
The Lesbian King is back

The date—which is all of them in Tortus—has already ended for now, and Eleonora, who already comes up with many plans about Tortus and Heiligh, is about to return to her homeland. She will not worry that much since her plans always work without any major flaws, though she admitted that some of her projects sometimes tend to change from what she should've expected, yet that won't stop her from fixing the plan and making sure it's working again.

She will revise and develop a better plan or fix the old method to become better than before.

She also already settled any kind of problems that this world—Tortus—had by herself. The world will experience massive changes and be headed towards its Golden Age under the guidance or rule of Eleonora Pendragon. Although she is just a king of Heiligh Kingdom right now, to every person in the whole world of Tortus, she is the king of Tortus, and they acknowledge that. But only Eleonora didn't know about this since she practically does not care about things like that and only tries to make the civilization of Tortus advance to the furthest level.

Hunger, identity, social, technology, culture, etc., have already been solved under the guidance of Eleonora. She introduces them to the modern knowledge she had, and because of that, every town on Heiligh suddenly has vast improvement and become better than when Eliheid S. B. Heiligh ruled over the kingdom. People worldwide also had to know the dark and bitter truth about the gods they worshipped, Ehit and Alva, which caused them devastated for a while before they were decided to worship Eleonora Pendragon as their goddess and began to create a new religion based on her. This led the young king of Heiligh to be speechless and sigh tiredly; she didn't stop them since this may have reasons and benefit her.

Heiligh banned any form of slavery within the kingdom. Which makes the slaves, mostly beastmen and other races like humans that seem included in the slavery, shed tears of joy. Eleonora also gains the trust of any slaves who attained their freedoms because of what she does; some who have talents in specific fields are employed by her to take care of some important things, while some do whatever they want because she told them to.

Many good things happened because of what Eleonora does, and because of that, she received a strange notification from the chat group owner. Feeling it was important, she then opened the message and saw what is it about.

[Yo. Looks like everything going well on your side, huh. That's good, and don't bother to reply to this since this is just a message I've sent to you earlier before something goes up on my side. Anyway, I forgot to inform you about some details, but since I remember it, then I will tell you about it.

Since you are the true descendant of Arthuria or Artoria Pendragon, you also have dragon blood lingering within your body. You know, Y Ddraig Goch or The Welsh Dragon enables you to awaken the dragon blood within your body. There might be some further details about it, and that's Fate series related, so check it up by yourself!

If you are lucky enough, maybe you can change your race to a dragon or perhaps a humanoid dragon. That's crazy, and OP as fuck, but you are already OP, so that's okay, and oh right, since people of Tortus began to see you as their goddess and created a new religion based on you, you can gain [Divine's Fragment] through of it.

Every one million followers of your religion, you can earn one piece of [Divine's Fragment], and that fragment is equal to 10%. Isn't that great? Maybe you can become the real goddess so fast without some bullshit cultivation like those Chinese novels. People may find it hard to get one million followers, but knowing you, might be easy and not even a challenge, so that's why do your best at that.

See ya!

P.S: Don't mention me on the chat group or everyone in there. Keep this a secret between us, and I'll reward you beautifully.]

Eleonora nodded and hummed as she understood about it for a bit. Since she is the true descendant of Artoria Pendragon from the Fate series and what she knew about it, her family has ties with Welsh Dragon.

She also knew that her predecessor has some linkages about the dragon since Eleonora reads through it from the visual novel. Merlin didn't disclose other information about Pendragon since he didn't say anything about it.

'Wait. There was something that was bothering me. What about Gilgamesh? Didn't I acquire his bloodline or precisely his DNA, and then doesn't that mean I am two-thirds god or my whole body is sixty-six of god? If that's true, then I'm going so close to being genuine goddess….'

Before finishing her thought, she received another message, and it was from the owner of the chat group again, which made her curious about what kind of message he sent to her this time. She did suspect the whole message that she received since Eleonora doesn't have Gamer or System ability like what she saw from fanfiction.

