
Prologue Part 4 - Wasn't this supposed to be a training Montage?

speech:"like this"

though:'like this'

telepathy:-like this-


////////MC POV///////

Taking the time to watch the light show of the newly forming epicenter world while talking to the girls and getting to know them. Lisa opened a portal to our next location. Me and Ivy said our goodbyes to everyone else, after promising the girls that I would spend some time with each of them while they show me what it is that they do.

Basic dad visiting daughter at work.

Now it is just Me, Ivy, and Lisa and she refuses to say who is going to train us to not spoil the surprise, I have an idea of who it is but she seems to be excited so let's just keep it to myself for now.

Scatach:"What are you doing here, stupid woman."

Yep, I knew it, right after getting out of the portal in another dark place, in a gray, boring-looking castle, there she was, in all her pale skin, purple hair glory, Scatach Skadi, The God Killer.

Lisa:"Oh Scatach, why so dry, this is why you'll keep being single for eternity."

Right after Lisa's unnecessary comment, a flash of movements happens where I can see nothing of the exchange before Lisa is behind my back sticking her tongue out to Scatach who clicks her tongue at her.

Scatach:"*tsk* You are the first person I regret training."

Lisa:"hehen, The student surpassed the master."

Because of Lisa's taunts, Scatach now had a look that was seriously considering going all out to try to kill Lisa. I will try to de-escalate the situation but knowing who I'm dealing with, I look at Ivy and she nods as we approach Scatach.

Cad:"Forget Lisa's antics for now Miss Skadi, my name is Cadmus and this is Ivalyn it is an honor to meet a figure such as yourself.

I approached with my hand extended and being polite, there was no falsehood in my word as I'm being 100% honest, it is a huge honor. As I get closer she looks at us with a curious look and extends her hand, at the last moment her eyes change.

Taking my hand she swung me over her head in an attempt to throw me on the ground, but as we were already expecting something like that from someone like her, Ivy immediately went for a leg sweep.

Sticking my feet on the ground I grab her arm, and now that she is in the air, trying to destabilize her to make her fall, but she pulls herself to me and delivers a frontal kick to my chest. Rolling around on the ground I try my best to get back in the fight.

This is how we always do in these situations, me and Ivy, although she is a way better fighter than me, I always go first, taking the attention while she comes after, sweeping our enemies. Unfortunately, we already knew that things wouldn't be any level of smooth with Scatach.

Taking a deep breath I run in the direction of the two, that now were locked in a hand-to-hand fight, with Scatach putting a lot of pressure on Ivy. Ivy throws a few faints in an effort to distract Scatach while I try to tackle her.

Hit with all the force I can muster from the combined effort of my strength and the run to them, I throw myself at Scatach's midsection. Only managing to drag her a few millimeters she wraps her arms against my stomach and tries to throw me overhead.

Trying my best to keep a hold of her, or else be thrown like a ragdoll, Ivy tries to attack her back but Scatach turns around using my body as a weapon, thankfully I didn't hit Ivy, unthankfully I lost my grip and was thrown.

As this was an unintentional throw I didn't roll on the ground this time so I had an easier time getting back in the fight. Now, again, standing side by side with Ivy against an opponent, we look at each other, and I see the same gleam in her eyes that I now probably also have.

I think that is the major reason that I get all the attention of these two gorgeous and super-capable women, I am eclectic to a fault. Want to go shopping? Let's go, I felt like changing my wardrobe too. Want to get your hair and nails done? Hey, that's something that I don't know how to do, maybe it will be fun, let's try it.

No matter what they like or their interests, if they want to do it with me, I will always be there, no complaining and even eager to learn as it will be a new experience. I learned very early in life that you will only know what you like if you experience it, so I keep an open mind.

Well, at least for a great majority of things, there are exceptions to every rule, not sharing my girls, I ain't cuck.

But with that kind of thought, there are very few things that I don't like, so I never was ashamed to be a part of this "girls' stuff" with my wives and we always have fun. More than wives, they are my partners and my best friends.

