
Five of a Kind

Arlow is kidnapped by who she originally thinks to be a foe, which might end up being her savior. Vega is a runaway trying to protect a target of her former family Why do they want Arlow? What is so special about her? Read to find out!

Logan_McLarty · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Arlow's Prelude

Everyone loves to say that Arlow is just a sweet young girl. She wants to scoff and roll her eyes every time. Raised in a renowned upper-class family and being the youngest out of 3 sisters, Arlow was treated as if she were a glass that would break under pressure. Being considered fragile, she rarely got to do things other children could. Never allowed to do any sports as a child, always met with, "Arlow you could get hurt!" or "Oh Arlow don't be silly, rugby is a sport for boys, not for fine young ladies like yourself," she was a very scrawny child.

One thing that she was forbidden from doing was reading about the world - now you might be thinking, "How could she never learn about the world?", well it's rather simple really. She had no friends outside of the house staff. Her curriculum was designed by her parents and everything was on paper. No phones, no computers, no friends, no outside world.

Even though she was coddled and praised growing up, Arlow was insecure and had confidence issues. She always wanted to live up to her sister's shadows. While Alice, the eldest, was learning to take over the family business and Katrina, the middle child, was months away from starting her career as a doctor, Arlow was stuck being homeschooled by private tutors without any type of true relationship- platonic or otherwise. Every book in their library has been read a multitude of times. With nothing but a library that has been the same since she could remember and her imagination, Arlow could truly say that she was bored.

Arlow was to be married off once she turned 18 to an heir to another wealthy family. He was rather friendly and sweet- if you were to go by society's standards, you could say that he was rather handsome. One problem arose as she grew older and learned about herself. Arlow didn't like guys. Out of all of the men she had met and had been courted by, she fancied none of them. If she were to be honest with herself, she always took interest in the woman. She had never heard of a woman and a woman being romantically so she just ignored it and resigned herself to a man any normal girl would be lucky to have.