

Marie was raised by her loving, beautiful Mother, Belle, and her strict, yet caring Father Akio. You might think his name is strange, but he is a famous businessman from Japan. He met Marie's mother on one of his business trips to England. They fell in love, having their only child Marie. Her father taught her how to fight, whilst her Mother taught her how to be graceful and proper. Together they would travel to Japan every few years. Marie grew up more and more beautiful like her Mother and strong like her Father. She also grew more knowledgeable, learning multiple languages such as Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and English. Becoming a graceful ballet dancer and martial artist. She was truly blessed to live in such a happy home.

As she is soon to turn 18, a tragedy occurs. Her mother Belle falls ill and soon dies. Her Father and herself mourn for her Mother. After a few months Summer vacation began and Akio decides it best to bring his daughter to Japan. At first, she did not want to leave England behind but then thought it would be nice to move to Japan as well. They arrived and went to Akio's Mothers home. It was a traditional-styled Japanese house. Marie was happy she decided to move with her Father. her Grandmother received them both with open arms.

Not wanting to wait around, once she got settled in, Marie decided to walk around and get to know the neighborhood. Her Grandmother was worried due to it is not safe for a girl to walk around in the evening, especially a beauty like her. Akio did not mind, knowing it would be best for her to get a feel of her surroundings, as long as she was back within an hour. Walking around, she noticed a martial arts dojo. Peeking in, she only saw men dueling against each other, the only women there were swooning over the guys. Most of them seemed to be around her age. In her mind she thought of how she should join the dojo, even though her mother might not like the idea, thinking that learning how to fight is up to the men, while the women learn how to take care of the home. With that thought in mind, Marie kept walking, not noticing someone following her. Soon she came across a park. It was a bit small, but it was big enough to have the basics, what she is used to, a sandbox, a slide, and of course swings. Happy to see the swings she sits down and begins to swing.

Noticing a boy who is a bit taller than her, built, probably around her age or a few years older walking towards her, she stops. The boy asks if she is alone, not getting a good feeling from him, she stops, getting up from the swing, before explaining she was just walking around, getting some fresh air. The boy moves in closer to her and tries to touch her hair talking about how pretty she is to be alone, she smacks his hand away, about to tell him to keep his hands off, but he gets mad and tries to push her, but she quickly ducks, doing a sweeping kick, causing him to fall on his back. Maybe from the shock of what happened, whether it be a girl who knocked him down or a girl who rejected him, maybe even because he got injured, he stayed on the ground. As Marie walked away, she passed by a few of the boys she had seen in the dojo. They did not say anything to her, nor her to them since they were busy talking amongst themselves. Soon they reached the park and noticed Hiroshi laying on the ground, laughing at the thought he fell asleep there. When he heard them he turned to them, got up, and dusted himself off. When the laughter died down, Takumi asked what happened. Hiroshi looked puzzled and said with a straight face, "An angel knocked me down". Once again there was laughter amongst the boys, except Takumi. He asked Hiroshi, what he meant and he explained. The guys did not know what to think of his story so they just all ended up going home and talking about meeting up early Monday morning for the opening ceremony. Takumi thought briefly about what Hiroshi said and thought it might have been the girl who had passed by them on the way home but soon brushed the thought off.

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