

Enter Lucianna Whiteheart, a fair-skinned beauty with bright teal eyes and a long golden hair like that of Heaven's above. As she tossed and turned on her bed, she began to realized that she kicked away all of her bedsheets because of how she often move around her bed. Opening her eyes, her shimmering bright teal eyes started to spark with life as she started to look around her bed. Slowly moving her right arm like a living undead, she reached out for her smartphone. As she turns it on, the sudden flash of brightness of her screen went off like a flashbang grenade going off in front of her face.

"UGGHH!! I really got to reach out for my window and pull away the curtains..."

She tried to stand up but she hillariously tripped herself and fell down. She gazed at the tangled bedsheets as the culprit of her her current misfortune. Limping her way towards victory, she grabbed her curtains and pulled it to the sides, revealing the bright and sunny day currently taking over the world of Tarvernia. Looking through the sides of her window, she quickly hurried back to her bed. After resting her body in a comfortable position, she checked her phone for any messages from her grandma, Scarlett Whiteheart. With a frowning face, all she discovered were old messages from her contacts. Being a princess who got locked up in a mansion for the rest of her life, she did not have any friends at all. She is no ordinary teenage girl that you would expect for someone around the age of 17 years old. The only close friend that she had was her grandma. Unlike her other family members, her grandma encouraged her to go out and have adventures of her own. She often sneaked Lucianna out and they will walk around the woods, out for sightseeing and taught her one of the most forbidden acts of all for the Whitehearts' household.

Lucianna began to look around her window frantically. Her head rotated like that of an owl but as humanely as possible due to not having the same neck joints as the infamous nocturnal bird. It is also a well known fact that owls are the one of the typically chosen animal to become a mage's familiar as they have eyes that see through deceit and magic. The word "magic" is extremely offensive in the world of real mages, as they considered it as an insult to their talents. Magic often referred to as a trick of the mind, an illusion based on no real reality manipulation at all. For mages, their their studies or talents are commonly referred to as "Mystic Art". Lucianna barely have knowledge regarding this matter because her family forbid her (and even themselves) to learn about the mystic arts. Why you ask? Not even Lucianna knows.

Continuing her shennanigans, she began to pull her heavy and bed sheets made out of extremely expensive silk on the floor to cover herself. Again, she began to frantically look around, be on high alert for any sources of sound that could interrupt her on what she is about to do under her bed sheets. After letting out a sigh, her whole face turned red as a tomato, and she began to breathe heavily. Her mood intensified as she began to channel her inner emotions and desire into a singular action into reality. Such a reality will get her in deep waters if her family members managed to caught her doing such an act.

Finally for the last time, she began to look around frantically and she used her hand into the shape of an "O" and put it on the wall with one of her ears focused on it. Yet, all she could hear was the sound of birds chirping and vacuum cleaners screeching like that of a dragon's cry. She gulped and in a flash, she covered her hands, lower part of torso and beyond underneath her bed sheets. Her face started to become even red.

"Am I really going to this? Is this even the right time to do so? I am not sure I have enough energy within me to do IT now... God, I even have not partake in any acts of refilling my energy and nutrients yet. Tis' a hard decision to do."

Silent ensued

"Alright alright let's just do it! I am 100% sure I will not get caught? Will I? ARGH! Let's go why not!"

She then reached down and deeply channeled her deepest of emotions to fuel her action into reality. Nothing came out from her hands. She then repeatedly motivated herself to push herself beyond. As more and more strength and emotions she put into her hands, she could feel them getting warmer and warmer. In an insant, she could even feel them getting a tingly sensation running through her fingers. Not so longer after, she shed tears as she began to fuel her action with the memories of the time where she spent time with her grandma during her birthday in the woods, promising her to free her from the mansion one day to take her on an adventure of a lifetime. As the heart getting warm and warmer as well, electric sparks began to appear from her hands.

She began to feel bittersweet, an expression of happiness began to carve her face. She thought to herself, "I still can go on with the power that she taught me". She then began to recall more and more of her sweet memories with her grandma. She began to feel a massive load of energy began to swirl around her body, especially in her hands. She can could feel herself explode with power anytime now. Using all of the electrical power in her body that she generated, she began to rub together her soft and gentle palms together to generate frictional energy. This act fueled her ability to create much more powerful sparks of electricity. As she rubbed her palms together for a long period of times, she began to open her palms. Nearly as bright as a study lamp, the dark surroundings of the area underneath her bed sheets began to dissipate, now welcomed the warmth of light. A ball of energy was finally produced. Lucianna began to shed more tears. Instead that of sadness, it was finally that of happiness.

If her family members found out that she have been practicing using the mystic arts, she will be grounded for sure. Her grandma was special, she believed in the spirit of adventure more than the others. Therefore, Lucianna, was inspired by her grandma to become her brand new successor, continuing the tradition of becoming a rebellious adventurer. Satisfied, she stopped using her mystic force. Full of energy, she began to exit her room for her breakfast. She strided her way through the hallway of the mansion while humming in a good mood. She began to greet each of the maids and butlers that were busy cleaning the mansion. Waving, finger pointing, or a simple head bow, it does not matter much because she did not know any of their names at all. As long as she expressed her feelings of happiness and respect, that was enough for her. She was filled with such a joyous energy that she could take on the world with her grandma at this point.

"Hell yeah, nothing is going to stop me at all!"

She reached the living room and she noticed that nearly all of her family members gathered. All of them were sitting down. If their faces were a blank page, the word "shock" would be written all over it. Lucianna did not care much about them as they never treated her like a human being anyways, so she went to the kitchen regardless of the menancing aura filling the entire room.

Unknowing to her, her dad stood up and slowly walked towards her. Touching her by the right should using his right hand, he said, "Lucianna, Grandma Scarlett just passed away".