
Meraline hope 1

Meraline hope , born 9n Oct 1 , 2003 . Which makes him 19 years old , You heard right I said 'him' . The reason for Meralines effeminate name is due to his parents depravity.

They both wanted a girl so bad that when the doctor told them , ' congratulations it's a boy ' they pretty much freaked out , therefore prompting you for future behaviour.

As they both gradually got over there mental stupi-block they both agreed to raise he as her , and without waiting for him life moved on .

Since then meraline, has developed into a beautiful young lady , courtesy to his mothers genes and teachings . By some twisted date Meraline developed a very feminine body , one could say he's more feminine than what society deems femine.

his voluptuous body , and delicate features a beauty lover once defined him as such : An adorably short height barely reaching 4'11 , his slender , delicate pale neck leading down to his thin shoulders , slim waist and flared hips forming a beautiful curve , but not to take away the glory form his shapely , round and perky , butt , his thick thighs seemed delicate and soft to the touch leading us to his small adorable feet.

leaving the best for last his , face which seemed to be meticulously handcrafted by the god of beauty himself ,a perfectly shaped head full of raven black hair , bright gold pupils , decorated by long delicate double sided lashes , looking further down a bright red mile rested gracefully beneath his right eye , making his already pale skin look whiter , his adorable button nose and plump lip anding to his already devastating beauty .

Saving the best for last he's face dotted with light coloured freckles barely visible to the naked eye , truly represents the phrase 'Imperfectly perfect '.

Not only is Meraline a beauty on the outside but on the inside as well .

Now, his parents might be complete crackheads , but nonetheless they raised him right , if, of course you ignore the elephant sized problem laying around .

They groomed meraline into the person he is today , with a gentle but firm disposition, he's kind and loving young 'lady' . You be better if not assume because he's gently and kind , he's easy to walk over , quite the opposite in fact , he's decisive, strong willed and stubborn at times .

His mother , Martha Hope , saw it as her duty to teach him how to be a proper lady , her teachings ranged from , cooking lesson , cleaning , massage e.c.t , his father on the other hand was responsible for crafting a strong and courageous sense of been into him . He thought Meraline how to , stand tall and show his might , as any typical father would .

There meticulous teaching ,( there words not mine ) was all so they're precious baby 'girl' wouldn't get bullied in the real world .

if asked his opinion on his life -

you'd have to wait till the next chapter for that answer .

⚠️This is my story but due to some complications I have to rewrite and re-upload the chapters using this account, so if you see the other book under the account ' Choke_me_senpai' please do not freak out this is not plagiarism it's my book I'm the author just different accounts ⚠️

Bye lovelies ,see you next time

bye guys

Next chapter