
The one year professor and The small dean

After leaving McGonagall's office, Felix hurried towards his classroom, determined not to lose any more points. The -10 points he received during the sorting ceremony had already put him at a disadvantage. He needed to find a way to earn points quickly without deviating from his main goal. Upon entering the classroom, he noticed Xeno already seated and took a seat next to him.

"Sorry for leaving like that earlier. I had something important to do," Felix apologized, attempting to explain before Xeno could say anything. Without waiting for a response, Felix asked, "Do you know the best way to gain house points?"

Xeno stared at Felix for a moment, wearing a somewhat hopeless expression. "Sigh, there's no easy way to gain house points. They are awarded for good deeds, correctly answering questions in class, or winning inter-house Quidditch matches."

"What does a 'good deed' mean?" Felix inquired.

"It means helping other students when they get into trouble, assisting professors during class, and things of that sort," Xeno explained.

Felix contemplated the response, finding the idea of performing good deeds rather easy but boring. He decided to inquire further, "And what about Quidditch? Can I join the team?"

"No, you can't. You need to be at least in your second year to join the team," Xeno responded, his face showing a hint of confusion at Felix's sudden interest in house points.

"Should I try to get permission from another professor to access the Legilimency book? But if I do that, McGonagall will no longer help me," Felix mused, lost in thought.

As Felix contemplated his options, the students fell silent as a bald middle-aged man with a peculiarly large white beard and thick mustache entered the classroom. He stood in the center of the room, facing the students, and introduced himself.

"Hello, everyone. I am your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Zathar Sagespark. I will be teaching for just one year, focusing on those who are here to learn. However, any interruptions during the lesson will result in immediate expulsion. You will never step foot in this classroom again," he finished his introduction, sending a chill through the room and startling a few younger students. Zathar then waved his wand, causing all the books to open to the same page, signaling the start of the lesson.

"Our first lesson is about werewolves. Can anyone tell me what a werewolf is?" Zathar asked, directing his question to a girl from Hufflepuff.

"Ms. Norwood," he called.

"A werewolf is an evil monster that disguises itself as a human to turn other humans into werewolves. That's what my mom told me," the shy girl answered.

Zathar sought another volunteer, and this time he chose Felix, who glanced curiously at the girl who had just spoken.

"Mr. Scarletwound," Zathar called.

"A werewolf is a human who has been infected with an incurable disease called lycanthropy. They are harmless unless the full moon appears," Felix explained, considering the girl's mother and the way she must have tried to instill fear in her child.

"Correct. Good answer, Mr. Scarletwound. +5 points for Ravenclaw," Zathar rewarded Felix. He then turned to address the rest of the class, stating, "Werewolf bites are deadly. Most people who are bitten die. Today's lesson will focus on treating werewolf bites, even if it means living as a werewolf. It is still better than dying in pain. Keep in mind that one evil werewolf does not represent all werewolves. Many of them had no choice; they were victims of that one evil werewolf. Do not label them all as monsters." The students regarded their professor with a range of emotions—some with respect, others with doubt. Zathar proceeded to ask another question.

"Does anyone here know how to cure a werewolf bite?" He selected Felix once again, appreciating his previous answer.

"Mr. Scarletwound," Zathar called.

"You should apply a mixture of powdered silver and dittany to a fresh werewolf bite. This will seal the wound and allow the victim to live on as a werewolf because there is no cure for lycanthropy," Felix responded.

"Great! +5 points for Ravenclaw," Zathar acknowledged.

After the lesson ended, Felix walked out of the classroom with Xeno, feeling a mix of emotions. He was pleased to have gained 10 points from his first class, but the memory of losing 10 points before the Ravenclaw House even started still lingered, leaving him at the starting line.

"I hope we have some accomplished seniors who have earned a lot of points," Felix expressed as they headed toward their next classroom. Lost in thought, he turned to Xeno and said, "I look forward to meeting the Charms professor after encountering someone like Professor Zathar."

"Don't worry, Professor Flitwick is the head of our house. You can earn a lot of points from him," Xeno assured him, though he still couldn't understand why Felix suddenly took an interest in house points.

"Well, that's good news," Felix replied, feeling somewhat uplifted.

After a while, a small human figure entered the classroom, and the lesson began with the professor introducing himself.

"Hello, everyone. First, I'd like to welcome you once again and wish you a successful school life. I am Professor Filius Flitwick, and I will be your professor for the next seven years. Now, everyone, let's start our first lesson. Grab your wands," Filius instructed, waiting a few seconds before continuing, "Today, we will learn the Levitation Charm. Watch me first, and then you can try."

Filius cast the spell on a feather in front of him, causing it to float. He then looked at the students and said, "Now, give it a try. The first one to succeed will receive 5 points."

Upon hearing this, all the students began casting the spell. Felix glanced at the feather, feeling a sense of boredom. Charm work didn't captivate him as it relied solely on the ability to change reality through magic, lacking any scientific explanation. Nevertheless, he imagined the feather floating and confidently cast the spell.

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

To his satisfaction, the feather started to float, capturing the professor's attention.

"Well done, Mr. Scarletwound! +5 points for Ravenclaw!" Flitwick announced, visibly delighted that a student from his house succeeded first.

"Thank you, professor," Felix expressed his gratitude. He then began looking around, realizing that no one else had succeeded yet. Remembering Xeno's words about performing good deeds, he decided to assist his fellow students, starting with Xeno.

"Try creating an image in your mind of the feather flying, then cast the spell," Felix instructed, helping his roommate. Xeno followed Felix's advice, and this time the spell was successful. Felix moved on to help the next student, leaving Xeno looking at him with suspicion, unsure of what had transpired that morning to bring about such a change.

At the end of the lesson, Professor Flitwick looked at Felix with a proud smile and announced, "Mr. Scarletwound, I have already rewarded you for your excellent performance during the lesson, but I also noticed how much you helped your classmates. For that, you will receive an additional +5 points."

"Thank you, professor," Felix replied, his face beaming with excitement. He had discovered an easy way to earn points. Xeno continued to observe him with suspicion, unable to comprehend the transformation he had witnessed in Felix that morning.

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