1 Introduction

Hello, my name is Mia Dusk Wilson and I'm just a normal 18 year old girl with unreachable dreams just like every other person in the world. I'm blonde, have 190 lbs of insulation I carry with me everyday, and my favorite feature of my appearance is my crystal bright blue eyes. I get them from both my mother's and father's sides of the family and I'm hoping my genes are strong enough for me to pass them on to any offspring I might have in the future. Anyways, I just graduated from a sucky high school in Colorado and will be going to community college in the fall to pursue a career I am uninterested in. By now you may be thinking who is this girl and why does it sound like she hates her life? I already told you who I am and I don't hate my life I just hate certain aspects of it. Compared to others my life is actually pretty damn great, but even those rich guys who sit on top of the world have their own problems.

For what seems to have been my whole life, I have only let others control me. My parents, my peers, my teachers. All of society really. I've been the goody goody, the teachers pet, the straight A's student, my entire life. I have been a college student since my junior year of high school because my parents wanted me to get a head start on my career. A career in which I have no interest in and have been pushed towards the past 4 years of my life. Why don't I just choose a different career you ask? Because I have no clue what choices I have out there for me to explore and I'm too lazy to do a bit of research. Also, as said before, I live to please others before myself.

While this may make me sound like a negative Nelly, I'm truly not. I'm only negative about school and career related topics. My personality is weird and my few friends would probably be able to explain it better than myself but I'll try anyways. I believe I am funny, I like to make people laugh and I act silly and dumb in order to do so but I'm actually somewhat smart. I have a kind heart and care for everyone and everything living unless it is a bug, spider, snake, or anything scary and deadly. While I don't show my emotions easily and openly, I am a very sensitive person and I do get offended easily sometimes. I'm the definition of introvert and I'm so socially awkward that I make myself cringe. Literally going anywhere where I know I will have to make interactions with strangers gives me major anxiety. I'm weird, I like weird and unusual things and my best friend Ariel and my parents make fun of me for liking those things (which offends me but whatever I'm just over sensitive). As you can tell by reading this I am really good at being negative but I'm also really great at being a positive happy person trying to live her life the best she can. Assuming most of you are bored already, I'll move on to the fun part of this story before I completely lose your interest. Don't think of me as anything I have said above, think of me as Mia, a girl living to find her euphoria in a twisted and cruel world.
