
CHAPTER FOUR: Daddy in the Restaurant

Helena and Henry excitedly entered the restaurant and looked for a seat.

"Daddy! Hurry!" Henry excitedly called out.

Margaret followed the twins trying to caution them not to run in the restaurant.

A waitress approached Elijah, who was not far behind the three. "Table for four I assume?"

"Yes please." Elijah smiled at the waitress.

The girl swooned at the handsome man in front of her. "Um, Please take a seat. I'll get you the menu and four glasses of water."

"Thank you."

Elijah walked past the waitress and headed towards where his family was seated.

"Daddy sit beside me!" Henry exclaimed, patting the empty space beside him.

Margaret was already seated next to Helena across the table. He sat next to Henry and a moment later the waitress came in with a tray with four glasses of water and the menu.

"Take your time, just call my attention if you're ready to order." The waitress said after setting down the glasses of water and the menu.

"Thank you," Margaret said, the girl nodded and walked away to serve other patrons.

The family took a few moments before they finalized their order. They called back the waitress and Elijah repeated what they had decided.

"Anything Else?" The waitress said.

"No, thank you," Elijah replied.

"Just call if there's anything else that you need."

Elijah didn't give a verbal response and just nodded, then the girl left looking a bit slump.

Margaret stifled a laugh when she noticed it.

Elijah looked at her confused. "What's so funny?"

"Seriously brother, that girl was obviously pinning on you."

"Is that so?" Elijah scoffed. "I'm not interested."

"Well, I'm sure you aren't." Margaret pointed out.

Henry shifted close to Elijah and asked. "Daddy? Are we still going to stay at the convent?"

"Well for tonight we are, but tomorrow we will be going home."

Helena gasped. "No we are not! I don't want to go home!"

Margaret being closer to the younger girl, tried to calm her down. "Why not sweetie? You don't want to live with your daddy?"

"I want to! But I don't want to see mommy again!" She tantrums. "She will hurt daddy again and leave us!"

Elijah, realizing what his daughter meant, gestured to Margaret to move aside, which she did, as he stood up and took the seat next to his daughter and placed the girl onto his lap.

"Sweetheart don't cry." He cajoled the girl, calming her down. "I won't let her near you ever again."

"But you said that we'll be going home," The girl sobbed. "Auntie Margaret said that mommy owns our house so she will be there!"

"I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean our old house," Elijah explained. "Auntie Margaret found us a new house. Your mommy won't be there, it will be just you, Henry and me."

"What about Auntie Margaret?" Helena asked.

"Auntie Margaret lives in the convent, but she can come over anytime she wants."

"Promise?" Helena asked tearily.

"I promise," Elijah assured her, then held out his pinky. "I Pinky swear it."

The girl giggled and hooked her small finger to her dad's pinky.

"Now that's more like it." Elijah laughed. "No more tears sweetheart."

"Okay." the girl agreed.

Seeing his sister no longer crying Henry called out their attention. "Do we get our own rooms?"

"Well, it has four rooms, one for me when I come over, one for your dad. If you want your own rooms you can have your own." Margaret told the boy.

"Yes!" Henry rejoiced at the news.

"Noo!" Helena whined. "You said you will protect me from monsters!"

"I can do it even if we have separate rooms." Henry defended.

Helena simply ignored her brother turning away her head as if she was disgusted to see him. Which to the eyes of Elijah and Margaret was cute.

The restaurant door banged on the wall which caught the older twins' attention, following the entrance of an enraged woman.

"You bastard!" The woman cried out. "You lying piece of garbage!"

She storms toward a couple a few tables away from where Elijah and his family were seated. She throws her bag to the man.

"Katie, how did you?!"

"Find you? Your mother told me, apparently you don't have a grandmother and you told her that WE," The woman emphasized. "are on a date!"

"Well, we are on a date." The man's date cuts in.

The comment enrages the woman more and slaps her in the face. "You witch!"

The man then gets in front of his lover and defends her. "Come on Katie, let's do this outside."

"Oh, you want to do it outside?" The woman taunted. "You want the whole world to know that you cheated on me or you want them to know you have a small dick and premature ejaculator?"

The comment had everyone crowing with taunts to the man.

Embarrassed in front of everyone, the man slaps the woman in the face which garnered the anger of other customers. The other woman took the opportunity to spill her drink on the woman, 'Katie'.

Katie, infuriated with the woman's action tried to grab her but was pushed by her sure ex-boyfriend where she ended up on the floor.

Margaret no longer can look at what's happening and tries to diffuse the situation.

"Let's all calm down, there's a need for violence." She consoles both parties.

The man beyond reason pushed Margaret away from him and exploded. "Mind your own business!"

Losing her balance, Margaret braced herself on the impending impact, but it never came. She looked up and saw her brother catching her before she hit the floor.

Elijah helps her to regain balance and whispers, "Go back to the kids, I'll take care of this."

His sister looked worried but nodded and went back to their seat with the twins.

"Hey, what you did was unforgivable." Elijah started.

"What is it to you!?" the man challenged. "You mind your own business before I kick your ass."

Elijah scoffed. "The thing is you made it my business when you pushed my sister."

"Huh, that nun?" The man snorted. "Tell her to don't meddle to other's problems if she doesn't want to get fucked up."

Elijah frowned at the man. "You think you're funny, don't you? Well, I suppose you think you are, after all didn't your ex-girlfriend you have a small dick? Trying to compensate by doing other things since you're failing to perform where it matters."

Provoked with Elijah's words, the man throws a punch at his direction which Elijah dodges and retaliates with high kick spin to which Elijah's heels connected to the man's face throwing him down to the floor.

"You bastard! I'll sue you!" The man glowered.

"What!? I'm so scared." Elijah monotonously articulated then changes his tone cold. "Who will support your claims?"

Elijah looked around the restaurant then continued. "Them? After you slapped this woman and my sister, who I might remind you is a nun and was only trying to defuse the situation. You think they will testify for you?"

"You assaulted me!"

"I didn't, you threw a punch at me first and I defended myself. If I remember correctly Self defense is not the same as assault.This." Elijah walked forward towering over the man then stomped hard between the legs causing the man to holler in pain. "Is assault."

Elijah turns away from the man and helps the woman up from the floor. "I usually don't do that to my fellow guys but I hate adulterers the most. It's one thing you cheated on her, you raised a hand on her too."

The man could no longer refute, he slowly stood up and slowly ran out of the restaurant and his lover following behind him.

The crowd cheered at Elijah's action but he paid it no mind and concentrated on the woman who was now uncontrollably sobbing.

Elijah took a few napkins on a nearby table and gave it to the woman.

"Thank you." She sobbed accepting the napkins and dabbing it on her face.

Having to see her whole features Elijah couldn't say a word even when Henry and Helena came to him exclaiming how cool he was.

After all he knows that face, the same teary eyed look of the woman who begged him to leave his dark past and marry her. The face of the woman he loved and died in his arms.


Hello there,

As promised, the second update of the day.

I hope you enjoy it.

Criticisms are accepted. Please don't forget to vote power stones.

Much love,

YueArencreators' thoughts
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