
What's the Suprise

"We haven't gone on a date for few months, so let's catch up at tomorrow dinner" Nisha tells Raj while rubing her belly.

"But darling you know that I am very busy due to the new project. So I can't we schedule our date after this month." Raj replyed Nisha while typing something on his laptop.

"No buts , you have to come . I have a very big surprise for you and I challenge you that you will love that suprise." Nisha fiercely tells Raj and completely ignores his word.

"Oo ,you are so confident on your challenge, then I must need see what is that big suprise that I love that much Raj replies Nisha while kissing her forehead."

Raj and Nisha are couples for more than 2 years and currently they are in living relationship.

Raj comes from very rich and famous families of Asia continent Aryan Families. Aryan Families are considered in top 3 families of Asia continent and that have big connection all over tha world there main business are related to construction, mining of gold and diamond , and jewelry production . While Nisha is a middle class family her Mother and Father had died when she was only six year old and to call family she only had her grandmother. She works as dress designer in a company.

Next morning Raj wakes up early because he had too much unfinished work. After completing some of his work he leaves for office but before he kisses Nisha's forehead while she was sleeping.

When Nisha wakes up she alone in bed as Raj had already gone to office. Then she gets up and open dror near his bed and takes out some medical papers in which it was stated that the girl whose check up was done is pregnant.

Yesterday when Nisha was working she felt dizzy . So she went a clinic for a regular checkup . But the doctor told her that she is pregnant this suprised Nisha as she completely shocked after hearing this . But realising that this is truth was very happy, it was the best moments of her life because she is gone have cute little baby. After doing some more tests she leaves for home .

She was too excited give this news to Raj but he was very busy in his new project . So she planned a date in which she would give him suprise about her pregnancy.

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