
Rome City Of Order And Apples

Entry 159:

Linus Ozias POV:

This city holds both the beauty of natural history and the cultures that came about from its influence on the world. It feels calming in a way, as before my reincarnation or transmigration in this sense, I was of Italian heritage on my father's side. 

From where I'm looking, I can see every single building present, from the Colosseum to the chariot racing tracks. My grandmother on my father's side was a tough woman but one who truly cared, and while she mostly spoke Italian, she could speak English and worked as a nurse when they moved to America.

Although I do find it ironic that my father ended up marrying a woman of Polish descent, that is a little something I chuckle about to myself as I could not have asked for better parents or grandparents. Sadly, my grandfather on both sides of the family died before I was born, and my grandmother on my mother's side died around the same time, and all I had left was my grandmother on my father's side.

She was as stubborn as they came and wouldn't even allow any of her family members to help her cook the food even when she aged into her 90s, but eventually, her mind caught up to her, and she fell to Alzheimer's. It is a painful memory not to have a family member that you truly cared for, not to remember your name.

When she passed, I made it a goal to gather enough money to visit her old home before she moved to America, but sadly, my life ended before I could do so. I stand here near the beginning of it all. Now, as we walk through the streets, I simply stare and ponder. I still remember her final words. " Ti amo, mio ​​dolce mangiatore di meloni."

I chuckle internally as even after she began to lose her memories due to her Alzheimer's, she still remembered that time when, during a family reunion, I ate four bowls of cantaloupe before anyone else could eat any of it. My grandmother never let that go.

Mash, noticing my silence, asks, "You seem troubled, Ozias Senpai." I simply smile and say, "It is simply old memories, nothing of importance." Nero then jumps down from my shoulders and says, "Come now, this is not the time to be sullen. Let the great Nero show you all around us and the vibrancy of Rome!" 

The empress then walks up to a shopkeeper on the side of the road and says, "Hey, shopkeeper, I'm taking one of these apples." The man simply nods and says, "Please, take as you wish. Glory to the Emperor and Rome!"

The empress umu's in response and walks back to us and hands us each an apple and says, "Let these apples show the delicacies of Rome." We all nod and eat the apples as I say, "Thank you, your majesty." Nero then smiles as I say, "The people seem to love you."

The empress then slightly blushes and says, "Umu, well, it's because I am Nero Claudius, purveyor of the glory of Rome!" It would have sounded prideful if she did not stutter and blush while saying it.

Romani says [Who knew a Roman Empress could be so adorable.] Mash nods as we follow the empress. We see her people greet her fondly, and even some children run up to her, with the girls looking in awe at her blade.

 It is rather heartwarming as I say to Ritsuka, "Do you see this, my friend? This is why we fight to preserve beautiful moments like this, and while our hands may be dirty, it allows for the future to go by cleanly."

Ritsuka continues to chomp on her apple as she says, "I know, but it's still not something I can get used to, you know?" I nod as I continue, "It would be wrong to say that people can eventually get used to killing, but for others, it is a much more arduous task, but do know that not being willing to kill does not make one weak."

I mean, look at heroes like Spider-Man and Batman. They are well-renowned figures even if their philosophies are not ending their villains' lives on purpose specifically, as even some of their valence die accidentally. 

They never have genuinely done the deed themselves other than in alternate universes. Yet, their heroism, bravery, and unwillingness to take the easy way out to show their faith in Humanity, even if they do take very few exceptions.

At least, that's the most positive way I can look at it, as I simply see inefficiencies and the fact that the writers don't want to kill off well-known villains so they can boost their sales. I mean, even the Joker was meant to die. 

In the issue, he was introduced, yet he was so popular he's now one of the most famous villains in comic book history.

"But I killed them, and now they are dead. There is no coming back from that. They all had dreams and maybe even families." I then say, "It is the decisions we have to make, and while I can understand your shock, we must also remember that the future will not exist, and the struggle of these men will mean nothing." 

This perspective gives her pause as I say, "I will never think less of you for having this struggle as it shows your Humanity. Besides, it's rather adorable seeing you think so hard."

Ritsuka then hits my head with her fists as she says, "I am a very complex thinker. The inner machinations of my mind are such an enigma that even the most intelligent mind will be left flabbergasted to understand my thought processes." Mash just sighs as I simply chuckle along with the empress.

I then say to the empress, "Empress Nero, I do wish to inform you that we seek a Holy Grail as it seems to be the source of the chaos in this empire." Mash nods as Nero says, "I see, so the Holy Grail is harming my Rome." 

Before we can continue, some thieves try to rob a shopkeeper in the street, but Nero becomes angrier, and her eyes grow dark, similar to Caligula, as she says, "How dare you do this to my Rome, and my people! Are there enemy spies? Either way, it's unforgivable!"

She and Mash rush the thieves who try to run only to be slain by Nero in a rather vicious manner, but then other bandits begin to pour out of the alleyways, which causes our servants to appear with Karna stabbing one through the chest as he says "I am sorry, but you are in my master and his favored one's way."

