
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 151 – Magic and Science

"So this is my house?" Isaac questioned with a raised eyebrow as he arrived at a dilapidated home. Its outer appearance alone wouldn't befit for someone of his glory, he was the Emperor of Death! He conquered an entire continent and had billions of undead servants under him! And he was supposed to live inside such an impoverished home?!

"Hmm, it would do," Isaac shrug before walking forward. He has lived for a thousand years; he has of course attained experience very few could ever hope to witness. He has grown his wisdom throughout his lifetime and so, he of course wouldn't mind living in such a humble abode.

As he arrived at the old wooden door of his house, he grabbed the handle and pulled backward, a wretched creaking noise invading his ears. What greeted him was pleasantly a clean interior, with a minimalistic approach due to his humble financial status.

But he didn't mind it, in fact, he quite liked how empty the house was. Even as the Emperor of Death, he never had a want for extravagance, only practicality.

In fact, living as an undead for more than a thousand years made Isaac have a very different worldview compared to humans. Jealousy had no meaning to him, Greed is extinguished within him, anger was merely a useless emotion, beauty was merely flesh and underneath were bones.

So money was merely a means to an end for him. What was more important was that he could grow stronger even in such crappy living situations. He was even grateful that his house was quite large for a single person, so he was more than happy to live inside it.

Quickly adapting to his new living quarters, Isaac took off his shoes and swiftly went towards his bedroom and was greeted by a plain room with white walls and a simple white bed in the corner. It was cramped compared to his previous throne room, but he was fine with it.

It was strange how quickly he was moving, as if there was something waiting for him that he can't wait to receive. Without even changing his clothes, Isaac dropped his bag to the ground and got on top of his white uncomfortable bed, and as he moved around, he took on a lotus position and closed his eyes.

His face was blank and devoid of emotions. His chest heaved up and down as he breathed in and out. And if one were to have access to mana, they would see the thin mana in the air slowly drifting into his soul as mana was continuously getting stored and used to reinforce his soul. This process was what mages use to increase their mana reservoir. They use the mana they gathered to reinforce their soul and have the used mana get expelled back into the air.

But, this was far from Isaac's true objective. This was merely a ploy for him to be able to have a cover for his true objectives!

'So, this is the Akashic Library.' Isaac gasped in wonder as he was greeted by an endless hallway of bookshelves containing books that never end in sight. If he were to look up, he would see countless floors dangling up to the heavens, if he were to look down, he would see countless floors descending down to the endless abyss.

With cultivation as an excuse and his thousand years of life experience as a basis, he was able to divide his attention and cultivate on the outside while venturing inside the Akashic Library on the inside. Even if the Goddess were to inspect his mind, she wouldn't see that he was actually in the Akashic Library.

"How may I help you?" A voice resounded behind him and he turned around calmly.

What greeted him was a woman wearing scholarly white robes with golden hair and eerie blue eyes that were akin to a being of a higher level than him. If he were to give an analogy, he was merely an ant while she was an elephant, her point of view was much larger than he could ever imagine, and that's what he felt like.

"I would like to… Explore the Science and Magic sections please," Isaac replied respectfully and the woman in front of him nod her head. With a swoosh, Isaac opened his eyes and saw that he was in a different section of the library right now.

Not only that, but the woman in front of him has vanished. Now, he was left alone to explore and read at his own leisure.

'With the time dilation being quite absurd, I would be able to spend an ungodly amount of time inside here while only a fraction of that occurs in the outside world! Magic and Science, here I come!'

With the memories of his past lives which existed in a world of magic and his current life which existed in a world powered by technology and science, he decided to venture into these two paths and see what exciting results might come in his pursuit of new knowledge!

Magic and Science, two different paths of development from two different civilizations! What exciting developments and insights would Isaac encounter?

*** (A Few Hours Later)

The room was in deep silence. It was veiled in darkness with the only source of light coming through the single window in his room with the soft glow of the moon illuminating his room. With the silver radiance of the moon draping on his body that sat in a lotus position for hours on end, one can vaguely see a slight tremor coursing through his entire body.

As his pair of abyssal dark eyes opened wide, one can see they were trembling and dilating in shock as Isaac's chest heaved up and down sporadically. His heart thumped wildly as beads of sweat fell down his forehead, back, chest, and throughout his entire body. Goosebumps were all over his skin as he felt chaotic emotions swirling inside him.

Exhilaration, excitement, fear, he couldn't even begin to describe what he felt at that moment. But one thing was for sure…

'This… He truly is a God.'

'In just the few days I spent reading inside that place, my understanding of magic and science has improved drastically! To think they are two sides of the same coin! Sharing so many similarities and differences!' Isaac exclaimed in his heart as he tried to calm himself down by slowing his breath, but he truly can't at that moment.

'Science is akin to a stream of water that flows through a predetermined path. But with enough time, that stream can even cut through mountains! Magic is like a harsh river, creating its own path and using force instead of following the set rules of reality!' Isaac's mind was flashing with inspiration at that moment. Just the short amount of time has elevated his understanding of reality to a whole new level!

'Magic and science… What possibilities do they hold once I fused their principles together?!'

