39 A Verbal Face Slap Pt.2

You could even see the situation as her using the opportunity to release her own emotions or unleash that part of her again. Just because it was dormant did not mean that it was dead, it was an integral part of herself. In her past life, she was depressed and went into a dark time in her life. That time this anger didn't have a reason to come out because the person she blamed was herself.

How was she to use her skill at talking and tearing people down on herself? Her brain had done all the work mentally that she never felt the need to open her mouth and verbally announce them. Even thinking about this and running through the memories of the past, she could count on one hand the amount of times she was able to speak this freely.

No matter how many times she thought about it or said it, the main oppressor she had was her mother. So early into her teenage years and adult hood, this part of her was curbed. Back then she saw it as becoming a lady and just how "things were." That it was naturally she acted like a figurative lady and take the higher road. There was of course a method to talking back in a 'noble' way but it was tiring in her opinion. It lacked the spice and all it was, were underhanded comments where you had to think about the meaning.

In this moment, she was tearing the other person directly and it was entirely freeing. She enjoyed the feeling and there was a bubble of excitement inside her. The annoyance was still there but in a sadistic way, the excitement was slowly taking over. There wasn't enough time for her to do introspection but she rode her emotions in waves. Only a moment of self-recognition before she went right back into the argument or whatever one sided battle they were having.

"Go on, are you going to ask me nicely....? I don't think that's too much of an ask now is it?"

With the second sentence, she turned her body around to the other people at the bank. Some of them tried to avoid her eye contact and pretend as if they were not listening. It was hilarious that they could openly stare for so long and only when she looked over did they regain some shame. She didn't have any feelings regarding them watching, she wasn't on the loosing end of the battle for it to negative spotlight.

There was always a small fear that someone would recognize her and her whereabouts would be noticed, yet the fear had taken a back seat to everything. She had gone over this fear all day and for one moment she decided to be brave and ignore it. This would be the last stranger she would let act up in front of her today.

That is why she used the sentence as a open question to the public to bring them into the conversation. She maintained the placating smile on her face but was obviously egging people on. Her true meaning was "look at me, I'm so nice. Its obviously the other person who does not see my greatness and what I'm trying to do for them."

For those who kept eye contact with her, they just kept their face neutral but were watching like they were in a theatre. It was obvious that no one disagreed with her words outwardly nor did they take the other woman's side. Part of them being on her side was due to the other woman starting it and thus causing the whole scene. The other had to do with the bags held in her hand and its worth in society. She gave off a 'richer' image and it was used to her advantage in this situation subconsciously.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THIS. YOU'RE JUST SOME RANDOM WOMAN ON THE STREET AND YOU ATTACKED ME FIRST. I COULD SUE YOU FOR THAT." The arrogant woman yelled out aggressively and started using her index finger to emphasize her words. With each word she wagged her finger a little closer to Mei Lin.

She narrowed her eyes and followed the track of the finger carefully. If she was a venus fly trap that finger would have been within her grasp by now, ready to be eaten. The stance looked patronizing and was plainly rude to wag a finger in someone's face.

"Careful with that finger miss...we have medication to buy and a doctor to see. We don't want to add to our pre-existing medical issues. Its hard enough to live.....like this. I don't want to make it harder and of course will forget everything before this point. However, I would highly recommend you put that finger down or -"

"...or else what? What are YOU going to do."

Stepping a bit closer she towered over the woman by an inch or two maximum. She stared down and tilted her head to speak directly into her ear. Dropping the volume of her voice she said her words lazily but filled with venom.

"What can I do? There isn't enough time for me to list what I'm capable of. You keep your finger down and your mouth from spewing any more insults or else I will just show you what I can do. I won't threaten you and say I'll take your finger or destroy your family....you won't see what happens. There's no warning, no signs, only once you're left crying and begging for an exit will you remember me. That is when you'll know it was me."

She let out a little laugh before moving back to her original position. Judging by the mix of emotions floating through the woman's face, she could tell that her words were being taken seriously.

It was a mix between anger and consideration. In her calculations the thoughts or questions she would have right now would resemble these -

'Does she mean it?'

'Is this woman capable of destroying me like she said?'