[Ah, sorry to send you this message and again, you don't have to reply to it. I know that you were curious about the bloodline of Gilgamesh that you've received and wondered if your body also has the same condition as him and made you two-thirds god.

Luckily and congratulation, you are seven-ten god! You would only need three pieces of the [Divine's Fragment] to let you become a genuine goddess, and you can have a longer life than before, so you won't die at human age. Anyway, by this point alone, you already have a longer life and probably can live for seven hundred years more.

So if you want to prolong your life again and gain true immortality, you have to work hard a bit. Also, don't forget to check on your stash. See you and hope you won't meet me. Trust me, I don't want to let other gods be charmed and chase you since they might find you are too beautiful.]

Eleonora laughed awkwardly and sweatdropped when seeing the last part of the message she got from the owner. It's not like she wants that and can stop it, but if she has attracted some women because of her beauty and somehow drawn to them too, she would bear the responsibility to have them as her lovers.

'Actually, I also feel attracted to Kaori-san and all the girls of her classmate. Maybe I'm a bit greedy, but I share the same feeling with them despite how strange it is. Or precisely how unreasonable is that since we basically not close enough.'

She scratched her cheeks mentally and sighed while shaking her head.

'Forget it. There is a lot of unbelievable and unreasonable in the world. Thinking too far about that thing won't help that much since my current priority is going back to my home with everyone who was agreed to live with me to that world, though Shizuku-san matter should be handled differently because she still misses her home too.'

Indeed. The young chairman still has the responsibility to let the black-haired swordswoman return to her world and reunite with her family and friends, since she and her classmate were gone missing because of the whole hero summon and another world that might cause an uproar in their world.

Also, Eleonora doesn't know if the flow of time in Shizuku's world and Tortus is the same. Still, according to her knowledge about another world and hero summoning from any novel, she assumed they share the same flow of time and don't have many differences. She is not wrong about that since they basically shared the same time flow.

Shizuku and her classmate had already gone missing for several months or maybe close to a year since then; of course, their loved ones who were waiting at home would worry about their condition since they suddenly disappeared like that.

'Hmm… maybe when I have the chance to visit Shizuku-san's world then I ask the permission of marriage from her family, and if I am going to be tested by their family—since she said that her family is narrow-minded old people—then I have to pass the tests.'

She sighed again about the problem of Shizuku's family. They are old-fashioned and still think with that narrow mindset since that's what becomes the problem of Shizuku always having the moment she was born on that family and causing her to walk on the path of sword while abandoning her dream to live ordinary girl life.

Just when Eleonora had that thought crossed over her mind, she heard a knocked sound from the door of her study room.

"Eleonora, can I come in?"

She recognizes that sound and belongs to the golden-haired vampire princess, the former lover of Nagumo Hajime, who she stole unintentionally. Actually, she does that to the girls, who are Hajime's companions, as they become her lovers right now.

"Yue-san? Please come in. I don't lock the door."

"Mhm. I'm coming."

As soon as she said that, the study room door opened, and Yue entered the room. Instead of the usual twelve-year-old child appearance that makes her look like a loli, she has the adult appearance of herself; she acquired an ability named [Shapeshift] and allows her to switch her form. Her breasts were bigger and could even rival Eleonora, Tio, Remia, and Luluaria's breasts. She also has a slim and waist figure with child-bearing hips; her beauty also increases, and she has adult aura around herself; her sexiness also rose to the furthest level.

Eleonora and her friends at first were surprised by the sudden change in Yue's appearance. Still, they began to calm when the young bluenette used [Observe] on Yue's status and sees what is going with her, which turned out she became like that due to the influence of Eleonora's fluids; in this case, because she drank the blood and the futanari semen in a large amount.