As Isaac continued to form countless possibilities within his mind as thoughts clashed against one another, his mind was interrupted when a pang of pain erupted from his stomach. It growled like a hungry beast and demanded nutrition.

'Sigh, I almost forgot considering I'm not an undead anymore.' Isaac stood up slowly as he calmed down and knew that he needs to take this slowly and build a solid foundation for himself first before he can have the leisurely of learning to his heart's content.

Snapping his fingers, mana pulsed outwards from his palm, and a ball of light was formed, illuminating the darkness from within his room. As he walked in the silent night, his wooden floor creaked and produced annoying sounds, but he remained calm and unperturbed.

He continued to walk, finally arriving at his fridge. He doesn't use electrical lights all that much as it would only increase his electricity bill, and he could use magic so it doesn't matter. Although in the modern century, the cost of electricity has been reduced so he could use the lights if he really wants to, but he'd rather save money than waste it.

'Eggs, vegetables, some rice… Egg fried rice would do.' Grabbing the ingredients in his fridge, Isaac walks to his kitchen counter and felt his strengthened soul and felt that it was on the verge of breaking through Level 3, or a Rank 3 Magus, or a D-Rank Mage.

Swiftly waving his arms in the air, gusts of wind grabbed hold of the ingredients and diced them up into fine pieces. He grabbed some eggs and cracked them, putting the insides of the eggs inside two thin bubbles of air just like the other ingredients.

For the rice, he hovered them with air magic and into a floating ball of water. Lighting a fire below them with some simple fire magic, the rice started to cook and he continued to read the books of the Akashic Library in his mind, his ability to divide his attention and focus on multitasking was a skill he developed throughout his entire lifetime.

[Multitasking Level 2]

[Multitasking Level 3]

[Multitasking Level 4]

[Multitasking Level 5]

[Mana Control Level 3]

[Mana Control Level 4]

[Mana Control Level 5]

[Mana Control Level 6]

Seeing the multiple screens in front of him, Isaac dismisses them and pops up a new screen.

'Turn off skill level-up notifications.'

Seeing that no more new skill notifications appeared in front of him, Isaac puts his focus back on the egg-fried rice and resumed his reading. A few minutes later, he was walking back to his bedroom with a freshly cooked bowl of fried rice with healthy vegetables mixed in. Although he doesn't have many condiments and seasonings, he simply replicated them with magic.

Sitting down on his bed and eating his freshly cooked food, he felt his stomach being invigorated by the food given to it and energy returning back to his body. 'Hmm, having the ability to attain Self Supremacy is still a faraway thing to attain considering I have little experience in that subject… Though there is something that would increase my strength with a relatively small amount of effort.'

As Isaac ate in silence, he willed his connection to the Akashic Library to present a new screen in front of him. They were blueprints showing something akin to a weird cube made of metal, seeing that blueprint, Isaac laughed aloud as he almost couldn't believe what he was seeing, 'So it does have all the blueprints for all the things to ever exist! Even the one I am vaguely creating in my mind! Not only that, the one I'm seeing is nigh-perfect in design! That God truly is unbelievable!'

Grinning madly, Isaac tosses the bowl into a tear in space and pulled out a metallic sword from nowhere. It was the same metallic sword the cunt from before gave him to kill the wild wolf summoned by the summoner cunt.

Isaac grinned as blue sparks started to erupt from his two palms and he watches as the metallic sword hovered in front of him.

'Creating something just with mana alone would be way out of my league, but my high attainment in transmutation magic would make this feasible!' Clasping his two hands together, he slowly watches as the metallic sword in front of him disassembled slowly, turning it into weird metallic dust slowly but surely.

The mana expenditure was quite high, but with Isaac's skills, he can absorb mana and use it at the same time without the slightest difficulty, allowing him to persist for hours on end with his weird objective.

And so, by the time one can hear the cries of birds outside along with the morning sky dyed bright orange, Isaac was covered in his own sweat, his eyes tired from exhaustion as bags formed underneath. His already sickly body turned paler as he felt his soul strained from his continuous mana usage, but a mad grin was etched onto his face as he glanced at his newest creation.

All around him, metallic particles swirled like a vortex as a shine appeared within his abysmal eyes.

'Nanites created through magic and science! Hahaha! A connection with the mind and soul, with the ability to alter the physical world around me with such ease it would cause envy to all transmutation path mages back in Tellus! The power of science and magic truly does bring wonders! To think I'd attain immortality and full dominion over my physical body so soon!'

As the metallic particles pierced through his body and entered inside him, a sharp gusto of pain invaded his mind yet he still smiled maniacally. With the nanites inside him morphing his body, he grinned at the bright future ahead of him.

'Now that I have a deeper understanding of that omniscient God's abilities, scheming against a Goddess like her is truly not an impossibility!'

AN: This chapter has 2170 words.

Bet you didn't expect Isaac to be the first MC in this story to use Magitech, huh? Like, c'mon, he'd of course do that.

He literally has the entirety of Rick + Braun as an entire library he can explore and read from!

(September 17, 2022 – 297th day of writing)

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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