


Paris, France

Le` Meurice was one of Paris' finest establishments. And frequented by politicians on government payroll and profligate scions of wealthy families, it had acquired the scent of old money. It pervaded through its halls, climbing through its marble entryway it spread to the open-air bistros and glass gardens and the luxuriously appointed taprooms serving wines of a hundred shades from a thousand places. No matter where you went it was always there, ever present and all consuming.

He hated all of it. From the pretentious people in their gaudy finery, to the exorbitant prices charged. Somethings never changed it seemed, for even twenty years later he hated this place just as much as he had before.

"I have an appointment with Dr. Eugene Casillas." He said, walking up to the Concierge, a thin wiry man, in his mid forties.

"Is he expecting you, Sir?" The Concierge asked.

"Of course he is." He said rolling his eyes, at the ridiculousness of the question.

"Very well let me confirm with him, then." He said, moving to make a call.

"And who shall I say is calling, then?" The man said, pausing to look at him quizzically.

"Myrrdin Ambrosius." He replied.

"Very well then Mr. Ambrosius I will be right with you in a moment." He said, busying himself with an ornate telephone.

As he waited, he felt his thoughts drift away to why he was here today. This place of debauchery wasn't one he'd visit normally. It was only because Godric's message had sounded particularly insistent that he had deigned to come here at all.

He owed the man quite a bit. He had taught him once, after all. And in spite of that, they were old friends and colleagues. So he'd come.

"Dr. Casillas will be waiting for you in the Penthouse sir." The Concierge said, interrupting his thoughts.

"Thank you." He said, as the Concierge motioned him into the private elevator that would open into the Penthouse foyer.

As he stepped off the elevator into a richly appointed living room adorned with crystal chandeliers and baroque artworks, he spotted a young man lounging by the Grand Piano in the centre of the room.

There was an otherworldly look to him, long gold locks of hair spilling across a timeless visage, and blood red eyes sharp and full of a savage sort of intelligence. He held a woman in his embrace - a Veela to be exact. Her silver-gold hair and moon-bright skin sufficient proof of her heritage, as was her Allure.

A wild, unfocused thing, it clouded up the room, testing and probing at his Occlumency shields. Nothing this low level would ever truly bother him. Still it was annoying and impolite, to say the least.

"So you came after all eh, Merlin?" The blonde man said focusing his red eyed gaze on him.

"Took you long enough, though. It felt like I was going to die of boredom." He continued, flashing him a wolfish grin.

"Gilgamesh, I have told you before, not to refer to me by that name. And you did so anyway, and in front of outside company nonetheless." Merlin said, looking pointedly at the Veela enchantress.

"I've been dead to the world for a thousand years and I wish for it to be kept that way."

"Well in that case I must point out, that these days I go by Dr. Eugene Casillas. But you too didn't call me by that name now, did you?" He said, a mocking smile on his blood red lips.

"But no matter, everything within Le` Meurice is my domain. And she is my faithful servant. Isn't that so, Camille?" Gilgamesh asked, turning to the Veela.

"Yes, master. My lips are sealed." She replied immediately.

"Good girl. Now leave us be, we have business to discuss and I wouldn't want to offend my colleague's sensibilities any further, by letting you linger."

"Where's Godric?" Merlin asked, as he sat down on a plush velvet settee facing the fireplace.

"I'm right here" a booming voice called out from the balcony, before Gilgamesh could answer.

"Went out for a smoke is all", Godric said, stepping into the room stuffing a still smoldering cigar into one of the countless pockets of his voluminous overcoat.

The years hadn't changed him much. His beard remained a wild and untamed fiery red mess. His long red hair tied back in a warrior's braid, a style he'd supposedly once picked up from a Viking friend in Scandinavia. He stood near seven feet tall and must have weighed well over twenty stone.

It was good to see him after all these years. Hale and healthy. And although he would never admit it, it relieved him. The sudden insistent message, and the urgent request to meet had unsettled him.

Even though all rationale dictated that there wasn't anything that could truly threaten someone of Godric Gryffindor's caliber. In his heart of hearts Merlin had been worried. These days, friends were too few and too precious to lose.

"So will you now tell us, why you demanded this meeting?" Gilgamesh demanded in impatience. "I don't think I can hold my curiosity much longer."

"Wait a moment, I would rather not have this conversation sober." Godric said, pulling out a bottle of Ogden's Firewhisky.

"Would you like some?" Godric asked him.

"Sure, old friend. Pour me a glass, if you would."

"What about you Gilgamesh? Firewhisky too much for your sophisticated palate?" Godric smirked.

"Please, I'd rather not have such a vile concoction." He bit back, "I do not know how you two can stand to drink it."

"He just doesn't like the burn." Merlin said, grinning evilly, "Says, that it makes him feel like he'll belch out fire any minute."

Godric's guffaw rang out through the room. And as Gilgamesh sulked, the two of them drank deeply from their cups.

"So Godric, I believe you've stalled us long enough. It's time you told your tale." Merlin said, prodding him gently with his boot.

Godric let out a sigh, as he sat up straight in his chair.

"Very well then, it's not much of a tale really. It's actually only some information. But what it could mean, that is the part that worries me."

