

Day 2 at school:ray's classroom.

Last few mins of lecture.lecture is over.

Students relieved...ray is packing bag..diya comes and asks ray ..

Ray theres is party at my house today will u come..?

All the frnds of ray..making sound oooo...teasing him

Ray to diya: no sorry..i have some work to finish.

Diya leaves in disappointment.

Frnds to ray: hey ray. Why dont you give her a chance?she is so hot man..

Ray to frnds : plz guys.. i m not interested in all this love and all..need to focus on study.

Frnds:typical ray..

Lets go to canteen..

Canteen:sitting on table together ray and frnds..

Frnds:hey look those jrs from yesterday.

Ray looks back..

Anish and ray eyes meet.. Ray to frnds leave them alone guys..

Frnds "fine.

Library:ray goes there everyday to study..


(Table on book is slightly on outer corner ray hit the book book falls)(anish is reading there)

Ray sits down to pick the book says sorry..meanwhile Anish also bends down to take book ray looks at him very closely when anish is bending down and taking book)

Ray is looking at him his heart is beating fast.

Anish put book on table looks at ray.

Anish to ray its ok

Ray is still staring..

Anish waves his hand in front of ray ray comesout of the moment..stands up.. thinking what the hell was i doing?he leaves in confusiom.

End of school..

Ray is leaving ..

Anish comes to him running shouting heyy..

(They dont know each others name yet)

Anish to ray: hi.. i m sorry i dont know your name so i shouted hey..

I just wanted to thank you..for yesterday..u know..

Ray: ray..starts walking..

Anish: what?..(walking together)

Ray:my name..u said u dont know my name..its ray..

Anish:oh..and laughs ..

Ray:and you.?

Anish:yeah sorry..i m anish.



Ray:how is it going..new school and study and all.

Anish:good except. That part from yesterday..

Ray:hey.dont worry..they are not bad..it wont happen again...

Anish:they are your frnds so how come you and they are so different..i mean..

Ray looks at anish..

Ray's car arrives..horn blows..

Ray:my car bye.. walk to the car after opening the door.. seeyou tommorrow.and smiles.

Sit in the car.

(Flash back of library.. anish was sleeping during studying ..ray was looking at him sleeping ..smiling..)

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