
Feast For All

Wu is sent to the Male Concubine Selection. Wu is blessed by the spirits and has golden red beady eyes. He is favored by The Empress Jia and is in rivalry in the harem. There is big competition for the throne of the Emperor, since there were no sons born into the family because of the curse. Will Wu become the Emperor? Will Empress Jia have his child? What rivalries will Wu overcome? Read to find out!

asmr_a_n_a · History
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The Eyes of a Dragon

** = actions

( ) = mind

Head Eunuch Gu: Do not raise your heads!

Announcer: Empress Jia!

*Everyone bows in fear or confidence*

Empress Jia: What is it now? I barely got to take a sip of tea...

Head Eunuch Gu: There has been some copying in the first round

Empress Jia: Oh, this batch of fellows

*Her eyes go to Wu*

Empress Jia: Fine indeed..you may rise

Everyone rises with sore and numb legs

Head Eunuch Gu: Senior Eunuch, please read the poem!

*Senior Eunuch read the poem out loud*

Head Eunuch Gu: What would you say, Your Majesty?

Empress Jia: Everyone will return with poems about the arts of love..

Wu: ( This is my chance to fail! )

Empress Jia: We'll start with you..

*She points to Wu and she brings him to a room*

In the Brightly colored room..

Empress Jia: Your eyes..they remind me of him..

Wu: I'm sorry, who?

*Empress Jia climbs onto Wu's lap and wraps around him like a snake*

Empress Jia: Nice facial features..good body, sturdy hips...Hmm, let's see..Take off your clothes

Wu: What?!

Empress Jia: Why not? Don't want to sleep with me?

*Empress Jia digs into his lap and gives him seductive eyes*

Empress Jia: If your not willing, I can teach you..Eunuch Li!

Eunuch Li: Present

Empress Jia: He is selected. Take him to get ready amd bring the other contestants!

Eunuch Li: But Your Majesty-

Empress Jia: Don't worry about the other rounds! Bring him home to his parents. They will come by banners!

Eunuch Li: At your service....

*Wu goes home and greets his parents*

Grandmother: Great job! Great job! Han has let this family down, but you have had joyous events!

Mother: When you enter the castle you must be extremely cautious! There are many rivalries, they aren't as stupid as those lousy women!

Wu: Yes Mother, Grandmother...

The next day..

Wu: Wen Zhi!

Wen Zhi: Here..

Wu: Let's go, we're meeting Sixth Princess Xin

At the Summer Palace..

Sixth Princess: Brother!! I missed you!

Wu: I did too!

Sixth Princess: You're mean, you're getting married to second sister and won't have any time for me!

*Sixth Princess pouts and turns away*

Wu: I won't forget you Sixth Princess..

*Wu turns her around and hugs her*

Wu: Let's go, huh?

Sixth Princess: Let's go watch the flower festival later!

*Wu spends the whole day with Xin Er and they arrive at the parade in time*

Wu: Are you having fun?

Sixth Princess: Of course! You're with me!!

Wu: Haha

Sixth Princess: Let's watch!! It's starting!

*The Dragons embrace the blossoms falling and flags go up*

Sixth Princess: Woah, look over there!

*Suddenly assassins pop out of the dragon and every screams*


*People rush away and people escort the princess away*

???: Ah, we meet again...nephew..

*The mask comes off and the Golden Eyes glitter against the stars*