
Chapter 2

Clutching my bag tightly, I stood at the bus stop waiting to board a bus that would take me to the side of town where Raina lived.

Looking at my wrist watch, I figured it would take a couple of minutes before the bus arrives.

Sighing heavily, I glanced around taking note of my surroundings.

I was engrossed in watching drivers honking at each other till I felt a forceful tug on my arm as the strap of my bag was pulled away, and the thief ran farther and farther away from me.

I stood shell shocked for a second or two before my brain registered the situation, commanding my legs to move.

I ran after the thief, my orange hijab swaying with the wind while screaming and yelling out profanities at the top of my voice. Good thing mom isn't here to hear me or I would have been scolded for two hours.

I was beyond exhausted by now, my thighs and feet aching from running for so long. I really need to exercise more.

I stopped running and bent over gasping for air. By now, the thief was far gone and so was my belongings.

I went to sit on a nearby bench and brought my head down between the palms of my hand.

Ya Allah, what do I do now?

I had my phone, purse containing money and some important papers in that bag.

What do I do without them now?

I sat there in a dilemma, not knowing what to do and my mind a total mess with frustrated tears threatening to be let loose from their cage.

Ahad's POV

I walked out of the building, satisfied with myself. I had just landed a contract with a big investor which would be very profiting for my company.

I strode to my car, wanting to get back to the office knowing I'll have loads of work waiting to be attended to.

I stopped abruptly at the sound of a voice shouting in the distance. I looked to the side and surely enough a lady was running after someone I assumed to be a purse snatcher judging by the looks of things.

I don't know whether it was her voice sending shivers down my spine or it was pure instinct, but I found myself running forward and moving fast hoping to save the damsel in distress.

I kept running faster and faster till I gained on the thief. He turned into an ally way and I followed until we stopped at a dead end.

The man looked from left to right

Searching for a way out but found none. I stood in front of him blocking his only escape route. He had a frustrated expression but quickly masked it as he dropped the handbag next to him, getting into a fighting stance.

I smirked at his naivety. The idiot thought he could take me on but he sure has another thing coming for him.

I stretched my arm forward and beckoned him to bring it on.

He charged forward and I swiftly dodged him. He turned back and threw a punch which I easily caught and kneed him in the gut. He doubled over in pain and I raised him up by the collar and threw him against the wall. He dropped to the ground and slumped unconsciously. This was too easy.

I went to the side and picked up the hand bag, dusting it slightly.

I smiled to myself proudly.

'Let's go meet the damsel in distress'

Zara's POV

I sat there for what seemed like forever but it was only five minutes.

The sound of someone clearing their throat broke my train of thoughts and I looked up only to be met with the most captivating chocolate brown eyes I have ever seen.

I stared into those eyes that felt like they were looking into my soul, butterflies erupted at the pit of my stomach and I felt things that I had never felt before.

I stared at the handsome man in front of me, from his mesmerizing eyes, to his straight nose and his sculpted jawline covered with the tiniest of stubble.

I snapped out of it and slowly came back to my senses. 'Astagfirullah!' I quickly lowered my gaze, berating myself for openly gawking at a man as blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Salam. I presume this belongs to you." He said bringing my brown handbag into my line of vision.

I blinked once, twice, thrice, not believing my eyes. I kept my gaze down nodding my head, unable to say anything.

He handed it over to me and I gingerly took it and muttered a 'Thank you', not recognizing my own voice.

Why was I feeling shy and nervous all of a sudden.

I cleared my throat and thanked him again, not sure he heard me the first time.

"It's alright, just be careful next time." He advised.

Thankfully, the bus arrived in the nick of time. I nodded at the stranger and speed walked out of there, saving myself from that awkward situation.

Heaving a sigh of relief, I paid the bus fare and alighted the bus.

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