But, Eleonora began to understand that because she and Yue had sex not only a round or two but many, before their lustful desire can be satisfied, especially Yue, who has her sexual needs pent-up and want to have Eleonora's child in her womb. She want to get impregnated by Eleonora.

Eleonora was constantly pouring her semen inside Yue's womb, and maybe that was what caused Yue to become like that quickly. But Yue also sometimes drank and swallowed the semen since the taste made her addicted to it.

She is also surprised that aside from the appearance, Yue also has her race changed from Vampire to Divine Vampire. Yue became a lot stronger or precisely very powerful that she could kill a low-class God with one punch only if she wanted to, but since Yue is the type who always relies on magic, she will only need a simple spell like [Fireball] to kill them completely.

Because her race changed and has Divine on the name, she can have divinity within her body despite still not being at the level of a god. Much like with Eleonora, she only needs to train herself more or if she wants the shortcut, then she can drink or ingest the fluids of Eleonora's, be it spit, blood, droll, semen, etc. in her body.

Eleonora just smiled at that. Despite the changes in her appearance, Yue is still the same. Her personality and behaviour aren't changed at all that much, according to Eleonora. She was happy that the golden-haired vampire still loved her so much.

"How is it the preparation?"

Yue ask Eleonora with her usual expression. The young bluenette simply nods and shows her small smile.

"It's okay. Everything is fine, and we can depart in an hour if everyone is ready to go."

"Don't worry, they already are and agreed to go with you. I'm excited to see the world you've come from and meet with your family also friends."

Eleonora let out a soft chuckle seeing the enthusiasm of Yue while talking about that and how it is shown in her eyes.

"It won't be bad, and I can't guarantee if it's interesting since I'm practically just someone who came from a normal family and all. Though I did have a small revelation that might shock people around me despite how absurd is it."

"If it's you, then I won't doubt it, Eleonora. You always have many interesting things going on around you, and it always makes me happy. I'm always comfortable when around you. I also have the chance to meet with my parents-in-law later."

She told Eleonora that with a beaming face with a dust of pink on her cheeks and walked closer to the young bluenette who currently sat on the chair. Eleonora, who knew that, then brought her face closer to Yue and locked their lips together as they went in loving and chaste kisses.

Feeling enough, the kisses are broken, and there are huge blushes on Yue's cheeks as she adorns a beautiful smile on her face. Eleonora also shows her lovers the beautiful and charming smile of hers as they chuckle together after that.

"Do not worry, Yue-san. You'll be able to meet with my parents, and we can discuss that matter with them later. I won't lie to you about that, but I just want something for you though. Is that okay?"

Yue simply nod to Eleonora without hesitation.

"Anything. You can say anything you want."

"If it not possible for us to get married immediately, then I am afraid that we have to wait for a few years until I'm turned sixteen at very least. It's a bit longer since we have to wait for three years…."

The golden-haired vampire princess just let out a small huff and chuckles as she heard that and lightly kissed Eleonora's cheeks and made the young bluenette go red because of the sudden act from her lover like that.

"I am okay with that as long as you are together with me. I'm not that hurried, and we can spend our time more if it is like that. The other girls might want to quickly marry, but I'm okay with waiting for a bit. I want marriage because that's means I will officially become yours, Eleonora."

Eleonora was stunned for a moment before smiling and shaking her head. She then nodded at Yue.

"I understand, but if I can find the way for us to get married early, then I'll do it."

Yue just showed her slight smile and simply nodded at her.

"That's okay as long as you aren't too focused on a single thing and abandon the others."

Eleonora let out a small huff and shook her head.

"I won't, Yue-san, because I have a photographic memory, it's hard for me to forget about it, and I also have something to do before departing to my home."

"What is that?"

"Reuniting with our chat group friends who are currently on another world that's different than this one. I have to tell Neptune-san sad news that I can't visit her home for longer and just bid farewell to her."

