


Henry was in a meeting with one of his colleague about the other shipment ghost and his gang were trying to ship and how they can prevent it from taking place ,When the guy from the IT department came to give the the final report on ghost. Henry was surprised to see the image of ghost so he asked the IT guy if the report was geniue and he was told yes.

Henry's colleague Tobi asked him why his is shocked with the report

"This is the same guy who shot me two years ago"

"What! you mean he is the same guy who killed your future mother-in-law?

"yes man" but what Henry didn't disclose to his partner was the true fact that, the same guy was now dating his baby girl. This made Henry so mad that he nearly broken the ashtray on his desk but claim himself down and started to wonder if he should tell Kylie about it or not and he finally decided on what to do so he picked up his phone and called him


Kylie was eating ice cream with his best friend Emy.

"Girl l can't believe you are dating my brother

"you better do bae,did you talk to him about the ice?

"yes l did and he lied to my face "

"Bae give me the full details"

"okay,when l asked him he started laughing and asked why l got sure idea from and l told him from him ,Which made him stop laughing and said his friend was in trouble with someone in that business and was trying to help him out"

"pff and you believe him?

"Do l look that stupid to you gal"

Just than Kylie phone rang but the caller was displayed private number,So she picked up


"Hi butterfly "

She dropped her ice Cream spoon when she heard the name butterfly, it was only one person who call her that. Her mind want back to what happened to them last night. Even dough she felt good and alive again, she promise herself it won't happen again.

"Are you sure ,you don't want it to happen again? she can hear her inner voice saying

"Am very sure"

"Never say never, you know how his love making to you makes you feel"her inner voice said

"hello are you there"

She came back to her senses " yes am here,what up?

"Hmm just checking up on you, Are you okay"

" Am fine thank you ",she smile at her bestfriend who was trying very hard to listen to her conversation.

"Ok where are you,l need to see you seriously "

"Hmm am at Bam cafe with Emy"

"stay there ,Am coming to fetch you" and hang up without waiting for her reply

After hanging up ,she frowned at her phone before putting it in the table infront of her.

"What up with that face?" who was on the line?

"the devil"

"pff is that why you are frowning "please put on a smile. Anyway where did you go yesterday? we saw the devil following you

"l see ,l guess you know where l want than

"OMG,don't tell me you want to his house?

"yes he took me to his place because l was all wet"

"than what happened 😊

Emy's question make Kylie bented down her head has to say please don't ask me that, you know l can't answer. Emy who knew her very well go to know that something happened between the two of them last night.

"😁😁😁 OMG,you guys did it. That was fast, he just go back from coma and the first thing he did was to make love.

Kylie was shocked at what Emy said. What does she mean by coma

"Did you just say Coma?"

"😏 did l?

" yes you did and you know very well you did so don't pretend "

"sorry Kylie, is not my story to tell"

" Are you going to tell me or should l make you to"

Just than Emy saw the devil coming and she was so happy to see him just in time. She quickly picked her bag and waved at him

"Hey Henry so happy to see you,she runned towards him ,whiles Henry on the another side was surprised at her attitude

"l never knew my present makes you that happy"

" 😀😀 now you know ,thank you for saving me you are the best "

" Saving you from who😮

" Your girlfriend, am sorry l know l promised Dallas to say anything but it just came out from my mouth like that "

" what are you talking about"

"The reason why you disappear "


" Don't worry l just said you were in coma" with that she quickly run outside and sat in her car and drive away leaving him puzzle. She must be fucking kidding me .

" Do you want to talk here or somewhere else?

Henry came back to his senses when he heard the angry in her voice.

" ls better we head home"knowing Kylie very well she is liking to strom the cafe so avoid that he decided, they should rather go home and talk.

" You can follow me in your car" and with that she left him and sat in her car and drove on a top speed. Henry quickly followed her and regretted not stopping her from driving. She had this attitude of driving on top speed when she is angry or broken down by the people she loves. He try very hard to catch up with her but that lady was damm faster than him so he always lose trace of her