
Newborn child

Hi,my name is Aro and yes,I'm a 'spoiled' and 'fav' child.My life was perfect but now,its a total trash.When I was born my dad has two wives,my step-family is a little bit greedy and their very wealthy.

10 October 2008


"The baby is almost out,push more ma'am! Push,push!"

and there you go,the half dead baby girl is out from the mom's body.And I thought I was dead,but...I survived...And thats the worst decision I made with God.My jealousy step sis which is Fareha,yes,and I was born in the same date as her,as your info she is older than me..I don't know whats my dad's motive I thought she loved me and turned out she hates me, maybe.. but at least she doesn't poison me.

My mom comes to her birthday party and actually its a force from dad.."

Happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you,happy birthday to Fareha.Happy birthday to you" Not even a person said my name but suddenly..."Happy birthday Aro" One of my dad sibling wished me my birthday.Fareha got mad "ITS MY BIRTHDAY,NOT THE BABY'S BIRTHDAY" everything goes silence.My mom felt very sad and betrayed because dad doesn't get mad at her.My mom is the one who take cares about me and she is the one that I loved and I hate.Well...my dad,he doesn't care about me but spoils and give anything I want.

Theres a day that my mom told me that he has a secret Philipine bitch but my step mom never know about this.My mom was cooking in the kitchen and dad ask mom from the living room for a paper.Of course she didn't hear it and suddenly..."I WANT A PIECE OF PAPER YOU DEAF WOMAN!" My mom was in shock and I cried in the baby crib,so she headed to the living room and asked "Whats wrong?" he said "I want a piece of paper,and settle up your baby woman." He is very rude..if I could time travelling I would told him to kill me already.Theres a lot of stuff that he did to my mom but I won't tell you guys for some reason..the fact tha it really hurts me

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