Hearing that caused Yue to sigh and be slightly annoyed at the mention of the light-purple haired little girl who was sometimes testing her patience. Both have a weird relationship despite being friends, mainly because of how hyper active and eccentric Neptune is compared to Yue, who is always laid-back and almost lazy to do anything that she deems unnecessary.

"Her, huh… as long as it not too long, I'm okay."

Eleonora chuckle and nods her head as she light kisses Yue's cheeks which go red because of the sudden act she got from her lovers but nonetheless, Yue is happy with the kisses she got from Eleonora.

"Don't worry, Yue-san. It won't take a long, and I hope so since Neptune-san is the type of person who seems to want to drag someone around her."

"That's obvious. Let's go, we must not waste any time since you want to go home as soon as possible. Right?"

"Indeed. Then, here we go."

Eleonora said that, stretching her arms out, and began casting the [Teleportation] on both of them. She will inform everyone in the Royal Palace after they arrive at the Planeptune about their sudden disappearance so they won't be worried too much about them.


In another Earth – Shirasaki's family house


Said a beautiful young woman with waist-length black hair tied back in a half ponytail by a dark-coloured bow with big bangs hanging on the right side while small bangs are hanging on the left side and brown eyes.

There's small dust of pink on her cheeks. She touches that and feels confused for a second and makes the person in front of her confused. He has short white hair and a pair of red eyes, which intimidating aura radiates from it; he is currently on a date with the beautiful young woman he accompanied.

Decided to stop sipping the drink, he curiously asked his girlfriend.

"Kaori, what's wrong? Something wrong?"

But the answer he gets from his girlfriend is the shaking head. She shakes her head towards him as if it's not something important, much to the young man's relief and suddenly nods his head believed the girlfriend of his right now.

Seeing that her boyfriend believed that, Kaori is mentally relieved since she cannot reveal what currently crosses her mind. It can be considered cheating after all, but she can't lie about it too; the thought that suddenly crosses her mind is about Eleonora Pendragon.

She reminisced about the beautiful smile and affection that she received despite knowing each other for a few days in Tortus. She falls in love with Eleonora Pendragon but realizes that she already has a relationship with his current boyfriend and crush Nagumo Hajime.

'No, Kaori. You shouldn't think about her like that! Hajime-kun is the one who you love and your boyfriend! He is your crush, and you've been in love with her longer than Eleonora-san! So you shouldn't think of her like that.'

She was shaking her head mentally and trying to brush off that thought but failed to accomplish it. But then she has another thought.

'But… I don't know why the love I feel towards Eleonora-san… is vastly different from that of Hajime-kun. It feels like I love her more than him and genuinely loves her. As if my heart deep within also tells me that she is… someone destined for me.'

Yes, indeed. Kaori finally admits that she is genuinely fallen in love with Eleonora despite the slight amount of time they have. She is reminded by how kind, charming, charismatic, powerful, genius, considerate Eleonora Pendragon is; she is the perfect person for her and the ideal one instead of Hajime.

'I hope we can meet again someday….'

She thought that while looking out of the window of the café with a longing smile in romantic manner.


Theodore Pendragon and Yotsuba Yuuka are smiling happily since they received news from their daughter that she is about to return from her first adventure in another world. Merlin, who is the magic teacher of Eleonora also happy to meet again with her disciple. The three of them are a bit eager and want to see the young bluenetee as they haven't met directly for a month. They also worried about her safety, despite knowing how powerful she was. Because it's another world they don't know, it's an unknown place unfamiliar to them.

That's why, when Theodore and Yuuka received the news from Eleonora that she would come today, they were so excited and hurriedly did any preparation to welcome her. That causes the four girls of another world's confusion who is housed by the Pendragon family since they were transported from their own world to this one.

Although they are confused about all of this, they are also curious what kind of person the daughter of the family currently housing them. Because either Theodore, Yuuka, or Merlin always told them anything regarding the person named Eleonora Pendragon, a genius and prodigy child who can be powerful in such a short time that easily surpass them.

