3 Meditation , First meeting

After the last two years of training Yato was ready to move onto the next step but when he went to get the scroll he found a note that read " Hey Yato just to let you know you should probably try working on your power and try find out what it really means to be a dragon god before you go to far and have to start over again late -from your favourite God"

So with a new goal in mind Yato set himself to do as she say and want to the temple to try and find the answer to what it truly meant to be a dragon god because so far all he found out is he never gets tired or needs to eat very much, so sitting down in a lotus position Yato started to let his mind wonder to where he felt right. After a long time Yato started to feel more comfortable and felt a few different things like a strong connection to what he felt was his shrine, or like the felling of warmth like a heat burning in his heart and flowing through his veins but more concentrated on his eyes and between his shoulders like it was just waiting to burst forth and devour the world along with the strong desire for battle and war but would not accept anything short of total victory, any other result would be an insult to himself that he could never accept, just the thought of losing a battle made him fell and incredible amount of anger and hate he may have lost him self if he wasn't already in meditation and it still took a long time to calm down afterward but when he did he looked back and realised why he was in need of this meditation session, he had been holding himself back at human levels subconsciously and now he had fully understood and accepted what he is unlocking more of his power that being a dragon god offers to him.

Feeling good about his meditation so far he was about to continue when he felt a presence through his connection to his shrine just out side at the torii walkway that brought him out of his meditation. Opening his eyes in what felt like the first time in a long time the first thing he noticed was that every one of his senses felt like they had bean turned up to 30/10 with how vivid colours and easy he could see each grain of wood in the floor, the smell and taste of the mountain air coming through the window was the most refreshing thing he had ever felt, he could felt each of his muscles when he stood up but the most confusing thing was the slightly sweet smell mixed with the dangerous feeling coming from where he felt the presence at the shrine entrance. Thinking it must be a person and not an animal from the calm but powerful feeling his new heightened dragon instincts he picked up his sword and tied it to his side and walked to the exit of his temple to meet the first person he meet in how ever many years he has been alive, he was unsure how long he was meditating but he stop keeping track after what felt like a few year so he could get into it further

Upon stepping out side Yato saw a beautiful woman with long blond hair tied in a ponytail that went down to her lower back and purple eyes with slit pupils that was wearing I pale pink kimono with pink and yellow flower pattern held together with with a red sash standing next to a short girl with bright pink hair and dark purple eyes wearing a similar style kimono the same colour as her hair that didn't look like it fit her properly. They where standing at the entrance of the shrine looking at Yato, the tall woman looked like she was appraising him as sone as he stepped outside but the shorter girl took a moment to notice he before having like they were old friends with a big smile despite never having met before.

Feeling like he should invite them in instead of just staring at the he walks forward before introducing himself "greetings my name is Yato" and following his gut feeling he was about to give a small bow when he suddenly felt like he doing the would go agains his whole being and the idea of bowing to anyone felt shameful and he would rather run himself through with his own sword before bowing to anyone, Yato thought this must he part of bing a dragon god. Luckily his guests didn't seem to mind with the young girl looking girl stepping forward first to introduce herself "my names kofuku nice to meet you" followed by the taller woman who was just a bit shorter than Yato "greetings my name is bishamon we sent a request to visit a few times a few years ago but go no reply and thought you must not be reserving the so we decided to come personally"

Hearing there names Yato was shocked to find out they where a god of war and a god of poverty but didn't let it show on the out side while getting himself prepared for first interaction in his new life and a godly one at that.
