
The Beginning Towards An End

Entry 45:

Linus Ozias POV:

Well, it's done. The end bringers are gone, and Zion is just sitting there. Why?

It doesn't matter because I'm putting the finishing touches on the orbital weapons as I gained a rather interesting tech tree. 

The Eldar from Warhammer.

I almost lost my mind as the emperor's memories screamed in rage that I even considered using this, but I got him to quiet down.

He's not real and more like a leftover spiritual imprint from the information he gave me, and I will use every advantage I get as the Eldar technology was able to win wars with chaos demons and gods as they sat on their butts.

You know, before they devolved into a bunch of hedonistic, narcissistic elves that enjoyed very painful empire-wide orgies.

In consolation, humanity's Golden Age could do the same thing, but the Eldar technology is more esoteric and deals with many extra-dimensional entities.

Although the information also contained how to turn human beings into couches, I did not need that image or that information, but now I have it, and now I'm sad.

But then I see all the incredible space weapons I can build and am satisfied.

  All I need now is Necron tech, and I'll have all the advanced tech from the Warhammer 40,000 universe, at least the ones I need.

But it's still off-putting that Zion is just sitting there, and somehow, the Golden Man looks almost excited. 

"Dread, what is the status of the improvements to the orbital weapons?" I ask my A.I.

[The improvements are coming along very nicely as the Eldar Tech has very high synergy with many of our current technologies.]

I nod My head in satisfaction as I really needed to win as these past couple of days have been insane.

I've had world leaders on my ass about why I have space lasers, and the general public is attempting to understand where all the end-bringers went.

Then there was the fallen cult that worshiped the end bringers that wanted my head, but since they were small enough, I could locate all of them and eliminate them.

I sent Connor and Marcus to do so, and let's say they were delighted to test their infinite ki generators on live targets.

I think they got a bit too into it, but we each get our own enjoyment from different things.

But regarding the entities themselves, I have been able to scan his various energy signatures, and it is a mess as his biology is constantly shifting and changing.

But what can you expect from Eldritch Space Whales?

I am just happy that they're not the Mecha gods or types from the fate universe because the knowledge I received of those things makes me even more terrified.

Luckily, I have found some correlation with warp entities in relation to the entities themselves, and both the human empire and the Eldar have weapons to deal with that.

Which takes me back to why I'm upgrading my orbital weapons again. I'm altering the various energy types to mess with the entity's biology.

In simpler terms, I am giving the space whales cancer a very terminal form of cancer. By exposing them to foreign energies that will tear them apart from the inside, hopefully, according to the simulations, it will work based on the scans I have from Zion.

I have also been able to terraform the planet Mars to use as my base, which I will eventually upgrade to a Dyson sphere powered by miniature black holes.

Making Mars essentially a factorio hive world has immensely increased my construction projects' efficiency and effectiveness. With instant teleportation, I don't have to worry about sending materials or finished products back to me.

I am also trying to make it a craft world that can move around using schematics from super weapons like the Death Star and Eldari Craft worlds.

I also need to focus on remembering to avoid exhaust ports.

  But I'm getting off track. I need to complete these upgrades quickly because I do not know how long Zion will sit there.

"Maybe I should take a vacation after this? CEOs get vacations, right?" I think to myself as I fly between my mansion, Mars, and the orbital station.

Regarding my Kryptonian powers, I have assumed that I am about half as strong as Silver Age Superman, which is a lot because, in his prime, Superman in the Silver Age could sneeze and destroy solar systems.

But I do feel an increasing urge to wear spandex and underwear on the outside.

Or I'm just beginning to go insane from all the tech knowledge inside my head.

Or maybe I was already insane?

Who knows, I need to focus on getting these guns upgraded.

Timeskip No Justu (Two Days Later)

The time has come.

The curtain rises on the finale of this story.

As I fly over to Zion, I see him watching me, and before I can say anything, he does something that shocks me.

He empowers his arm with sting energy and proceeds to stab his own chest.

  His body glows in power as a giant portal opens in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and inside, I see it.

Rising masses of flesh and eyes, so many eyes. I need to stop. I can't. I can't keep looking.

I scream to Dread to fire the weapons, and all twenty-five orbital guns open fire and go through the portal.

Even when wearing my protective armor, I hear the screams of pain and utter agony from Zion as his body is torn apart cell by cell as the orbital cannons fire over and over again.






Then, after around 20 minutes of being in utter sensory overload, all that is left is silence.

My ears are bleeding, and my eyes are bloodshot as I try to rack my brain to keep myself focused.

Everything is blurry, and all the shapes are melting together.

So many eyes.


As I can focus my eyes on the portal, I finally notice it's gone, but I can make out the last of Scion's body as it fades to nothing.

I wait as I keep Dread on standby to fire the weapons again if I see any signs of the entity returning.

As the minutes passed by, I remained steadfast, sweating in slight nervousness.

And before I knew it, an hour had passed, and nothing had changed.

Then I hear Connor say in near disbelief over the comms, " You did it."

Yet, as I hear the others celebrate over the comms with Dragon silent in utter shock, I am still recovering from the experience.

Before I even see anything, I feel that my face is wet.

It must be raining.

The feeling then sets in on what I have just accomplished.

I did it.

It's done.

I won!

No One Died!

I then fly up to space and scream with all of my excitement.

"YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!" Fuck you, Golden Morning!

People might have heard that across the solar system, but I don't care. I beat the fucking entities! I saved the world, baby!

You all might be wondering what about the shard network as it might begin to cannibalize a toast not anymore because I had Dread tearing it apart.

No more parahumans will be born after this generation, and any of those who have shards will find that their powers will run out of juice in the coming months.

I have basically won, and before I could celebrate further, a letter drops into my hands.

I shakily open it, and it reads as follows:

"Congratulations, Linus, you won, beat the entities, and saved the world without casualties. I am impressed that you still won even if your methods contradicted my values as a God Of Freedom. You persevered through it all. I give you a bow to your work. You have finished the quest and can now accept another when ready. I will be waiting."

Libertas, God Of Freedom

P.S. This Letter Will Self Destruct In 10 Seconds

I toss the letter away, and it explodes in a large firework that somehow works in space and says CONGRATULATIONS! in bold colors.

I smile at this and return to Earth as, for now, it's time to rest after a job well done.

But there are entities still out there, but I can track them.

That is for future me to deal with.

I smile over a grateful world free to chart its path among the stars.

I won, and that is all that matters.

Next chapter