Ritsuka blushes as I say, "Karna, please do not make the girl any more confused." He then bows and says, "I am sorry, master, but from your behavior towards her, I thought you two were romantically close. And I hear misunderstandings make people laugh."

I shake my head and say, "I appreciate the attempt to help, but for now, we need to protect the people. Artoria, can you help Nero and Mash while Karna and I protect the civilians." I simply say to my avenger, "Nobu Smash."

The woman then begins to deal with the invading bandits as I help the civilians evacuate while Karna guards me and deals with any approaching enemies. As one attempts to strike me, Karna blocks it with his armor and simply trips the man and stabs downward. I nod to him, and he continues to help me with Ritsuka, using me as a sniping tower.

Mash, along with Artoria and Nero, deal with the brunt of the forces, with Nero seeming more irritated as Artoria slices through her foes with Excalibur with her invisible air magcraft, hiding the blade from everyday sight. However, I admit that her using a giant sword while invisible is rather interesting to watch.

Mash is bashing heads and launching bandits into the air, and eventually, all the bandits retreat, but as Nero goes to give chase, I grab her and say, "Empress Nero, calm down! Focus! Remember where you are. Remember your people." Her eyes then change back to their normal white and green as she seems distant.

Eventually, she returns to reality and says, "I apologize for showing such a non-regal visage, and thank you for keeping me from making a mistake." I wave my hand as I state, "We are here to aid you and your Empire, and what is an empire without its people for now, though you spoke of enemies and a United Roman Empire? Could you elaborate?"

Nero nods, happy that I am diverting the topic as she explains, "My great Empire's territories are now, vexingly enough, ripped apart and scattered all over. On the one hand, there is the true Roman Empire that I rule over. The area centered around this capital, Rome. On the other hand, there is an alliance controlled by multiple "emperors" that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The United Roman Empire. "

Nero seemed to become more annoyed as she continued to explain.

That's what they called themselves when they stole half of my Empire. The United Empire is still a mystery to us. No matter how many scouts we send out, none ever return. Even the location of the capital where these fake emperors gather is unknown to us."

I nod as Mash says questioningly, "Multiple emperors? But they should be already deceased?" Nero nods as she says yes. It appears that the Holy Grail you spoke of has brought them back, but not as normal humans nor in their original form as you saw earlier. My uncle Caligula was a great General, and even his Insanity was simply a ploy to divert attention from myself, and now I can barely recognize him."

Artoria then asks, "Do you have any knowledge of their forces, specifically numbers or the location of any of their supply lines?" Nero then sadly shakes her head as she says, "As I said before, any scouts I send simply do not return, and whether or not they turn against me or are simply killed or captured, it matters not as the same result as achieved nothing." 

I ponder this information as while there are normal humans, this is much closer to the age of gods, and even the average human is much stronger than a modern-day one from how she spoke of it, she's had experience with Mages, but based on how she spoke of them she is lacking in terms of numbers.

Nero then looks at us and asks, "My forces are being led by others I have promoted to be my generals, but even now, the conflict doesn't seem to hold an end, and chaos is spreading throughout my Empire, so I ask all of you to aid me in this fight. Be my generals, and together, we shall ward off these pretenders."

Surprisingly, it's Nobu who says, "Whether or not we become generals is the decision of our masters, but based on the general bearing of mine, I have a feeling he won't be able to ignore this." I nod as I say, "Let it be known we are now under your service, Empress Nero, and we shall do whatever it takes to end this chaos. Although I do warn you that you probably should stay away from Ritsuka as she has a tendency to be a bit eccentric."

"I am right here, you know! What is this make fun of Ritsuka day?" Mash then says, "No delusional master, that is on Thursdays. Ozias Senpai is just being truthful." I then look to all the servants and ask, "Regardless of what Nobu says, I understand that you all may not wish to agree to this, so I ask, will you help us help Nero end this chaos?"

They all nod as Nobu says, "Well, it looks like everyone is agreeing, and as long as I get to fight, it doesn't matter. Besides, it's been a while since I've killed a ruler." 

Nero seems to become overwhelmed by emotion as she smiles and says, "Thank you! Such confidence does bring me happiness, umu! Let our enemies tremble before our might. For Rome!"

"For Rome!" I say with Ritsuka as she then says, "Well, since you all require positions, I shall name the orange-haired girl and Lord Ozias viceroy status, and here, take this." She hands us the location of our place of residence and says, "Rest well, warriors, as tomorrow we fight for the glory of Rome."

But before we can head to the set place of residence, a Roman soldier approaches the empress and says, "Your Majesty! The eastern city gate is under attack by a mid-size United Empire force! I think they're remnants of that expeditionary force! Our eastern gate can't hold them back!"

Nero seems annoyed as she says, "And I was just about to show our guests a pleasant feast." She sighs and says, "I'm counting on you, Viceroy Ritsuka, Viceroy Ozias. Show those skills you demonstrated before! The feast can wait! We'll look forward to it!"

Ritsuka then gets fired up as she says, "Let's go show those United Romans the power of foo- I mean friendship." She was about to say food, wasn't she?

Nero then jumps onto my shoulder again as she directs us to the gate. Let's not keep these Romans waiting, shall we?

Next chapter