6 Chapter 6: The Mission

Oliver's heart skipped as the woman he loved floated towards him. He'd been watching her from the shadows for several days, and as much as he'd wanted to step into the light, sweep her into his arms and rescue her from the villainous Victor, his mission dictated certain priorities. His orders were clear. Find the plans hidden in the artifact and eliminate Victor Pichenko-but not before locating and gaining access to his vault.

The mission, though almost suicidal, had been coveted, but when he'd learned Natalie had surfaced and worked for Pichenko he'd fought for the job. He had no illusions. He had little doubt Victor had snared Natalie as a magnet to draw him in. The man could have his pick of art consultants, and there were others of greater note than Natalie. Her expertise meant nothing.

The last time the two men had faced off, Oliver retrieved a priceless bronze Victor had stolen. Victor had escaped death by leaping from a car as it plunged over the edge of a cliff. The villain walked away with only a broken wrist. A miracle. From the moment Oliver heard about Victor's inexplicable escape he knew he'd be in Victor's cross-hairs. He also knew Victor possessed extraordinary patience. If it took two years or ten, Victor wouldn't give up.

But Oliver didn't care that Victor's machinations had brought him to his enemy's doorstep. For two years Oliver had been in a frustrating search for Natalie. There'd be a sighting, he'd race to the location, and though he'd have confirmation, the information would lead nowhere. When he received news she was working for the celebrated collector, Victor Pichenko, he'd felt sick to his stomach. Rescuing her from the ruthless lunatic became imperative. A short time later the mission surfaced.

"Hello, Natalie," he said warmly, taking her hand to kiss it. "What a charming surprise. I thought I'd seen you earlier."

Natalie breathed a sigh of relief. He somehow knew they had no privacy and would play out the scene for Victor's benefit. But the touch of his fingers had made her heart skip.

"Oliver. What are you doing in Vegas?" she asked, hoping she sounded calmer than she felt. "More to the point, what are you doing at this exhibition?"

"Vegas is one of my favorite cities. The exhibition coincidental with my visit."

"I find that hard to believe."


"Vegas. You don't seem the gaudy lights and buffet type."

"There are other attractions, most notably, what happens here, stays here."

In spite of the circumstances Natalie giggled, but Oliver always had made her laugh.

"You have a remarkably beautiful smile," he murmured, leaning in and touching her arm. "I believe I told you that once before, did I not?"

As his fingertips kissed her skin and she stared into his mahogany eyes, she felt herself aching to lean against him, and yearning to be in his arms. Wishing he would whisk her away, she somehow summoned the resolve to continue their banter.

"You did, a lifetime ago, and I said you had remarkably smooth charm."

"I meant it then and I mean it now."

"So did I."

"I'm delighted to see you haven't lost your quick wit."

"You bring it out in me."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Take it however you want."

"I assume you're working for the owner of these amazing works of art, but are you on duty at the moment?"

"I'm supposed to be mingling and answering questions."

"You are. You're mingling with me, and I have many unanswered questions."

"Speaking of questions, tell me, Oliver, what have you been up to in the two years since we've seen each other."

"The usual. Croquet at Buckingham Palace, playing polo with the Prince, dining at -"

"You can stop now."

"Am I boring you?"


"We can't have that. Do you think you'd be able to slip away for a bit? Perhaps we could go somewhere for a quiet drink and catch up properly."

"I should probably stay here."

"Excellent. I know a ridiculously expensive cozy bar away from the strip. That will be the perfect place to get reacquainted."

"I said -"

"I heard you loud and clear," he replied, cutting her off as he took her hand and looped it through his elbow, "and you didn't say no."

Not sure how her legs were supporting her, she let him guide her across the room towards an emergency exit.

"Oliver, we should leave through the main doors."

"Are you worried about Victor?" he whispered. "Don't be. I'm sure he has people watching you. They'll report back, and they'll undoubtedly follow us."

"I have to text him. I have to let him know where I am."

"Then you shall," he said reassuringly, pushing down the bar and opening the door.

As she stepped into the cool night air she instinctively leaned against his arm, and quickly removing his jacket he placed it around her shoulders.

"Thanks, Oliver."

"I can't have you catching a cold on my watch," he said warmly. "My car's over here."

Looking across the narrow alley she saw a sleek black sports car, and as they approached she spied the familiar rearing horse.

"A Ferrari. Nice."

"It gets me around."

"Isn't this the GTC4 Lusso T?"

"I'm impressed."

"So am I. Rented?"


"Seriously? Wow. Weren't you worried it would get towed or stolen out here?"

"Nope. Thanks, Manny."

A beefy young man stepped from the shadows, but as Oliver handed him a hundred-dollar bill she heard a noise behind her, and turning around she saw two of Victor's men stepping into the alley.


"We need to leave," he replied, opening the car door and gesturing for her to climb inside.

Slipping into the passenger seat she opened her evening bag to pull out her phone, and as Oliver climbed behind the wheel and started up the powerful engine, she sent Victor the obligatory text: "Going for a drink. Will keep you posted."

He immediately responded: "Good."

"Is everything okay?"

"Apparently," she replied, dropping her phone back into her purse.

"Thank you, Natalie."

"For what?"

"Dropping your guard."

"What makes you think I've dropped my guard?"


"Actually, Oliver, I don't know how I feel, but I know why I'm in this car."

"Because you find me irresistible?"

"No, because Victor ordered it."

"Natalie, don't you see how absurd that is?"

"Uh, no. Why is it absurd?"

"Victor knows exactly why I'm here, so why has he insisted you spend time with me to find out?"


"Of course."

"That's a bit worrying. Do you have any idea?"

"I believe that question has just been answered," he replied, glancing in his rearview mirror. "We have company."

Shifting in her seat she stared through the narrow back window. Headlights were closing in.

"Why are you surprised?" she asked. "I expected him to have me followed."

"I suspect they want to do more than just follow us. They're gaining fast."

"Maybe they're not Victor's men. Maybe someone is just in a hurry."

"Shall we test your theory?"


"I think I'll pull over. Maybe a chat is in order."

Next chapter