Getting my head out of these useless thoughts, I'm glad that this tangent was barely a second. I see something else in Ivy's eyes, they turn red and she nods at me. While the red is new this is the signal that she will try to go for the kill while I give support.


That's the only thing that came out of my mouth as Ivy turns into black smoke while dashing towards Scatach gaining even more speed.

Cad:"Well, no time like now."

I run in their direction and kick a bunch of small rocks at the God Killer in hopes of distracting her, with my new strength they gain considerable speed, which is nothing to her. But she still attempted to dodge, Ivy tried to capitalize on this.

Using her new supernatural speed to try and put pressure on Scatach while I tried anything to get her attention and create an opening for Ivy. Not going to lie, we were manhandled, or in this case, womanhandled.

Exchanging punches a few times something clicked in my mind, when Scatach tried to throw Ivy, this time I let her and prepared myself. I intercept Ivy midair and before she could thank me I give her a deep kiss, her eyes go big from surprise but immediately she starts to enjoy it.

Stopping the kiss and she looks at me, she opens her mouth to say something but stops midway and her eyes open wide. I was right.

[New race acquired: Vampire]

[New traits: Son of Darkness, Bloodmage]

[New skills will be acquired when you use them, their progression will be faster than normal because of these new races and traits.]

A few seconds after I finished reading a punch in the face sent me flying.

Scatach:"What are you doing stupid couple, this is a fight."

growled Scatach with an annoyed tone.

Thanks to my new powers, like instinct I turn into the same black smoke, Ivy turned into earlier and rejoined the fight. It was accompanied by more system text telling me about a newly acquired skill but I ignore it for now.

After about three hours, give it or take, of Scatach basically playing around with the two of us she calls this spar session to a close, by beating the crap out of all of us, and as the two of us lay with haggard breath on the ground.

Sactach:"Well I guess you two are not as useless as I thought, it will take much work for you to start to become somewhat decent but at least you two are not the pile of crap that Lisa was when she came here."

Lisa:"Hey I had a weak body and spent the better part of my life in a hospital."

Sactach:"And yet how many years, after you got this body, you went binge-watching those useless shows of yours before thinking in training?"


Sactach:"Anyway, take a good rest you two."

She says looking at us while forming a smirk and a predatory gleam appears in her eyes.

Scatach:"You will need it, it's been such a long time since I had an uncut gem to work with, but now two were hand-delivered to me."

We're in danger. I see Lisa shake off the chill we are all feeling right now.

Lisa:"Right, I guess that's my cue to bail, good luck you two, oh right, Scatach, what did little Stela promise you for training all of us?"

Scatach:".......I don't know, she said she was like me once, thinking death would be the answer, but I'm wrong much like her once. She promised, life, a life that I wouldn't want to throw away for all eternity and it would bring me true happiness. I doubt that but it did get my interested."

Hearing Scatach's answer Lisa briefly looks at me as if to say "Now it's on you" and Ivy giggles. Really girls? What the hell? And with that Lisa goes away in the portal.

On another note, now checking my status it appears that the new race has an evolution chart, I can plan out what Vampire race I would end up with, or at least that was supposed to be the case. It appears that because of my Origin race, I have a fixed hidden path to Origin Vampire, no complaints from me.

The skills are listed in the race and traits but it appears I have to effectively use them to properly unlock.


/////3RD POV/////

Few months of training later.

Scatach:"What the hell are you two doing?"


Scatach:"But Why?"

Cad:"Why not?"

In the black and gray landscape of the Land of Shadows, the great castle of its owner, that was once gray, its exterior is now with shades of purple and dark red, giving a more imponent look that screamed ruler.

Scatach is now with a deadpan look while looking at her two new disciples in scaffoldings, paints, and paint rollers that she had no idea where it came from. Looking at the changes although minimal she did like what was being done, not that she would admit it.

Looking at the entrance of the castle it could be seen a lot of big boxes as if someone was moving in. Curious Scatach approached and tried to open one, only to dodge an incoming peddle coming her way, she turned to Cadmus and narrowed her eyes, before having the chance to say anything.

