
Chapter 51Iron Throne

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King's landing

Aegon Jon Targaryen pov

Aegon stood before the Iron Throne alone in the throne room,my father the king was done with court for today,So it was just me standing here by myself.

Watching the the Iron Throne after court has somewhat became a habit of mine. For others the iron throne might be just a big ugly lump of swords that is forged into a monstrous and uncomfortable chair,but for me this is most beautiful throne in the whole world.

I have heard many people describe the iron throne as massive,ugly,assymetric,etc,but they can't see the real beauty of the Iron Throne. Everyone wants the iron throne for themselves just because what it represents, they want the power represented by the throne not the actual throne. That's why these people will never get the iron throne,how can they?,if they don't even see what the Iron Throne for what it really is.

The Iron Throne was forged with magic as much as it was forged with swords. Magic was literally woven into it in the form of Dragonfire.

The conqueror must have been quite a man,I am sure that the conqueror never read any book about Valyrian magic or any other magic for that matter,he must have never even seen a spell in his entire life. But somehow against all odds he forged this magical throne sitting right in front of me.

The Iron Throne is more magical than anyone realises,somehow the conqueror was able imprint his will and intent on the iron throne with the help of his dragon Balerion the dread's dragonfire.

The Iron Throne judges anyone who sits on it,if the throne deems you unworthy no matter how carefully you sit you will get cut one way or another. When my mad grandfather sat on the throne he got so himself cut soo many times that people started calling him 'King Scab'. My father has sat on this throne for more than 16 years now without a single scratch,even my grandmother sat on the throne many times without any difficulties.

Every day I can't help but marvel seeing this magical throne,I have practiced and perfected my valyrian magic for years but I still have no idea how can such a throne even exists. How does a massive lump of sword even decides who is worthy and who is not ?,It's not like throne is actually sentient or capable of thinking for itself.

I don't understand how this even works and I probably never will. That's what's makes it soo magical in the first place .

After years of mastering Valyrian magic the most important thing I learned is that the forces of magic can't be controlled by anyone or anything. Magic flows through everyone and everything,it can't be controlled.

To be honest even the terms magicians and sorcerers are wrong,at best what these so called magicians do is direct a huge flow of magic into their spells mostly by performing sacrifices just to see even a little bit of effect. These sacrifices are there because when something dies momentarily a large amount of magic is released from their body as they entire life force explodes out of them,which these magicians use to power their spells.

The Valyrians were able to consistently discover and perform fire magic because of their dragons. The dragons are sole focal points of magic in the entire world, magic literally flows through these magical creatures. That's why Valyrians were able to make such magical things like Valyrian steel, their incredible architectural accomplishments like roads and sky high towers etc. But even so these spells and fire magic are only possible because the Valyrians sorcerers spent hundreds of years discovering and perfectly each and every one of those spells.

These shows just how difficult magic is to control,even when you have a source of continuous flow of magic in the form of dragons. The Magicians who actually use sacrifices to power their magic mostly fail to perform whatever spells they are trying to cast.

Understanding this and then seeing something as magical as the iron throne is simply miraculous. Magic flows through the iron throne just like the dragons,a very tiny amount of magic when compared to dragons but still. And the effects are even more astonishing,a lump of swords can understand something as complex as a human mind and can judge them accordingly.

Is this because of the conqueror's intent that is somehow still here in the iron throne?,or maybe it is soo magical because it is a symbol of power to the people living on this entire continent. What ever they case is somehow a combination of the conqueror's intent,dragonfire and lots of swords became the Iron Throne.

Seeing the iron throne leaves me with wonder and questions every time I see it. Unanswerable questions like,how do you even leave something as intangible as an intent on something?,what does being worthy of the Iron Throne even means?,etc.

Maybe someday I can figure it out,with that I finally walk out of the throne room.

As I was walking to my chambers suddenly I felt my fire soar inside me like never before.Suddenly both my fire magic and fire bending grew stronger.

A foreboding feeling washed over me as I finally realized what was happening,I rushed outside to confirm my suspicions.

As soon as I got out and saw the sky and I knew I was right,a red star was bleeding across the sky. I clearly remember the last time this happened nine years ago. That's when my dragons were hatched.

So these can only mean one thing someone else has hatched dragon eggs,that means there are more dragons in our world than before. No one knows the power that the dragons possess better than me,and how much destruction they can cause in the wrong hands.

Now I have find out who hatched these new dragons and protect these hatchlings.

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