
The first sight

Meeting your true love it something that is magical and rememberable. It's something that changes your life in everyway. Everyone that has ever met their true love knows how special that moment is. Now, my first meeting of my true love was definitely rememberable and was when I was a little girl.

I was about 6 or 7 years old when I met him. He was a little older than me. Oh and was my older brothers friend. He was skinny with dark brown hair, brown eyes and pale skin with freckles.

Now I know being 6 or 7 years old is kinda young to meet your true love. However, I was not aware that he was my true love until we were adults. I honestly thought he was just a little crush that would fade through the years. It definitely was true love though and this is how we met.

It was a nice summer day. My mom and I were doing our normal team work cleaning party. My dad was at work and my brother was down the street making friend's. We lived in a small three bedroom house. We had a little toy poodle my dad was an IT tech. My mom did arts and crafts for a living.

My mom and I had just got done cleaning the house. She started on making lunch while I played with my barbie dolls. As I said I was about 6 years old so I was all about barbie dolls. My dog was sitting next to me like always.

As I played I heard a loud chatter from outside the window. I got up to see who it was being loud by my house. I saw my brother laughing and joking around with some boys. I counted my brother and then 3 other boys. I shrugged and went back to playing with my barbie dolls.

My mom called me to eat lunch. She had made me a peanut butter and jelly cut into triangles. I took a big bite of my sandwhich and that is when he walked into the house. My brother walked in first followed by the other boys. I looked up and my eyes locked onto one of the boys eyes. He was so cute and he had the best smile.

He was looking at me with his brown eyes and my heart started to skip a beat. It felt like it was just the two of us. Then he walked over to me and said "He you got some jelly on your face." My heart sunk to my stomach. How embarrassing to have jelly all over my face! I didn't know what to say so I just turned away and wiped my face.