rich with grey hairs outside the elevator smiling at her.

She completely forgot about the man she wanted to hide from. He was nowhere around which means she was successful. He wouldn't have seen her.

Now the problem was this old lady who was continuously smiling at her. She didn't understand what for she was doing that. Even if someone kissed, others won't just stand there and smile just like that.

'Why isn't this thing closing???'

She pressed and pressed the closing button but the door wasn't closing at all.


Finalising that the door won't close, she took long steps out of the elevator putting a fake smile on her face and lope off from that area.

Next chapter