
Chapter 1

"Alexander, come down for dinner!" dad yelled for the second time. Alex decided not to push it anymore and just leave the confinement of his room. "Took you long enough. Come on and sit down."

As soon as Alex sat down he opened his book while he was eating. He heard his dad sigh "You know Alex one day you are going to get so sucked into that book of yours that you won't have a sense of reality left in you."

"So anything is better than this crappy life anyway." replied Alex. He immediately got up and went back to his room.

Alex sighed and open the the book that his late mom had given him that was called "Peter Pan". Over the past year he has probably read it over ten times.

It was already past midnight but all Alex wanted to do now was stare out the window looking at the stars and moon. The sky had always fascinated from a young age and it made him feel at peace.

Alex finally drifted off to sleep on the windowsill dreaming of a time when he was truly happy.

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