
Prologue | Chapter 1 - Council of the Stars

Asteria Kingdom

The hidden kingdom in the far east of Elibe, surrounded by a vast ocean and protected by a powerful magic barrier. For centuries, its people have lived in peace and prosperity, developing their culture and technology to unparalleled heights.

Known for its magnificent architecture, its diverse art and music, its advanced medicine and education, and its harmonious relationship with nature.

Asterians value wisdom, creativity, and cooperation above all else. They use a unique form of magic that combines elemental forces with scientific principles.

They have invented many wonders that other nations can only dream of, such as airships, automatons, communication devices, and more.

However, Asteria has also neglected its military strength, having no wars or conflicts to test their skills. They prefer diplomacy over violence and have little knowledge of the outside world's history and politics.

Aware of the prophecy that foretells their fate: that soon the barrier will fall and they will have to face the dangers and wonders of Elibe…

The Council of the Stars was the highest governing body of Asteria, second only to the king himself. It was composed of eighteen members, each representing a different aspect of the kingdom's affairs. They met regularly in a circular hall at the heart of the royal palace, where they discussed and decided on matters of state.

The king was the head of the council and had the final say on all matters. The prince was his heir and successor, and had a voice in all decisions.

On the king's right side sat the Secretary of State, who was in charge of coordinating and overseeing all government activities. Next to him was the Lord Chancellor, who was responsible for drafting and sealing all official documents. Then came the Royal Legislative Liaison, who acted as a bridge between the council and parliament.

On their left side sat the ministers of the thirteen ministries that managed various sectors of Asteria's society. They were:

The Minister of Culture, Media, and Heritage, who promoted and preserved Asteria's arts, literature, music, and traditions.

The Minister of Education and Sports, who ensured that all citizens had access to quality learning and physical activities.

The Minister of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs, who protected and enhanced Asteria's natural resources and agricultural production.

The Minister of Housing and Communities, who provided affordable and comfortable living spaces for all citizens.

The Minister of Science, Innovation, and Technology, who supported and advanced Asteria's research and development in various fields.

The Minister of Commerce, who regulated and stimulated Asteria's trade and economy.

The Minister of Transport, who maintained and improved Asteria's roads, and operated public transport.

The Minister of Health and Social Care, who ensured that all citizens had access to quality health and welfare services.

The Minister of Defense and Security, who defended Asteria from external and internal threats and maintained peace and order.

The Minister of Justice and Order, who upheld Asteria's laws and administered justice fairly and impartially.

The Minister of newly created Ministry of Foreign Relations and Affairs, who represented Asteria's interests and values in the international arena.

The Minister of Public Works, who oversaw Asteria's infrastructure and public facilities.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, who managed Asteria's finances and budget.

The ministers wore robes of different colors according to their ministries. They each had a seat at a round table in the center of the hall. In front of them was a holographic display that showed various data and images related to their topics.

The council was convened by the king whenever there was an important issue or crisis that required their input or approval. They could also request a meeting with the king if they had something urgent or significant to report or propose. They aimed to reach a consensus or a majority vote on all matters.

The council was one of the oldest institutions in Asteria, dating back to its founding by the first king. It had evolved over time to adapt to Asteria's changing needs and circumstances. It was regarded as a symbol of Asteria's unity and wisdom. It was also a source of pride and prestige for its members.

The king's council chamber was filled with tension and debate. The Council of the Stars, each advisors, were arguing over the best course of action for Asteria. With one important question to answer…

Should Asteria open up its gates willingly, or remain isolated until forced to do so?

The king of Asteria, King Andromedus, sat on his throne in the council chamber, his brow furrowed and his eyes distant. He was listening to the arguments of his advisors. He felt conflicted between the two sides, each presenting valid and persuasive points. He knew that he had to make a choice soon, but he was not sure what to do. He was aware of the gravity of his words and actions.

His decision would not only affect his kingdom and his people, but also the fate of Elibe and its future. He was about to make history, for better or worse.

The chamber was already in heated discussions and debates. The official session had not yet begun, but they had many issues and opinions to share. They eagerly awaited the appearance of one key figure. The crown prince of Asteria, Prince Astraeus.

As the advisors continued their heated debate, the doors to the council chamber suddenly opened, and Prince Astraeus strode in.

"Good morning, everyone." He said, his voice echoing throughout the chamber. "I apologize for my lateness."

"Good morning, Your Highness." The advisors replied in unison, rising from their seats to bow.

Astraeus walked towards his seat at the head of the table next to his father, surveying the room as he did so. He could feel the tension in the air, and he knew that the advisors were eager to hear his thoughts on the matter at hand.

Before seating, Prince Astraeus turns to his father, the king, who is seated right next to him.

"Father." He said, bowing respectfully with a knowing gaze. "I hope you are well."

The king nodded in acknowledgement, a faint smile appearing on his face. "Yes, my son."

He replied. "I am well. Thank you for asking."

"Please, be seated." He said, gesturing towards the empty chairs. "I understand that we have much to discuss."

Astraeus then took his seat, signaling the start of the meeting.

The king with a gavel on his hand high in the air and proclaimed. "Let it be known to all who have gathered here today, that this is not an ordinary council session."

He proclaimed, his voice echoing through the grand chamber. "This is an emergency council session, convened to address matters of utmost importance."

"Let the records show that the Council of the Stars is hereby called to order." With a resounding bang, the king brought his gavel down onto the sound block, the loud crack filling the room and silencing all chatter.

"May we approach these matters with wisdom and foresight, and may the fate of our kingdom be secured by our actions. May the stars guide us in this crucial decision."

The holographic display lit up with various images and data. The session had begun, and the fate of Asteria hung in the balance.

