
A New Feeling

I sat in a rickety old chair, I could hear Ash and Myrtle talking, Myrtle every once in a while, singing as she fluttered about. I felt weird, being inside was still a new thing for me. As came in as I was fidgeting around in the chair.

"Boy, you look like you have lived a majority of your life outside. Relax, you are safe here." He spoke as he leaned on a wall.

"I'm sorry this whole experience is a bit new to me. The village I had been staying in exiled me after I saved it. They were terrified after seeing me fight." I replied standing up.

I made sure my back was to a corner of the home. My sight was fixed on the door to the home. A ready escape if needed. As if he noticed what I was doing he moved out of the way of the door.

"Don't worry, I used to be a footman in the army of his majesty before I retired. I understand how you feel. I don't want you to feel trapped here. You can leave if you want, but we have a spare room and a nice bed. I know our home is not large but it's big enough." He said explaining himself.

I relaxed just a little bit. My eyes were still glued to the front door. Myrtle came in carrying two steaming bowls of food. She handed me one with a cheery smile. She walked over to Ash while humming and handed him his bowl. She danced back to the kitchen humming her song.

"She's so happy," I said with a shocked expression.

"She's finally being like this after that happened. She used to be a scared little girl because of the attack that happened a few years ago. Her mother died then. I retired shortly after to take care of her." He explained as we watched her dance around the kitchen humming.

She seemed to be so carefree, I was jealous. I wish I could experience the joy that she was showing on her face.

"How old are you?" He asked turning towards me.

"I think I'm sixteen, I'm not sure," I replied scratching my head.

He looked at me with confusion, so I explained everything that I knew so far. He patiently listened to my story. He never interrupted or made me feel like he wasn't listening. His eyes remained on me until I finished my story.

"You poor child, no wonder you're tough as a mountain. The gods have been very unkind to you. Don't worry, I've seen men be more of a monster than any demon beast, so I'm not afraid of you in any way." Ash said reassuringly.

I looked at the older man, His kind eyes locked on mine.

"Thank you, I'm not very good with whatever this is. My experiences with my own kind haven't been positive. Though my father praised humanity all the time, I find myself unsure of how to behave around you. I think demon beasts are more straightforward, at least with them I know what to expect. Every time I feel like I've figured your kind out, you guys throw me for a loop." I said quietly as I ate.

The food tasted amazing. It was simple meat and potato stew. I ate till the bowl was empty feeling oddly full.

"Ok how about this, you keep doing whatever you want, working for the guild whatever. If you need to come back here to rest, you are more than welcome to." Ash said with a smile.

"You don't expect me to help around here?" I asked.

"No, you have your own life, you are just a tenant. I would have to pay you if you helped around here." He said laughing.

We went back to watching Myrtle sing as she cleaned up the dinner mess.

"Just be careful out there, for her sake. I won't be worried, but she will always worry." He said with a smile.

The man was content with his life, and he showed it. His strong stature but calm demeanor was oddly relaxing for me. It reminded me of my own father. I smiled slightly. He glanced at me and nodded; I was confused by the way he behaved. I was so used to the snarky looks of the villagers or the fear in their eyes.

"Thank you, I will keep that in mind," I replied while looking away.

"Good I know that'll be enough for her to not worry about you." He said with a large smile.

He showed me to a small attic-style room with a straw mattress on a small bed frame. I thanked him and lay down. My eyes felt oddly heavy as I drifted off to sleep. Before I even realized I could hear Ash getting up for a day of farming. I got up myself and got dressed. Ash was making some kind of beverage over the stove.

"Want some coffee kiddo?" He asked turning to greet me.

"What's coffee?" I asked.

His eyes grew large with excitement as he turned around to rush the coffee. He handed me a cup about five minutes later.

"You're going to like this." He said with a smile.

I looked down at the dark liquid in the cup. It smelled very good, I put the hot liquid up to my lips and took a small sip. The flavor exploded in my mouth.

"That's really good! A bit bitter but I like that about it." I said impressed with this coffee.

Ash would only smile. His eyes twinkled as he watched me enjoy the coffee. We sat there and chitchatted about the farm and adventuring. As we finished the coffee, he turned back to me with a smile.

"Be careful out there today kiddo, I hope to see you tonight. If you need to stay out because of work, please send word. I know the guild will happily inform us." He said before heading outside.

I sat there for a moment and processed what had just taken place. A warm feeling that I hadn't felt in a while burned in my chest. I was confused.