
Chapter 49 Blackfyre


Aegon Blackfyre pov

Aegon kept staring at the lit candle in front of him,he looked directly into the flame for gods know how long before he finally puts his hand on the candle's flame

Aegon tried to last as long as possible but pretty soon his hand started to burn a little,so he quickly took his hand back,he looked at his hand seeing the small burned mark on the palm of his hand

According to the valyrian books his father got for him the valyrians were far more resistant to fire than normal men,so as a blackfyre he should also be more resistant to fire than others,but this is certainly not the case

At least according to the books a man with Valyrian blood should not burn so easily

Aegon looks around to his chamber,Captain Harry gave him the best chambers on the Golden company's flagship like always

His father always told him that he is blackfyre from his mother Serra's side,but seeing the small burn on his hands he is not soo sure anymore

His father Illyrio convinced the golden company to fight for him,but his father told the company that Aegon's father was a tureborn son of blackfyre father and how he his father was kept hidden to avoid facing the same fate as Maelys the monstrous

His father told him that he lied to the golden company because the golden company won't accept a son from the female line of their house to be a blackfyre,and a son from a woman who was a lysene pillow worker most of her life would be thrown out right away for insulting their sellsword company

But looking at the small burn on his hand his mind ventures in a different direction,if his father can lie about his birth then what else is father lying about

His father paid a lot of gold to get one of the few remaining books in the world of Valyrian fire bending just for him,but whenever he tries the valyrian style of fire bending he feels like he is just going through the motions,like his fire bending is just for show without having any real strength behind it

Now his Uncle Varys,brother of his late mother,Varys could show the true power of Valyrian fire bending,his uncle's fire was always stronger than Aegon's has ever been,so Aegon has no problem believing that his uncle Varys was a blackfyre

Aegon has silver hair and purple eyes but if that alone meant that you are a Targaryen or Blackfyre then entire island of lys would be in line for the Iron throne

Was his mother was just some lys whore who Varys convinced his father was a blackfyre ?,or his father is in on this too and he is just fooling Aegon to get his own son on the Iron Throne ?

Or they are telling the truth and dragon blood in his veins is far too diluted at this point to actually have any effect on him

Whatever the truth is it hardly matters at this point,it doesn't matter now if Aegon doesn't have dragon blood in his veins,the Golden company,the strongest sellswords campany in all of Essos believes him to be a blackfyre and is ready to fight for him

And his father has finally found Daenerys Targaryen,they have been hunting for the Targaryen girl all across Essos for years now but the little bitch always got away somehow,but now his father finally found the girl

They are just a few hours away from pentos,there in his father's manse a Targaryen princess is waiting for him,Aegon will wed the girl and make her his,the Targaryen girl will bend to him if she is smart or he will enjoy breaking her in

With that he will be wed to a Targaryen princess,and that with the three dragon eggs his father bought and the might of the entire golden company behind him no one can doubt his claim to the Iron Throne

He took a big of sip from his glass,the Dracarys red wine only adding to his good mood,things are finally going according to their plans

He was enjoying his wine when captain Harry came into his chambers,apparently his men in Westros sent some important information

The captain general of the golden company had a big smile on his face as he came in,this is clearly something,Aegon as been with this man for years now,learning for Harry and working under him to lead the golden company,but he has never seen him smile like this

"Things must be really working out for us to make even the cautious captain general Harry Strickland of the golden company all ecstatic like this"Aegon said to the captain

Harry calmed himself before giving a short nod,"one moon turn ago,the crown celebrated Crown Prince Aegon's sixteenth nameday with a big tourney,the white wolf won the jousting tournament and named his sister princess Rhaenys his queen of love and beauty,he then went to on to win the melee too but only Ser Jamie among the king's guards participated,then he gave away his winnings to the people of king's landing"Harry answered,but Aegon only got confused hearing this

"How is any of this good for us?"he asked Harry

"Yes I am just getting to that part,after the tourney King Rhaegar announced that prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys are betrothed to each other and are to be wed in a year"Harry quickly said, hearing this a smile formed on Aegon's face

"As already know many of the great Houses of the seven kingdoms wanted to marry into the royal family,and the effect of this betrothal is already showing,we have been in talks with the old lion for years but Tywin was never fully commited to cause,but after hearing this Tywin is ready to bring the entire might of the west for putting Aegon Blackfyre on his rightful throne,but with one condition he wants his daughter Joanna to be your queen,I think old lion didn't make any big moves till now because he was hoping for match between his youngest daughter Joanna and the crown prince but that doesn't matter now,and the tyrells also want to put a flower on the Iron Throne,and I bet we can get them on our side if you wed the Tyrell girl"Harry said with confidence

"But I can marry only one of them,and what about the Targaryen Princess that is waiting for me with the cheesemonger"Aegon asked

"What about her"Harry quickly said with a scoff,the golden company's hate for Targaryen was very apparent to Aegon,he was only able convince them about Daenerys by pointing out her Valyrian blood

But now that better options are available it will be hard for him to justify wedding the Targaryen Princess,but Aegon once again looked at the small burn on his hand

Somehow something was telling him that if he wanted the Iron Throne than Daenerys Targaryen is the key to getting it

"You can marry both the tyrell girl and the lannister girl living up to your namesake,with the might of the west and the reach behind us we can take the iron throne just like that"Harry continued

For now Aegon could only nod in agreement

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