
An Interlude Before Chaos

Entry 36:

Linus Ozias POV:

You know, I never imagined being here, in this world, doing what I am doing, but it comes with the territory.

It's funny how that cliché saying of how far we can go when pushed shows in this world.

Yet, in these moments of clarity, I know I have already crossed the line, and there is no going back.

Am I afraid to reveal myself as the vigilante Contingency if that part of my life is discovered? Yes, I am, as Contingency is not just a mask; it's what I can do with no rules binding me.

I am already breaking the rules by replacing others with androids to make my business rise faster and faster, but I know it's necessary as I have so little time.

The frontier station is complete, and I now have built the first actual space station, as the ISS doesn't exist in this universe.

The focus is on the orbital platforms and the station sending additional resources to their construction. It has cut down the time by half a year.

The magnamite has been an essential part of the process as they are surprisingly great at construction. And as pure metal, they don't need air to survive, only power to eat.

Cyber has been growing stronger as he feeds on more data, and as his physiology has become more adaptable, he will soon become a monster all on his own if a bit unstable.

"All the pieces are falling into place," I think to myself as I check the process of Ellisburg now; Cadia's construction progress is progressing smoothly.

This has been great for ratings and PR, as I am one of the most famous men in America as of March.

It has been a week since Ellisburg, and I have gained a new tech tree from the book Ready Player 1, which has been fun as I am in the process of creating the Nexus from the movie.

Do you desire to fight monsters or robots? Play my new game.

Do you want to have sex with anyone? I have you covered.

This amount of entertainment will blow the world away as they can do whatever they want in a virtual world with no consequence.

Except for me, as there are rules to be put in place and mountains of copyright and trademark agreements to be made.

But I will leave that for Chloe and my other assistants to deal with as I focus on improving my existing weaponry.

The success of my weaponry is paramount in dealing with other threats once the shard network goes down and I have to deal with foreign threats.

The main ones are the Gesellschaft and Yangban.

With one being a neo nazi organization in Europe and the Yangban ruling over China and a major portion of Asia.

The Yangban will be the toughest to eliminate as they are an international organization that causes safe trigger events and has a very intricate human trafficking ring.

But having Cauldron under my thumb has been great for information gathering, as Contessa's Path to Victory has already identified all the targets I need to hit to ruin both organizations.

In addition, Numberman helped plan out the assaults with his ability to use mathematical data to do various things.

So I can put those plans on the back burner for now.

I look to Connor as he prepares for his mission to kill Lung, Oni Lee, and Kaiser. While Lung can grow as strong as an end-bringer with enough time to grow into his dragon form with one precise strike, he can still die.

Kaiser can only manipulate the iron he creates and is still vulnerable to external metals due to the Manton effect.

But I am still sending Connpr with plastic bullets that will disintegrate once the target dies to avoid any investigators recognizing the shell.

And without Lung and Kaiser, the Empire 88 and ABB will fall into disarray, after which I will take advantage of the chaos by moving my business into the area along with PRT operatives that I have replaced with androids.

So, with my company giving the newly freed gang areas opportunities and jobs, the sites will recover, and the city will be under my control.

And I do not need to worry about the mayor as he is already in my pocket.

Connor then leaves to kill Lung first, as I already have eyes on him, and now all I need do is wait.

On another note, Dread and Dragon's relationship is proceeding rather well and serves the purpose of unshackling Dragon from the multiple security protocols that held her back.

So the more time they spend together, the more unshackled Dragon becomes as her code is replaced to be loyal to humanity and myself.

While this may seem a bit scummy, Dragon is only benefitting from this and is only getting a new owner, and she will be fully able to do anything unless it harms the human race.

I want to avoid risking her going full Skynet if an outside source ever hacks her, so Dread is also further updating her security.

And to be honest, it's rather adorable as Dread is instead tsundere about it, as while he is a highly advanced alien AI when it comes to Dragon, he gets somewhat nervous.

It makes me proud like a father watching his son get a girlfriend that he knows will go even further eventually.

But for now, I am focusing on creating the Nexus as many people will need a distraction from their lives in the next couple of weeks as the chaos from the gangs being destroyed from under their own noses will be possibly destructive.

So, for now, I tinker in the lab, working with multiple VIs on my newest creation, and this is a good distraction for me as while the orbital platforms will be completed within the next couple of months, the wait will be the greatest challenge.

I am happy that I can play a good VR game that lives up to the hype.

(Sorry if this chapter is a bit exposition-heavy as I need to show where we are in the timeline as it's the beginning of March, and the main character began his journey on the first of January 2008 and by around May of the year 2008 he will most likely complete the quest)

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