
Chapter 1: Bulgar City

A small altar lies on the outskirts of Bulgar. This ancient temple, sacred of the people of Sacae, has long been known for its powerful bond to the world of spirits.

Before starting their journey, our travellers Lyn and Akira, and 10 new other recruits had decided to come here, to Bulgar, to pray for their well-being before they head to Caelin.

Bulgar was the biggest city nearest to the Sacae Plains. It was a central major city for commerce and between Etruria, Illia, and Bern, the city was renowned for being the only one to not have any ruler despite being a capital city.

Lyn's hand directed towards the temple.

「Akira, hold a moment and allow me a short detour. There is a sacred sword enshrined in an altar east of here. The people of Sacae go there to pray for safety at the onset of a long journey.」

Akira nodded his head in agreement. There was only one reason for them to come there: (The Mani Katti!) (Akira) (To pray!) (Lyin)

The Mani Katti is a highly versatile katana-like sword. Bound solely to Lyn, this sword is one that is substantially formidable, with its true power resting within its dynamic usefulness. Bearing a close semblance to the Rapier, the only marked difference, back in the game, was its sets the two blades apart from each other is the fact that the Mani Katti boosts its wearer's Critical Hit chance by 20%, a percentage that is for a sword of its durable ilk, startlingly high. To further add on to the sword's strengths, it is also one that is especially effective against both armoured and horse-mounted units alike. The Mani Katti is the sister sword of the Sol Katti.

「Hey! There she is!」

While Akira and Lyn were still both deep in admiration for the ancient temple before them, a voice resounded behind them, waking them up back to reality.

Behind them, three people were approaching towards them. The first one was a blond mine, mounting a horse, probably a cavalier. The second one similarly mounted on a horse had brown hair. The third and last one was the only one without a horse and the only one who was walking. He was wearing a katana and had long green hair tied in bread, in a ponytail which suited his pretty face.

The trio was standing out a lot compared to other citizens.

「Whew…Finally caught up,」 said the blond-haired man who had arrived, totally exhausted. He was breathing heavily and taking back his breath.

「We have ventured from Caelin, in Lycia, in search of someone. And this lady looks really similar to the one we are looking for,」said the brown-haired young knight.

「You are here looking for Lady Lyndis right?」

Both of the cavaliers did not expect Akira to immediately approach the subject.

「That's correct…Who are you sir?」 Said the young knight.

「I'm Okamura Akira, a noble from Caldonia.」

「And may we ask how did you know that we were looking for Lady Lyndis sir?」

Since Akira knew the game and its ending, he could not really tell them the truth just like that so he said,「I once met Lady Madelyn in the past whom daughter I heard was Lyndis. That's how I've come to travel until the Sacae Plains to recruit her in my side.」

「Akira, did you really met my mother?」

There was no way he could say that he knew it because he knew everything about the game so he could only lie, 「Yes…Lady Madelyn asked me to look for you if something were to happen to her. That's also the reason why you found me there in the first place, Lady Lyndis.」

「So, you should know about Lundgren right sir?」Asked the young knight.

「Yes, this is why I've accepted Lady Madelyn's request to protect Lady Lyndis from Lundgren. But this was only one of my second concern since I also need her strength to save the world from its approaching threat.」

「And may I ask what threat it is?」

Akira shook his head.

「It's only after fighting by my side slowly that you will eventually discover the truth behind my mission.」

「I understand…and may I ask sir's next destination?」Asked the young knight

「There is still something that I need here. But my next destination is Caelin.」

「Since our destination is the same, may I ask if you mind to let my comrade and myself accompany you in your next destination, sir?」

「Sure, The more strength I have in hands, the better. It's a pleasure to meet you.」

The young knight as if he had remembered something slightly bowed his head, 「I still haven't introduced myself haven't I? My apologize, my name Kent. And this my friend, Sain,」Kent said as he introduced the other blond cavalier as well.

(This person knows way too much information about Caelin,) Kent thought as he deeply stared at Akira in doubt.

「But I have no interest in inheriting any title!」

Lyn who had been listening to the side until now honestly said but Kent shook his head and with a wry smile he explained,「That is not the case for your granduncle, Lundgren. He is not the sort of man to believe that and I believe his attempts on you will persist until his succession.」

「Give it up, Lady Lyndis. Considering that we have no other choice but to head to Caelin, then let's destroy the roots as well since we'll be staying there anyway.」

「Akira please, just call me Lyn.」

「I know, I know,」

Akira faintly smiled.

「 I was just teasing you.」


(Lyn seemed really angered this time), thought Akira.

「Sorry, sorry. I won't do it again.」

Kent glanced at Guy and asked,「What about you Guy? Are you following us as well.」

「You don't mind that I come along with you sir?」

「Since we have recruited you and sir Akira also need more people, then that is indeed not a problem.」

Akira nodded his head.

When everyone was finally ready to depart, they all directed towards the temple.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, inside the ancient temple.

「You're a fool, old man. What good's a sword if you don't use it?」(Glass)

「Use it? In combat? Sacrilege!」(Priest)

「"Sacrilege"? I am Glass! The gods fear my name! My swordplay is peerless! And if I want this sword, this sword I shall have! Now, get out of my way.」


The priest fell on the ground due to the frightening killing intent that Glass had released.

Glass charged towards the priest and sent him flying away. The priest, frightened by Glass, stood up and ran away. He escaped through the door and left the temple.

「Curses! Miserable spirits! I care nothing for you! I'll tear this altar down stone by stone!」(Glass)

* * * * *

A woman suddenly came out of the temple and ran towards Akira and his group with a frightened expression on her face.

「I beg your pardon, My Lord. Are you heading to the east? To the altar?」

「Yes, we are true. You need my help to chase away the ruffians inside right?」

「How...? Are you a priest or a mage sir?」

「Can't you see?」

「 Uh…?」

Akira pointed the bow at his back.

「I'm the leader of this group, Okamura Akira, a noble. You want us to help you to deal with the ruffians inside the temple?」

Akira asked

「Yes, my Lord. Please save the priest and take back the Mani Katti!」

「You no longer have to worry about it, leave it to us.」

Said Akira. The group followed his instructions and unsheathed their weapon before they stealthily approached the temple. Close enough to the entrance, the attack plan made by Akira had been instructed by everyone and they were ready to fight at any time.


With Akira's hand gesture command the group to assault the temple.

Akira's second real fight in this world was soon going to start.

Next chapter