
Chapter 1: Boring Play

Within a besieged city, a king and empress have finally met face to face, with the red carpet being stained by the blood of their troops and innocent alike. The flags that once held so high in the empress honor, now in tatters as the land became a living hell.

"Edelgard! You'll be made to answer for the dead!" A blonde man raised his Lance as he charged towards the women in red armor with a golden crown.

A black ooze spilled out the joints of her armor as it enveloped her into darkness.

She burst out as a hideous monster with a human face, spreading her wings as her demonic eyes pierce in a cold stare.

"It is a necessary sacrifice to make the world a better place, you lunatic." She said as her vocal cord made her sound like a monster. The veins on her face popped as she lunged her long hands to strike, swinging towards the charging tempest king.

As they were inches away to clash their steel, in a split second, time freezes. The entire event only happened within a bubble as it miniaturize into oblivion.


"Archanea, Valentia, Jugdral, Elibe, Magvel, Tellius, And finally Fódlan." A mix of a male and female voice beckons throughout the blanked space.

Nothing existed in it's entirety, but the voice seem to fulfill the room with echos. If it could be called a room, rather there is nothing more than a speck of light.

"Of all the fantastical worlds humanity has made, this seems to lavish in the unknown possibility." It mocked.

A copy of Fire Emblem: Three Houses appeared as it floated up. It then spins around as if the owner seem to examine its contents.


"Is this the limit of the mankind's ingenuity? For what reasons must they follow a singular branch of a tree alludes me." Sarcastically, it opened it as the content began to shine.

A small image of three people appeared from the copy.

It depicts Edelgard Von Hresvelg, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddy, and Claude Von Riegan standing in their respective color as they faced each other.

It spoke above Edelgard's side.

"This one is a dreamer of a brighter future despite her extraordinary facades."

The voice then moves to Dimitri.

"This one is the pinnacle of idealistic chivalry, yet broken by his past trauma."

And finally, to Claude side.

"This one is often illusive to the very core despite his optimistic personality and vice-versa."

"All three of them, whether or not their ambitions are genuinely good are destined to kill one another while leading others to die."

The voice seem to be disappointed in such fate. Despite their obvious flaws, it generally liked the ideal of paving a better future as the younger generations inspired to be.

Should they come together, it has no doubt that the land of Fódlan would much be in much better hands.

Yet, it seems such factors are unavoidable. Especially for those who held other plans.

The same cliché villainy hiding in the dark, to eventually amass hordes of pawns to throw into a meat grinder.

The voice isn't amused of their cause. The belief that the Nabatean should be eradicated from their world is baffling at best. Although the goddess Sothis may not have contributed directly, in the grand schemes of things, she may have brought prosperity to the humans that originated there. Perhaps the people were afraid of the dragons, since they called themselves 'Those Who Slither in the Dark' against the dragons flames. Such a mouthful title, if anyone could live to tell the tale. For reasons why they've never tried to named themselves after their old empire, leaves itself perplexed.

No better than rats who feed off from whatever gutter they could get their grubby hands on. Makes you wonder how they acquire influence in the first place.

Nevertheless, the fact that the new generation is at risk of being corrupt by their ancestors past is ever present. The sins of the child is not of the parent, and yet they've claimed for a means to the end.

"In the end, they've choose what they do. Those moronic fools have no idea that peace is often available to those willing to make amends for it. To find whether the truth have meaning to their circumstances. And to draw a clear line of morality in good and evil until the shade of grey."

"Perhaps it's for the best."

The voice faded the copy away as the illusion begins to disappear.

It then cast an explosion of colorful portraits across its realm, revealing images of everyday humans.

The Earth, scions of all interesting arts the voice have favored, decided to perform an isekai ritual.

Normally, it could have selected one of Fódlan inhabitants as its avatar throughout the storyline, keeping the originality. However, such story are second-rate at best as their naivety would be directed elsewhere.

After all, in the medieval fantasy of the world perspective, the commoners cared of what little gain they may receive in their service, the nobility desires to obtain fortunes and prestige of their dynastic coats, and the clergy devoutness to their ever present patrons.

Those of Earth on the other hand are inspired to be more than what they are. That much is proof of their individualistic and philosophical belief of creativity presented to be. Not to mention that they're also the ones who created fire emblem in the first place.

It reviews the lucky recipients to figure out who's worthy for it's entertainment.

As of this moment, it have decided to summon it's own saint, someone that understand its beliefs and mindset. After all, it's existence is too above from all cosmic realities, with only 'it' existing.

As it review the participants, it looked quite displeased with the selection.

"This one is too feeble minded for his own good."

"This man is too obsessed with small things."

"This child is too petty."

"This women is too pampered."

"This one is too dull."

None of these morons could satiate its appetite. At best, they'll fall too early to mere tricks and frills.

It needs someone who's both genuinely good while being wary in the steps the human should make.

Although they could be entertaining as jesters with their greed and selfishness, it's one of many things the voice had already seen before. As of now, the characteristics that encourages daring into the unknown with the existence to hinder against impossible odds is in demand.

Then again, it's hard to find such humans. Especially since it's an entertainment game that voids all moral responsibility and encourages carelessness. Then again, the game probably encourage the idea of failure is the path to success.

It didn't matter of their looks, as it has decided that the mortal coil of Earth shall be removed for a more suitable vessel in its design.

Perhaps it should lower the qualifications for his new saga within the three houses, but then the quality of it's work will be lowered to that of a mere folk tale.

It shouldn't be impossible to match its description as there are more than millions of such individuals that could meet its match. Even then, it understands the need for character development before presenting the avatar to the main storyline.

For now, it's only a temporary obstacle, in which the chosen one will be perfect incarnate of it's making. After all, to achieve aesthetics, one must be genuinely pure in mind.

Going through countless images in a second, it stopped to one particular person.

"Hmmm… perhaps if this one appreciates my actions, I should an eye of his progress. It'll be hard to find someone to stick with the scripts."

Next chapter