There are also many achievements that Eleonora has in this world. Still, since the young bluenette isn't someone who likes to boast about it, she never brings it to everyone unless that is the topic of their talk or discussion. However, Eleonora is sometimes also embarrassed by the praises she gets from the people who hears her feats and achievements.

Because of this, Liese became curious and wondered what kind of person is Eleonora actually. Though it's not only her but the other girls too who think it like that yet the one who serious about that are Liese, Emilia, and La Folia; while Gin are somewhat don't mind that too much, since she sometimes admits it that the grey-haired girl is kind of stupid and do not care about things like that.

"Alright, since Elly doesn't like an extravagant party or something like that, I think this is fine. Right?"

"Yes, dear. It's simple yet meaningful. Ellen is fine with events or things like that, but sometimes she wishes for a simpler one rather than spending the money on something she deemed useless. Though it's not helping her since she always has a bad habit of spoils, someone she loves to the point that needs to be scolded and reminded about it again."

Yuuka giggled when she remembered that as she simply nodded at her husband. Theodore snarked when hearing that while Merlin just covered his mouth as he was trying to hold his laugh at the mention of that. He knew about Eleonora's past and anything because he was told by his Master and his wife, which is gratefully accepted by Merlin since it's good to learn more about Eleonora. Hence, it's natural that he reacted like that.

"It is really suited Eleonora, Master. Despite how extraordinary she is yet what she wants is only something simple and meaningful. I guess it's traits that were shared by some people who are riches because, as far as I knew, some riches people love simple things."

"Well… you're not wrong about that. Elly has a lot of money in her account, and I doubt it will easily run out since she will keep increasing it without realizing it. Sometimes she does that and is not aware of what she does, which is quite troublesome."

Theodore sighs, remembering that while scratching his head, but he suddenly felt tense and shivering. He glanced at his back and saw his wife's 'smiling' face that was intimidating; it easily caused him to be scared and terrified just by that look directed towards him.

"Dear… what are you saying? Ellen isn't doing anything that brings us trouble; she never was. Don't say anything that misleading people like that."

With panic, Theodore quickly nodded at his beloved wife because of what he said. Merlin just went with a soft laugh seeing his Master easily being whipped like that by his wife. He finds it enjoyable, even though he knew that's wrong, but that still leaves him some enjoyment seeing it.

"Y-Yeah, sorry about that. What am I talking about? Hahaha. Sorry, my tongue slipped."

"That's good. Ellen never do anything that will bring us trouble since she can do whatever she wants! But she also has to know the limit of what she did and the consequences. Although with how many years it has been since she's born, there is no single moment that she experienced some bad effect or consequences from whatever she does."

Yuuka has a curious face while putting her forefinger on her cheeks while Theodore crosses his arms and nods understandingly about that. Their only daughter really has some weird luck and fate, yet they still love her so much and will do anything for her.

"Well, putting that aside, Elly said that she will arrive at 11:20 AM today. We still have the time and don't act hasty or anything that weird. That includes four of you. Is that okay?"

He said while facing the four girls who nodded their heads when hearing that.

"Yes, Theodore-san. I will behave normally and won't cause any trouble!"

"I am the same with Lia, so don't worry about it."

"Me too. Though I'm curious about this daughter of yours, sorry if I accidentally do something weird if I feel powerful magic. I am a bit sensitive towards magic after all."

"Manner is something that always included in my family, so I won't embarrass you, Theodore-san, Yuuka-san, and Merlin-san. Please have no worry about it."

"Erm… I will try to hold myself and b-behaved properly despite how nervous I am right now. Maybe I also correct my tone of speaking since I'm not good with talking politely…."

Theodore and Yuuka laughed together when they heard what Gin said and followed by the other girls too, causing the ginger-coloured young girl to puff her cheeks in embarrassment and feel embarrassed because of what she said.