"Go on then, we're listening." Merlin interrupted, before his friend could get lost in his musings.

"The Heart of Flame was detected a few days ago by the Unspeakables of the British Ministry of Magic."

"What? That can't be. They must have gotten something wrong. It hasn't even been a month since they sent us reports on the Heart of Knowledge." Gilgamesh cried, in disbelief.

Merlin's thoughts on the matter weren't too different from his. Never before had they detected the presence of two Deity Class beings in such close succesion.

"I'm afraid they aren't mistaken. I went there personally, to confirm." Godric answered.

"So, did the Firebird manifest?" Merlin asked with a forced calmness, he didn't really feel.

"If it did, then most of the British countryside would be smoldering ashes right now. And the Tower would have a real emergency on their hands."

"But no, it didn't manifest. From the readings they showed me it's presence was felt only for two minutes and forty two seconds, before it dissappeared." Godric said.

"That's longer than the Spider sighting last month." Gilgamesh noted.

"From what I remember it was active only for one minute and sixteen seconds."

"Does Lord Krishna know of this?" Merlin asked.

"Of course he does, he's the First Seat of the Tower of Wisdom. He leads us, there's nothing that escapes his notice." Godric replied.

"But that isn't the point. At heart the man's a pacifist. He won't act unless forced to. He could choose to strike out first and remove a problem. But he won't, he's too afraid of upsetting the balance." Godric muttered.

"That man scares me." Gilgamesh said suddenly, "I know I'm the Tower's Second Seat but there's something about him that makes me feel that I could never win against him."

"That isn't the point Gilgamesh. We aren't going to fight him after all. All we need to do is convince him to act. You all must remember what happened the last time one of the Deities interfered with our world." He said.

The Serpent, The Heart of Malice.

Merlin remembered it vividly. For it had heralded the rise of one of the most powerful Dark Lords the world had ever known.

Lord Voldemort.

He had long suspected the Serpent's involvement in his sudden meteoric rise.

"So what do you propose, Godric?" Merlin asked.

"We need to kill that maniacal Dark Lord. He has killed thousands of honest witches and wizards and I'm sure these incidents too are somehow connected to him."

"That's hardly possible Godric", Gilgamesh said "It is well known that the Deities do not cooperate, or work together."

"Are you ready to bet your life on that?" Godric growled in answer.

"Well all that doesn't matter anyway, unless The Dark Brotherhood is somehow involved in this the Tower cannot act." Merlin said.

"And although I wouldn't put it beyond Herpo or Salazar to hatch up some sort of nefarious scheme, the Pact is set in stone."

"You know as well as me Merlin, the Pact isn't absolute. It's rules can be bent and there are quite a few loopholes in its wording."

"Though that may be true, it won't be enough to convince Lord Krishna." He said.

"Remind me again, why did I choose to sign that godforsaken Pact?" Godric muttered angrily.

"Other than the more apparent benefits of eternal life, endless funds for magical research, access to secret knowledge and the promise of protection. You mean?" Merlin said.

"Yes." Godric replied, sourly.

"I would imagine, mostly because you too like the others who sign the Pact don't want to destroy this world we live in by engaging in too many senseless magical battles."

"At least that is why I think the Fae Courts and the Vampire Clans abide by the Pact as well."

"Either way, with the Pact in place there's a very limited list of situations in which any of us can interfere with the world." Gilgamesh interjected, "And this, isn't one of them."

"Well, I guess that's that then." Godric sighed, "There's nothing we can do I guess."

"In that case, I guess I should take my leave." Godric said, standing up.

"It was nice meeting you old friend. We should do this more often." He said, preparing to leave.

"Wait a minute." Merlin said getting to his feet as well. Something wasn't right, Godric was being too casual about this.

From what he knew of his friend, he was not one to buckle down so easily.

"What did you do?" Merlin demanded, his voice cold and icy, as he stared down Godric with anger and suspicion.

"I guess I should've known that I wouldn't get it past you, old friend." Godric laughed.

"As I said, if we cannot break the rules all we need to do is bend them."

"Tell me you didn't go and kill Voldemort." Merlin demanded, his voice thunderous in its fury.

For if he had done so, he would duty bound to bring him to justice. And to do so. To slay his oldest friend with his own hand, would break Merlin's old, weathered heart.

He couldn't go on living with that guilt. It would kill him.

"Of course not." Godric said, incredulously. "Do you really think I would do something so ridiculous as violating the Pact?"

Merlin sighed in relief. "So what did you do?"

Godric smiled gleefully. "Oh nothing much. I left old Albus a Book from one of our collections. A book of powerful protective Charms and Enchantments."

"Nothing too nefarious of course. Only spells that might protect people or say, slay a Dark Lord too drunk on their own power and feeling of invincibility."



A. K. A : The Heart of Flame

The Spirit of Fire

Unspeakable #4

Danger Level : Beyond current means of measurement

Mortality : Immortal

Related to : Phoenix




Status : Extant

Rank : Deity

Description :

A mysterious cosmic being of incredible power, the Firebird is as dangerous as it is elusive. Not much is known about this entity except that it is the singular existence that personifies all the Fire and Energy of our universe. The well known immortal bird, Phoenix is its offspring.


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