
I threatened to nuke Marites's house

I never wanted to cause trouble in the first place, But I heard just about enough of everyone's opinions like its important. Something that day clicked harder than I thought it would. I woke up to the irritating alarm clock beside me reminding me of how screwed i'm going to be if i'm late for another class this week. I could say i'm not the brightest kid there, but my professors know I know what i'm doing. "Get up already Anita! Food is getting cold!" I heard my mom yelling from downstairs as I shove every paper work from last night right into my bag without a care and bolted down to eat. "Ay, fix your hair, you look like you haven't showered in days" my mom said while preparing the table for my dad who just walked in with a cup of coffee and a fresh batch of pandesal. "Smells great papa, I'll take one"

"Queso? No? Sit down, eat it with coffee, feels nice and warm"

"Ah No thank you pa, i'm already late" I politely declined after I take a warm piece of bread as I try to get dressed at the same time "Today's your debate at school right? I hope you read, it is very important to read" my father advised "Our daughter's great at this mahal, she's speaking with teachers and top students today, God bless her" "Yes ma, but I won't do great if i'm not there, so i'll see you all tonight" I left the house with the sweet smell of my dad's homemade pandesal as I walk for our school gate. I was almost late, Mrs. Deguzman looking at me with burninh hatred as I walked into our classroom hoping that I haven't missed any lectures, she stopped me; I froze for a moment and turned around "Good morning ma'am!" I greated with a fake smile, with the strictness on her eyes she looked at me without blinking as she got closer and asked "Do you really think, that society today won't have to change as we should treat it like nature?" Most of you are probably clueless as it feels awkward to be confronted like this in a school hallway.

A bit of a rewind, I beat Mrs. Deguzman's best student Evan Reyes at a debate about the uprising of communities and whether or not they would have significance into our future. Her student lost badly after swearing out of fustration infront of an audience. And that is how I won a reputation in teachers and in my classmates. I explained my statement to Mrs. Deguzman just when I was in the debate session, I practically have it memorized by now, as my parent's were too proud and they weren't able to record that moment where Evan snapped at the stage.

As much as Mrs. Deguzman wants to argue in a quiet hallway I excused myself as I'm running late for my class. I bolted for the door and I was a second early from my teacher, Mr. Cruz, I am a fan of his subject Philosophy and I always made sure I got good marks on his subject, on the personal note, he's rather handsome.

But how I felt with him was more of an amusement with his face and a timeless admiration for his effort towards teaching, and how he laughed at Evan on that embarrassing day. It didn't take long and our Debate topic for today was about feminism and the effectivity of its movements.

"It is clear, I will be taking the Affirmative Ms. Anita will take the Negative. Let's begin our opening statement, Ms. Anita Consepsyon" Mr. Cruz nodding while giving me the look of assurance. As I begin my opening statement I begin imagine what i'm explaining in my mind for me to elaborate it better, I do this in every match, however as I talk about feminism I suddemly get reminded of its bad and heartrending effects on my parents. The concept of feminism somehow cut deeper and the longer I think about it the longer I agree. As if I drift off and forget about my religion and for once in my life have the courage to tell my classmates to stop flipping my skirt, or to tell my parents that marriage is not an "alpha and omega" thing but more of a partnership. And the constant annoyance I develop because of men in the internet asking for nudes. It was all disgusting for me.

"Are you saying that you agree to my point of view Ms

Anita? Is this the first time you loose?" I drifted far too off and forgot what was going on but I continued

"No sir, what i'm saying is, just like my previous argument with Evan, the KAM or Kill All Men act is absurd, and ineffective, and while we discuss about ****, why don't we discuss other crimes such as murder and theft by men and women? Why only focus on one factor and forget the others?"

"Ms. Anita, like what I have said earlier, men are making the world an uncomfortable place for women, thus women power is there to set balance and boundaries, because women should never adjust for men."

"You consider equality as if the women are the only one facing opression from the patriarchy but we should be well informed that women also asssault men, women also commit crimes, quoting a well known debator two things can be right, its true that a man can assault a woman, but it can also be true that what a woman wore has an effect to her safety especially around men."

"So the issue remains, The feminist movement is there to set a safe place for women, and to be agaisnt sexist double standards, it also proposes multiple advantages for all genders as it is agaisn't stereotypes of men being wallets for women, and women being objects of men"

"Right" I think i'm loosing

"So, any argument Ms. Anita?"

"No sir can I take my seat now? You win"


I turned red as I sat in my seat filled with shame and fustration, I researched and barely slept for this and it has only led me to my own failure. I studied the argument again as Mr. Cruz began to elaborate our topic for today. "Honestly, that was embarrassing, maybe she felt confident that she can go agaisn't a teacher after her shocking win with Evan."

"Bwhahah I doubt she deserved that I honestly think Evan let her win cause he was acting out for her, I heard he liked her"

"I thought Evan's gay"

"Don't be stupid"

I pretended to have never heard about that and just went on but as it went the more I heard.

"Oh I don't really like talking about Anita much but her friend told me something"


"Her mom's known to be a prude right? Yesterday I overheard mom with her next door friend that her mom is actually-

"I think that's where it stops" I turned around and spoke loudly enough for the whole class to hear "if that's what you've heard then maybe you should shut up" I added with anger

"Why not? I can tell everyone what I want to, and stop butting in every conversation everyone has not everything is about you"

"That was my mom you were adressing i thought i'd tell you and your marites mom to mind your business"

"Ladies that's enough- Mr. Cruz tried to stop the argument

"That marites you're talking about can afford to have you house burnt down" My classmate said

"I couldn't care less about that, just stop talking about my mom or else I'd recreate Hitlers dictatorship to have you and your little house nuked"

"That's enough we're in a class" Mr Cruz finally interrupted

We saw feminism in so many colours today, how would you look at feminism?

The_HerbalWitchcreators' thoughts