In life there is one thing you should know, that if you must succeed you have to go through a lot of process so times problems comes along. But success depends on how you can face it only a determined person will succeed if he put action in what he does.
Never look down on your self if not you won't be successful to be honest I have gone through a lot on my own tha my famiy don't know about I feel awful sometimes it got to a point I felt like committing suicide but I said to my self that non of my friends will ever write R.I.P on my pic.
And I makes sure that I didn't give up tho I really never took God serious but I had to put God grist the moment I did that I felt like a winner and from that moment I started winning. nobody is going to tell you what to do you are the one that knows what you want and if you really want it go for it don't give up don't put death as an option if one didn't go well think of don else and try again keep trying not to the extent of dying NO everyone in life got their own time some get it faster but most time they die but trust me when you wait your gonna enjoy it and feel like a boss
I'm really glad I didn't give up because it will be a big shame no one had a better life 100% everyone got issues they face both rich and poor you just gotta face your fears and conquer them if you feel your getting depressed give it a brake and do something that makes you forget your bad times. Life has a lot of good things that you won't wanna miss don't rush things just be yourself and keep pushing hard and work smart.
coming soon