Cad:"No peeking young lady, we will finish in a few moments with the paint and will set everything up in no time, go take a walk on the beach, maybe it dragged another straggler from the world beyond."

He said to the Witch of Dun Scaith, making a shooing motion with his hand, and without giving any time for her to respond, he turned around and resumed painting. Scatach for her part had a frown on her forehead, she kept opening and closing her mouth trying to say something but words never came out.

She was confused, she was supposed to be angry, to take her spear and show this baka-deshi who is the boss but she felt something else. It wasn't even the first time, just the more egregious? Would that be the right word?

She looked at the man who in so little time was confusing her so much, maybe that was like having a companion? Scatach shook her head and went for a walk, she was definitely not running from the warm smile Ivy was giving her, not at all. She was just going to kill some time until Cad cooked dinner, that's it.

Scatach:"Hum, what will he make today, I'm looking forward to it, no matter what it is, is always delicious."

Unknown to her she was making a small smile, that wouldn't be much of a problem if a certain troublemaker wasn't taking secret pictures.

Lisa:"Hehehe, soon Scatach, your fall is coming."

Briefly sensing some kind of danger, Scatach stopped for a moment and looked around, seeing nothing of importance, she went on her walk. Maybe that drifter that lives on the beach can entertain her for a few moments.


A few decades of training later.

Life in the Land of Shadows was surprisingly active for its inhabitants; this place functions as a barrier, of sorts, protecting various planes from the creatures that come from the Void. Those are remnants of those worlds destroyed from overfeeding by entities that take root in them.

Like angry spirits that can't come to terms with their deaths, they want to get back to any and all universes to wreak havoc, but from time to time a few fortunate, or perhaps unfortunate, people get stranded in that same void and gain something in return.

Obviously, they eventually end up in the Land of Shadows, today one of these stragglers returned to her respective universe to try and make a positive change. It was difficult to say goodbye at first after spending so many years in here.

Cad:"Are you sure you are ok?"

Scatach looked deeply into this man's eyes before responding.

Scatach:"I don't know, it's not like I didn't have any fondness for anyone before, I did care about my family but I never felt like this."

A weird therapy session was in place, where two individuals, armed with a spear were slicing and skewering all manner of grotesque beings made of black ichor with purple strains. Roars can be heard all around them but the two kept the unfazed face as if they were walking in the park.

Scatach:"It's your fault."


Scatach:"It was supposed to be like any other disciple I take, just tortu..train, you get out to do your business, maybe we have some fun before that and eventually you either die or forget about me like anyone else."

She stops for a second and swipes the battlefield with her lance, slicing the few hundred left before looking again at Cadmus. She still looked confident like always but deep in her eyes Cadmus could see something else.


Her voice didn't falter while she reminisced about all the little things. being scolded for not taking proper care of herself, being taught how to properly make her bed, being nagged about keeping a balanced diet and even being forced to let him take care of her hair.

It should have been all annoying instances of their interaction, but for her, it was all fond memories. It was a weird feeling to have somebody to have her back, even if it was outside combat.

Cad:"....Do you dislike it?"

Scatach:"I don't kn... I don't."

Cad:"Then there is no problem.

Scatach:"...I suppose it doesn't."

Scatach looked for a few more moments into his eyes before a new determination filled her mind, as if reaching some kind of enlightenment, she held his hand before turning back into the castle dragging him with her.

Scatach:"Hurry up and beat me in combat so we can get in bed, but first we are going to try this so-called cuddling that you Ivy, and Lisa do all the time."

It appears Scatach finally understood what Stella meant all those years ago, but she still wouldn't tie the knot until he surpassed her, she was a warrior after all and that would take a long time.

But she didn't rush, they have time and now with this newfound determination and knowing Cadmus would be able to take it all, a new training regiment was in order, harsher and more brutal, he would learn everything that she know, and he would surpass her by a great margin and finally, the Land of Shadows would have his first lord.

With a satisfied smile on her face after thinking all that, Scatach now literally dragged Cadmus, not containing her excitement, she was really eager to start this new training with him. But first, she really wanted to feel what cuddling was like.


Next chapter