
Part Twenty-Four

A couple of weeks have passed and it's Thanksgiving Day. I woke up early to start the preparation. We are going to have thanksgiving at my mom's house and we have to bring some of the food. That includes mashed potatoes, rice, beans,cake and my personal favorite Maltas for the whole family.

I got all the ingredients out and was ready to start cooking. I grabbed a couple of big pots and a small pot and put them on the stove. I then began cutting the potatoes for the mashed potatoes.

While I filled a pot with water I put the radio on and started to listen to music. The song "Bohemian Rhapsody" came on and I was rocking out to it while I was finishing cutting the potatoes.

I was in the fridge grabbing some eggs when Devon came into the kitchen. He snuck up behind me to scare me,but when he put his hand on my shoulder. I reacted so fast. I quickly grabbed his wrist, twisted it, and flipped him over and he landed on the floor.

"Oh My God. Babe are you okay?" I asked as I put the eggs on the table. "Yeah I'm okay,but remind me never to try and sneak up on you again" he said while gasping for air. "Okay" I said as I held out my hand for him grab hold of it to get up.

He grabbed my hand and held it there for a second then he pulled me down to the floor with him. "Really dude" I said as I start giggling a little and he said "yup" then he put his hand on my cheek and pulled me into a nice soft kiss.When he pulled away he chuckled a little and said "happy thanksgiving" and I replied "happy thanksgiving babe".

After that he got up and helped me up as well and then I grabbed the eggs from the table and put them in with the potatoes to make boiled eggs. I grabbed a big bowl and started to make the cake badder. "Hey. Can you make the rice and beans babe while I make the rest?" I ask Devon. "Sure babe" he answered as he grabbed the rice and the can of beans and put them in the pots.

I made the chocolate cake batter and I grabbed a spoon to taste it. I began to taste it and it felt like it was missing something. I took a small spoonful of badder and walked over Devon, who was turning the rice and beans so they would not stick. "Babe can you try this? I feel like it's missing something.a" I asked and he put down the spoon he was holding and opened his mouth.

I stuck the spoon in his mouth and he tried the badder. He thought for a second then said "yeah I see what you mean. Good thing I know exactly what you need". He went and dug into the fridge and took out a Nutella jar. "Melt that and put it in the badder and it will be perfect" he said and I looked at him with agreement and said "interesting okay I'll do that".

I did what he said and melted the Nutella and added it to the badder. I mixed the badder and I tasted it. My eyes widened by the taste of the badder. It tasted amazing and I said "oh my god this tastes so good". "You got good taste" I said and he came up behind, kissed the back of my neck, and said "I already knew that".

I giggled a little and he let me go and went back to what he was doing. I put the badder in a pan and popped it into the oven. I took a fork and started poking the potatoes to see if they were soft. They were, so I turned off the heat. I took some oven mitts, grabbed the pot, and walked over to the sink. I grabbed the strainer and emptied out the water from the potatoes.

I poured the potatoes back in the pot, took out the eggs and began to peel them. They were really hot so I took a bowl filled it up with cold water and peeled the eggs in the water.

I tossed the eggs into the potatoes and grabbed the smasher and smashed everything together. "Hey babe can you pass me the butter,mayo,salt, and pepper" I asked. "Sure babe" he replied "heads up". He tosses me the butter then the mayo then the salt and the pepper. "Thanks" I said and I put everything in the potatoes,mix it up,and the potatoes were finished. ( Author's note: Just saying this actually how I make mashed potatoes and I'm telling you everytime I make them, they taste awesome. So don't hate. If you don't like how I make mashed potatoes Oh well. we all have different ways of making them.)

I put a top on it and went to check on the cake. It was done. I grabbed the mitts and took it out of oven. I placed it on the table and let it cool down. Devon finished up with rice and beams and tossed me a Malta. "Thanks" I said as I opened the bottle and took a sip of it. "What time is it?" I asked. "5:30" he replied. "Okay well I'm going take a shower" I said as I finish drinking my malta. I threw out the bottle and went and took a shower.

When I got out, I went to the bedroom while Devon went into the bathroom and I got dressed in a black dress and heels. I went to the mirror to iron my hair and it came out awesome. Devon came out of the bathroom in and nice dress shirt and slacks. He looked good. "You ready t---?" He stopped and just stared. I looked at him and said "what? What is something wrong with the dress?". "You look so beautiful" he said. I smiled at him and said "thank you". I looked at my watch and said "woah we should get going let's grab the food". We grabbed everything and went to the car and we left and had thanksgiving with our parents.


Author's Note: For people who don't know what a Malta is, it's a drink made by Goya. Many Hispanics drink Maltas all the time. It's not alcohol.

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