
Epilog (1)

About Sister - in - law.

Song Young Jin, Our dear brother. Who is considered as one of the most young and successful businessman, fall in love at first sight.

It was still unclear if the person he fall in love with is a man or woman.

Quite funny, right?

Well, I'm not a cruel person who will laugh at someone loss. So let me you a small tale about Song Young Jin and Young master/ miss Yoo.

When Song Young Jin was around 7 Years old he found a female friend. The girl was really cute like a doll. They become good friends immediately.

Giving Song Young Jin's nature he was always cold demonerring, Handsome, Intelligent and Rich type guy.

4 years later the girl suddenly disappeared. Little Song Young Jin tired to search for her everywhere. He also refused to make any new friends. He just wanted to find the girl. But the problem was he does not know anything about the girl. All he could remember was the girl's face.

One day when he was searching for the girl. He found a little girl around 7 years old, lying on a rock. It was near the place he used to play with the girl.

He saw the girl she was cute but her body was covered with numerous tiny scares. Song Young Jin was not the seven year old kid anymore. He could see the child have suffered alot. The moment he saw the girl he decided to take her in as his little sister.

Papa and mama Song also wanted to a cute baby girl but for some reason they could not get one. When Song Young Jin decided to take her as his little sister they did not make a big fuss and from then on Li Ming become Song Hye Kyo.

Now , 27 Years old Song Young Jin went overseas for some business deal. Here he saw a girl and fall in love on first sight.

But Song Young Jin had already decided to concentrate on his family business. Putting his feelings aside he began to concentrate on expanding his business.

But destiny wasn't playing according to his plans. Once again he met the girl this time the girl jumped in front of his car to save a dog.

Song Young Jin could not believe his eyes. He wanted to talk to her but decided to ignore her.

Well after not so long time he found out that the person who he used to like is not a girl but a man!

Song Young Jin's heart sank. "concentrating is business is still best idea Young-Jin-aah!" he consoled himself with such words.

But could not control himself looking at the picture he took oversea again and again.

"am I really gay?" he asked himself several times the same question. He just couldn't forget about the person.

Well, few days later his sister sent him a video which confirmed that the person is really a man.

" What to do? I Really like man!" Song Young Jin fall in despair. He could not believe himself.

Well to make his feelings of despair more deeper destiny plays one more game with him.

He finally met The Young Master Yoo! In man's cloths. But this time he was getting beat by some hooligans at a chinese restaurant.

Song Young Jin jump in to save the person without any second thoughts. The "Man" whom he liked immediately bowed to him and left. He thought this is the end of his story.

But he started getting weird gazes from his sister sister. She just looked at him when he doesn't notice and gradually take her eyes away when he looks.

"is my sister gone mad because of her so called fiance?" Song Young asked to himself.

Finally the day came when He could not tolerate anymore and asked her what's the matter. Unexpectedly she replied with a question.

"Oppa, if you were to fall in love will you take the first step or let the girl take the first step?" Encountered with such question Song Young Jin could not answer her. But whom she is asking the me or that Brat Lee Tae Hwan? He isn't bad tho. Should I make that Brat confess to my sister?

Song Young Jin could completely took the question as his sister's love issue. He did not realized that the question was for himself.

Looking at her brother who have Even low EQ than her when it comes to love. Song Hye Kyo decided to take the matters in her hands.

But before she could take any actions, the person herself came to Song Young Jin to thank him for the last time.

Taking the initiative Song Hye Kyo tried to give them more space. She even throw Song Young Jin away from home at morning. Not letting him. Came home during day time.

Suddenly coincidences in life of Song Young Jin and Young Miss Yoo become more and more.

Sure enough it doesn't take him much time to realize who was creating these coincidences. But he let his sister create such coincidences again and again. Since he does like these "Coincidences" alot.

Well it also does not take much time for him to realize that the person is not Young master but Young Miss of Yoo family.

Alas, he also struck with one question. What to do next? He does like this Miss Yoo a lot but he does not want any relationship. What should he do? His heart is gradually attracted to someone. But his mind already have some future plans.

Well between this he almost forgot about his business. And suddenly the Moon family strick him.

Although he was successful but Moon family were similarly successful and They had more powerful backers than him. He was ready to strike back but his sister said she would handle the matter herself.

Since, his sister wanted to handle it herself he stepped back and waited for his sister.

During this free time he got a confession from one of his school friend. Which he was about to decline when Miss Yoo Suddenly showed up.

Seems like miss Yoo had same feelings for him. Song Young Jin politely denied the School friend and chased after Miss Yoo who just ran out all flustered.

Getting in a remote corner. Miss Yoo in man's cloths had tears in her eyes. When Song Young Jin approached her she wiped her tears and looked at him.

"I'm a girl." She said.

"I know." He replied with a sweet smile.

"I like you." She said once again.

Song Young Jin took her in his embrace without saying anything.

"But we can't be together." She continued.

Song Young Jin's heart sank. He did not release her. He could only nod sadly.

"I have to be Young master Yoo... And I.. I don't know when all this will end." She said crying.

"It's fine, we can wait until you deal with your issues. If you are tired I'm always there for you. It's not necessary to deal with Those people yourself." Song Young Jin caressed her hairs and said softly.

Next day Song Young Jin got ready to attend the So called Engagement of his sister. It was more like he wanted to know how his sister deals with the situation.

It was pretty good and Moon family had to take lots of damages too. Because they offended Song family.

But turns out his sister didn't got to do anything. Well everything went well so it was fine too. But the same day he got news from his Miss Yoo that there seems to be some progress in her plans.


Few days later miss Yoo disappeared once again... People said that she died from some accident. Song Young Jin fell in dilemma. He does not know where to vent his anger.

But one week later a girl came to him with who looked similar to His miss Yoo.

"everything is solved" she said. "Thank You soo much for looking for me."

The girl was Miss Yoo who was dead in other people's eyes.

Song Young Jin did not ask her anything and immediately hugged her tightly. "Should we marry now?" he asked.

He doesn't care about the plans anymore. If he lose person he love there's no use of a successful business, right?

"Yes," she replied shyly.

He never asked her what happened only waited for her to tell him. And she did told him.

Well it's another story but at the end they finally married before Song Young Jin turned 28.

I may not need to tell but the little girl he used to play is Miss Yoo only.

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