But something unexpected happens as they could hear wringing of pain from someone from Theodore who winced and rubbed his waist because he was being pinched by Yuuka and led him in confusion as the mother of Eleonora told him.

"It's because the tone you're using to these girls sounds rude and impolite, dear."

She wears her beautiful 'smile' on her face when saying that and makes the spiky-haired man go in pale seeing it. He just nodded quickly since he's scared of his wife, and the girls who see this also somewhat feel terrified of the sudden aura around Yuuka.

It is overwhelming and even terrifies someone like Puck and Liese. They were terrified just because of someone like Yotsuba Yuuka, the former onmyouji from her clan or family. Though she still does some onmyouji stuff whenever she has the time or wants to do it. But she hasn't been so active as when in her younger days.

Faking a cough, Yuuka then faces the girls and shows them her friendly and genuine smile.

"Please forgive the rude behavior of my husband."

She politely bowed to them, causing Gin and Emilia to be startled and surprised to see it as they waved their hands panicky. Liese just slightly waved her hands and smiled while sweatdropped a little while La Folia shook her head politely to the woman.

"A-Ah! Do-don't worry about it, please. We're okay with that."

"Y-Yes. Theodore-san is also right to mention that out, and I don't think he's wrong."

"Yep. Please don't overthink about it, and that's natural to control yourself to behave properly when about to meet with someone we don't know. Moreover, it's your daughter, Yuuka-san."

"Indeed. What Liese-san said is right, Yuuka-san. It's natural for us who were housed and treated properly by your family to behave properly like when we meet with your daughter. After all, without your help, we might have some trouble adapting to this world."

Hearing the polite and different answers from the girls, Yuuka giggle and nod her head as she understood what they said to her.

"If that's what all you want and means, then I'll gladly respect it and… oh, it seems Ellen about to come."

She says that while looking at the clock that shows it's already 11:18 and in about two minutes, her daughter will come home after the long and exhausting journey of another world in about two minutes. Though to avoid confusion, Theodore, Yuuka and Merlin already told them about Eleonora's circumstance. They understood that well enough, so they won't be surprised when the young bluenette uses her Teleportation and suddenly comes out of nowhere.

"Alright, I'm sorry if my tone is quite rude, but please do what I've told you."

The girls nod their heads respectively to that order or more like a request from Theodore.

"Good. Elly will arrive about—oh, here she is."

Theodore blinked and smiled when he sensed the familiar magic signature of someone he knew. Not only him, but his wife and his Servant also felt that which caused them to smile widely, unlike the four girls who were startled and overwhelmed by the humongous amount of magic they sensed, although for Gin she only felt the aura instead of since she can't sense magic.

Liese, who was feeling it, began to lick her lips seductively. Emilia felt safe, and Puck became cautious, while La Folia was trying to look tense and calm herself. Gin, who cannot sense magic and determine it, is familiar with the aura that this person released; it's the same as Shinju yet much pure.

"Ellen finally come home after a long time."

"Actually, a month isn't that long, mistress, so if she wants it, then my disciple could extend the time to the furthest."

"Hey, don't say that, you dick-wizard. Let's stop this since Elly might bring some new friends. We don't want them to have a bad impression of us. Right?"

"Of course, Master. Forgive me for the rudeness."

As soon as they stop talking, which makes some of the girls sweatdropped, a portal suddenly appears, and some figures of people can be seen walking from it.

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P.S: For those who came to read and just comment me that they hate this kind of story, please don't bother to comment about your hate towards this story.

P.P.S: I hope my grammar improved from your knowledge, since I'm not good at judging myself. Also, how are you doing this past two weeks? I hope you are alright and stay healthy!

Also, if anyone interested, I have just created a discord channel. You can join in by clicking this link: https://discord.gg/JPCr3pC2v6

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I also intends to double update for this week. I currently have a good mood that's why please looking forward to it!

Gosh, I hope there is more readers to read this story.

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