
The Start of Journey

(Please be patient with the Mc. Though in the cultivation world children matures very early and our mc is very smart still sometimes his decisions and acts will be childish because he is only 13. Hope you understand. Please tell me in the review how was this chapter and what would you like to add and give some ideas.)

It was a bright morning. Sunlight was passing through the window falling on a sleeping boy. He was soundly sleeping on the bed. He groaned when the light fell on his face and slowly opened his eyes. He woke up from the bed and stood in front of a mirror. There was a frail-looking yet very handsome and somewhat childish face in the reflection. The boy smiled broadly showing his white teeth.

"hehe I am getting more handsome" He cheerfully said ."hahaha One day I will become the most handsome man in the world and I am going to rule the world with my handsomeness hahaha"

Yes, this narcissist boy is Fie Hong.


"ahhhhh who hit my head . My hair is disheveled".

"Hey, Boy Get that Broom and start cleaning the field, it's already late morning", said the old lady. The old lady was wearing a black robe of the sect, she looked very old like some woman on their last days on death-bed but anybody looking on her would not dare to say the old lady "Old" on her face except

"Old Lady how can you be jealous of a young boy because of his handsome face. Accept the truth you are no longer a beautiful lady but a senile old lady on her last days".

"You... Wait I am going to complain to sect master and I am not going to rest till the time you do not get your punishment extended by a month".

"hehe go go ... go and say how old and ugl... hmm.. hmm.. beautiful you are ". Saying the last word Fei Hong took the broom and ran out of the room to clean the field and as well as to escape the mad old lady who still thinks that she is beautiful and does not accept the fact that she has become very old. But because of the same old lady Fei Hong has got the punishment of cleaning the entire field by himself for a week so he took out his anger after getting hit. But now he somewhat regrets it because he would be getting though not one month but at least one week more punishment.

He came out to the field and started cleaning from one side. He started to plan how he should spend today. He remembered a mountain where he has gone last week. But unfortunately with so many fellow students, he could not explore further in the mountain but today he was going to explore it. He had planned it for a week for this day.

Slowly, he finished cleaning the ground and it was already time for his trip but before that, he wanted to go to meet his mother.

A little distance away A very beautiful woman dressed in royal blue long-sleeved robe flowering a plant while humming a tune. She was a tall and mature beauty, Her hair was a rich shade like blossoming flowers, It flowed in waves to adorn her glowing, porcelain-like skin. Her eyes, framed by short lashes, were a bright, emerald-green and seemed to brighten the world. A smoking shining nose, full lips - she seemed the picture of perfection. Had she smiled, the world would sigh beneath her feet. Had she laughed, the world would laugh with her. And had she wept, the whole world would want to comfort her. A very gentle aura flowed around her. It seems no matter how tough your worries once you go beside her you seem to forget the distress and concern and you feel once again being held by your mother like when you were a small child free of worries. She was the epitome of Beauty and Gentleness. The flowers were swaying with the rhythm of her tune. it seems her voice was a part of nature itself. Her name was Fei Yin.

Suddenly She stopped flowering and a beautiful smile blossomed on her face. She looked up and saw Fei Hong running towards her while calling her. She put the flowerpot down and opened her arms towards Fei Hong.

Fei Hong went to meet his mother and saw her mother in the backyard flowering the plants. He ran towards her excitedly because yesterday night he came home from his sect mission and did not have time to meet her.


He saw his mother smiling and opening her arms ready to hug him. He hugged her and once again felt the same peace and security as he has already felt countless times.

"Hong'er how was yesterday ?" his mother asked after a long time of hugging.

"Mother it was great . Those bandits were very weak and very soon I completed the task but I had some important work so I came late". He replied cheerfully.

"Oh, important work for my hong'er. what was that?"

"Mother You know about the forbidden mountain outside the city, I want to go there and explore a bit to see if I can get some valuable treasure and herbs to help my cultivation."

"My Dear, that mountain is dangerous even stronger cultivator do not go there recklessly. And you are already very advanced in your cultivation to your generation children then why are you so impatient about it? Take time and cultivate Because you are in your foundation building period So it is very important to have a strong foundation for your future progression in cultivation path."His Mother replied very patiently and seriously.

"But Mother I have prepared it for a week and also if I can't take risks in my path then how can I become strong and handsome and rule the world with my little beauties."


Suddenly a peal of very seductive laughter filled the backyard and interrupted their conservation.


It was a mature woman. A seductive and flirtatious mature woman.

Her flame-red clothes tightly hugged her body, emphasizing her graceful and enchanting figure, painting an extremely charming picture; her tender jade lotus-like arms were adorned only with a set of silver bracelets, her skin a pure shade of white, her legs long and slender, her waist thin contrary to her rounded bottom, on her feet were a pair of jade sandals, her ten delicate toes fully displayed.

Her crescent eyebrows highlighted her pair of bright eyes, which exuded a seductive light, seeming to contain an infinite charm; her delicate nose and cherry red lips, along with her creamy white cheeks gave her a glamorous air.

Her figure was slim to the point one would worry a light breeze would blow her away and break her.

At the corner of her eye was a tiny tear-shaped mole, adding to her charm.

As she stood there, her cheeks blushed a faint hint of red. She brings a sense of reverie to all who glance upon her.

If Fie Yin was the epitome of beauty and gentleness, this mature woman represented the peak of seduction. Even just standing there, she exuded an aura of attraction and fascination!

Her watery eyes seemed to contain an endless allure, drawing in everyone's soul.

"Someone is very eager to 'become strong and handsome and rule the world with little beauties' ".

Fei Hong and Fei Yin looked towards the newcomer and Fei Yin once again smiled seeing her while Fei Hong ran towards throwing his arms towards the newcomer excitedly shouting


Cliff Hanger (hahahaha) wait for the second chapter to know more. First chapter is a little short because I am still completing and introducing the characters with their first impression so please understand and If there is any fault or idea you would like to suggest Please comment

Please help this author by new ideas and suggetions for the stories.

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