8 Chapter Eight: A Date???

A/N: So I have decided to stop posting on one of my books at least until this story is finished. I will also be posting randomly on this story. It's been a struggle with all of the stories and school and I knew I had to stop posting on at least one of them. Sorry, it's short I was very tired at the time and I was finishing it up at 6 am and I haven't slept all night! I am very tired. Thank God that I have Thanksgiving Break! But anyway, I hope you enjoy! Bye!

573 Words!


Frost's POV:


I screamed as I saw the dark brown-headed man standing before me. We made an impact and I fell to the ground landing on my left wrist. He was startled and was pushed backwards from the impact.

"Shit, sorry! Are you all right?" I look up to see Mike offering me his hand. I took it with my right hand and he helped pull me up.

"I'm sure I'm fine the worst I could've gotten is a scar!" I lied, "It's really nothing. I mean I should've been watching where I was going!" I winced slightly as I noticed my left wrist hurting from its impact with the concrete but he didn't hear it.

"Are you sure you're ok? you had a pretty bad fall..."

He asked in concern.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm all right..." I said looking down at my wrist which my right hand was holding.

"Ok... Um, where were you going in such a rush?"

"Well, I was planning on going back to my apartment. But I guess sense that we're already here, we can go to that café you were talking about if you'd like."

"Sure. I mean I have nothing else to do right now... so, yeah, let's go," He said happily. He led me to this beautiful cafe (look at the photo above. I'm too lazy to explain TwT).


~~Le Time Skip To End of the Unaware Date~~

~~Laziness Intensifies~~


Same POV:

Overall, I had a good time, and it seemed Mike had a nice time, too! At least I hope...

"I really enjoyed this Mike! Maybe we can do it again some time?" I nervously asked, peering up at the tall man. As I finished the sentence I put my head down to face the ground. I stood there waiting for an answer, thinking anything but nice thoughts! I thought about how he will never be my friend again, will block me, probably never talk to me again, and all unsupportive shit.

"O' Course, Frosty. I'd love to go on another date with you," he said. I froze in complete shock and embarrassment.

'This was a date?! How the hell was I not aware of this?!'

"Oh well, look at the time. I'll text you later, Frosty!" He said as started to sprint to wherever he was planning to go.

I just stood there. Starring at the air where he stood.

'A date?'

I blushed slightly, feeling my cheeks heat up I slowly started to walk to my apartment door, unlock it, and enter it.

I walked over to my bed and plopped down on it and continued to think over his words.

'I went on a date with Mike.'

Was all that came to mind as my eyes started feeling heavy and before I knew it, I was out like a light.