The Lord Chancellor cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the council. "Your Majesty, Your Highness, esteemed members of the council, this urgent meeting was called upon to address the prophecy that has long been foretold. The barrier of Asteria will fall soon, and we must prepare ourselves for what lies beyond."

King Andromedus nodded in acknowledgement, signaling the Lord Chancellor to continue.

"To start, I have invited the Royal Legislative Liaison, Lady Celestia, to join us today. She has extensive knowledge and experience in dealing with parliament and can provide valuable insights into the opinions and concerns of the House of Commons and House of Lords."

Lady Celestia stood up and bowed respectfully to the king. "Your Majesty, esteemed members of the council, the parliament is divided on the issue of Asteria's isolation. Some members believe that we should maintain our independence and sovereignty, while others think that we should establish diplomatic relations with other nations and expand our trade and commerce. The House of Commons is more inclined towards the latter, while the House of Lords is more cautious and reserved. However, both houses agree that we should prioritize the safety and well-being of our citizens and prepare for any eventuality."

King Andromedus nodded. "Thank you, Lady Celestia. Your insights are invaluable. We shall take them into consideration when we make our decision."

The Lord Chancellor then opened up the debate. "Ministers, the floor is now yours."

The chamber immediately filled with heated debates with the council divided on the matter. The back and forth both sides have in favor on opening up or remaining isolated. The room was filled with tense energy as individuals on both sides of the issue fervently expressed their opinions, each attempting to persuade their colleagues to support their stance.

"Your Majesty, we must open our gates and welcome the outside world. We have much to offer and much to learn from them." The Minister of Culture, Media, and Heritage, spoke with passion.

However, the Minister of Defense and Security immediately countered, his tone dismissive and wary. "Nonsense! Opening our gates would expose us to danger and corruption from other nations. They would seek to exploit us, steal our secrets, or worse, invade us. We have nothing to gain and everything to lose from them."

The Minister of Justice and Order then joined in, adding weight to the argument against opening up. "We must first consider the security of our people. Bad actors will surely increase in our kingdom."

Amidst the chaos of the debate, a new voice suddenly emerged, that of the Minister of Education and Sports, she interjected. "I believe that opening up our kingdom to the outside world would not only benefit us culturally, but it would also strengthen our diplomacy and improve our relations with other nations. Furthermore, it would allow our people to expand their horizons and pursue opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable to them."

The Minister of Defense and Security scoffed. "And what of the dangers that come with such exposure? Are we to sacrifice the safety of our people for the sake of sports and culture?"

The Minister of Education and Sports stood her ground. "Your narrow-minded thinking is holding back our kingdom's potential. If we remain closed off, we'll never grow, we'll never advance. We must have the courage to take risks and embrace the unknown."

The Minister of Defense and Security bristled at the Minister of Education and Sports' words. "Courage? This is not a matter of courage, it's a matter of survival. You want us to open our gates and invite our enemies in. How naive can you be?"

The Minister of Education and Sports retorted. "And how short-sighted can you be? You're so focused on protecting what we have, that you're not seeing what we could gain."

The Secretary of State held up a hand to stop the escalating argument. "Let's not forget that we are all here to serve the kingdom, not our own interests. It's true that we must balance openness with caution, but we must also consider the potential benefits and risks of our actions. We cannot let fear or idealism cloud our judgment."

"That's easier said than done. How do we know who to trust and who to avoid? How do we measure the benefits and risks of each interaction? How do we ensure that we are not deceived or betrayed by our allies or enemies?" The Minister of Foreign Relations and Affairs asked with skepticism.

The Secretary of State paused for a moment. "It's true that building relationships with other nations is a complex task." He acknowledged. "But…" He looked over the Minister of Science, Innovation, and Technology with an expectant gaze.

"That's why we need more information and knowledge about the outside world. We need to continue sending scouts, spies, merchants, diplomats, scholars, explorers, adventurers... anyone who can gather data and insights about other lands and peoples. We need to study their history, culture, politics, religion, magic... everything that makes them who they are." The Minister of Science, Innovation, and Technology proposed with enthusiasm.

The Minister of Foreign Relations and Affairs nodded in agreement. "Yes, we need to gather intelligence and analyze it carefully. We need to develop a framework of principles and guidelines for our foreign policy, based on our values, interests, and goals."

The Minister of Health and Social Care spoke up, disagreeing. "I understand the importance of gathering knowledge and intelligence about other nations, but we cannot ignore the potential health risks that come with opening up our gates. We have worked hard to protect our people from deadly diseases especially with the recent pandemic, and we must not let our guard down now."

The Minister of Commerce chimed in, expressing concerns about the impact on the economy. "I also have reservations about opening up too quickly. We need to carefully consider the potential effects on our trade and commerce, and make sure that our businesses are prepared for the increased competition."

The Secretary of State listened to their concerns and replied. "I understand your reservations, but we cannot isolate ourselves forever. We must find a way to balance the benefits of opening up with the potential risks. Perhaps we can start with gradual steps, allowing certain types of trade and diplomatic visits while maintaining strict health protocols. We must also work closely with the ministry of health and social care to ensure that our people are protected from any potential health threats."

"And what if they encounter something that threatens or endangers our way of life? What if they bring back something that changes or disrupts our society?" The Minister of Environment, Food, and rural affairs wondered with concern.

A young voice authoritative voice joined in.

"Change is inevitable. We cannot stop it nor ignore it. We can only adapt to it or resist it. But we cannot make an informed decision without knowing what we are facing. That's why we need someone who can see for himself what the outside world is like. Someone who can represent us and speak for us. Someone who can decide for us."

All eyes turned to Prince Astraeus, who was sitting next to his father King Andromedus at the head of the table.


I'm starting a new story, and you know what that means…

new things to drop...?

Just joking. I really hope not. I want to stick with this one.

Well... hopefully not. :)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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