
The girl must be bent

Her feet landed on her birth land, her eyes which were trained not to sweat, betrayed her, as the memories played in her mind as if everything happened, just yesterday. The day which haunts her every night replayed before her eyes. She stood their still, her mind filled with the undeniable truth of her family.

A man in midst of the crowd of the buzzling airport, noticed the petite girl who was shedding tears nonstop.

He walked to the girl and handed her a handkerchief.

Eira was bought back to the present, when a fair hand holding a handkerchief came to her view, she looked at the man standing opposite of her, his blue orbs stared in her red eyes, which were raining tears. She forcefully stopped herself from crying, she cleaned her face with the back of her hand. She left the man without sparing him another glance.

She washed her face in the comfort room, her eyes were swollen due to excessive crying and her throat felt heavy, she could barely speak. Her face was pale without any colors, she described herself as a ghost. She removed her coat, and now she was left with black t-shirt and grey pants.

She left the comfort room and hailed a cab to a nearby cheap hotel as she didn't have money to afford luxury.

The man at the airport was speechless, as he had never been rejected by anybody and every one would die to get a clear look at his handsome face, yet, the girl didn't spare him a single glance, was he becoming ugly and getting pimples or some dark spots. He hurriedly went to check himself and to his astonishment, there was no pimple on his porcelain face or any ugly spot. He was as handsome as before, with his blue eyes and the white shirt he was wearing also showed his abs, which girls swoon at. His chocolate brown hair was also placed sexily.

The girl must be bent, he thought.


She needed rest, to calm down her nerves and mind. After taking a nap, Eira went to a small shop, to purchase a phone. Her feet walked to a slum area, the filthy smell attacked her nostrils, but she went further in and stopped at a small house, the house was built to fit mostly two people, yet in this house, there lived 8 people, a whole family of her friend, Nancy.

She looked at the girl with black hair typing something on the aged laptop. Eira tapped on her shoulder.

Nancy who was busy building a new game was startled, and turned to look at the familiar face.

Nancy jumped and hugged the girl, as words could not define what she was feeling, right now. Eira hugged her friend back with same excitement.

The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.

"How have you been?" Nancy asked as she wiped her tears on Eira's black t-shirt.

Eira stepped back as the word disgust was not enough to describe her face at the moment.

"Okay, how about you?" Eira asked.

"Great" Nancy replied.

After explaining her life in the island to the Nancy, Eira came to the topic,

"What is the result of your investigation?" Eira asked.

"Your relatives are surely sheep's in wolves clothing, they took all you properties and shares, even I found something fishy in your parents death, there is clearly something...." Nancy started as her black eyes were filled with hatred. But she was stopped before she could complete.

"My parents death?" Eira asked her thought messed up as her mood turned black, her lips turned into a sneer.

"Something was wrong with your parents death; I couldn't investigate it thoroughly as the opposite team were amazing..." Nancy babbled on.

Eira left the slum after in depth discussion with her friend, and made her way to the hotel. Her mind was in shambles as the only thought running in her mind was about her parents death.


Inside a huge mansion, away from the buzzling city, a Rolls Royce crawled and stopped at the door, a handsome man(the airport guy) stepped out of the car and entered the huge mansion, where several maids welcomed him. He hugged the lady who approached him.

"Hey, mom" he greeted his step-mother, who had taken care of him since, he could remember.

"Hi, Albert" the lady smiled.

He then, greeted his step-brother and elder sister. His dad was nowhere in the scene.

After the greeting and formalities, he ate dinner with his family, and his dad was absent.


Eira was in no mood to hear her friend's jokes in the next morning as her brain was planning everything.

"So, you want to collect more evidences before you attack the Wilsons?" Nancy asked clearly confused, as now they had enough evidences to get each and every member in the family to get an air of prison.

"Yes, I want them to feel what I felt years ago" Eira said coldly as a creepy smile formed on her lips.

Nancy got goosebumps, looking at her friend's creepy smile.

"A...s...s y...o...u wish" she stammered.

"Before that let's make some money, I am broke, right now" Eira said as her gaze softened and her body relaxed, like the creepy smile was just delusion.

"Did you get a job?" Nancy questioned.

"Nah, do you think I will work under someone, huh?" Eira raised her eyebrow and stood up from the bench in the garden, she put her hands in her pocket and left the garden.

Nancy looked at her friend who had grown mysterious and cold. She rubbed her temples and forced herself to concentrate on making her game.

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