
1 st year of high school

*ring* *ring*


"Are you there yet" Yes mom I'm there.

"Good, good luck on your first day of high school" Thanks mom

*call cut*


This is it huh. After spending 9 or is it 10, it's probably somewhere from 8-11 years in elementary schoo plus middle school/primary school. Now I'm in high school. Just 5 more years and I'm finished with school, then I have to decide whether I am going to university or college or neither. Let's go then.

Sooooo. Where do I go. I mean I've only been here once before for the entrance exam and I don't where is where. I should ask someone.


Everyone please go to the assembly, I repeat please go to the assembly. Good morning everyone, I am the principal of the school Mr A. Ackerman.

Lugh, huh that means he is a foreigner.

This is Lugh his the voice in my head, at least one of them. You know how they say we have voices in our heads, well Lugh is one of voices in my head and my other is Viole.

The thing of there being three voices in your head, you know me,myself and I. Well I decided to give them names. Weird right.

this is my first book

Bandile_Magagulacreators' thoughts