
Fated to kill you

What will happen if a simple, fearless and dangerous girl enters the immortal world without any special power will, she be able survive the demon king or their are some dark secrets behind of her existence in the immortal world

Angelswizard · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8

Character introduction.....

Ting is the servant of donghae and Mary is his mother and lily is not a part of there family... but Mary adopted her at a very young age.....

Now back to the story....

"iam good princess mingxia" ting answered her while bowing down his head....

mingxia went to Donghae and leiyan and sat beside them...

"Mingxia have breakfast with us" Donghae said to mingxia.....

"yes...." leiyan said.....

Auntie Mary and lily both of them came with three bowls of rice....

"brother, how can you always can tell.when I will came"... mingxia asked Donghae....

"Smirk. you know you can't hide it" Donghae said with Smirk on his face.....

after seeing Mary and lily mingxia said " ohoo everyone are here, how are you auntie Mary and sister lily" she asked them with a smile....

they bowed down and said" we are good princess thanks for your concern"

After completing their breakfast they went to library.....

"Brother, why we came to the library early in the morning" mingxia asked Donghae.....

"because of me" leiyan answered....

"because of you" mingxis asked leiyan with a question mark on her face...

"She wants to know more about cultivation, methods and powers, so we have to come to the library to learn" Donghae said to mingxia.....

"Why are you so excited to learn leiyan" mingxia asked leiyan....

"I want to have pet like xia" leiyan said with a innocent look....

"pet who are you calling pet" a voice came from the pocket which is with mingxia....

xia appears....

"have you slept enough xia" mingxia asked xia...

"Don't try to change the topic" xia shout....

but it's little tone won't bother them...

After walking for a while they reached the library....

Donghae get many books for leiyan to read...

"Mingxia, take care of leiyan and iam going out for a while..." Donghae said to mingxia while heading out...

leiyan was very concentrated and she completed all the books that Donghae brought...


went get some more books and after some time she completed reading them also....

Donghae came back and saw there are so many books on leiyan table ....

"Did any one sat here with you guys" Donghae asked them but leiyan was so into books that she didn't heard what was Donghae said...


mingxia was staring at leiyan without blinking her eyes.....

"mingxia,mingxia" Donghae called mingxia by shaking her shoulders...

"Haa...haa" mingxia came to her senses...

"Did anyone sat with you guys" Donghae asked again....

"no"mingxua replied...

"Than, why there are some many books here" he questioned her....

"leiyan read them" mingxia answered....

"all of them" Donghae asked with shocking expression...

"Yes" calmly answered mingxia....

"Leiyan, leiyan" Donghae called leiyan...

"brother few more minutes, I will complete this book too" leiyan said while look in the book....

and after few minutes completed leiyan said... with a huge smile on her face.....

"What" Donghae and mingxia both said at a same time....

"really, did you really completed all these book" Donghae asked....

"Yes" leiyan answerd...

"don't bluff" strong and commanding voice came from back....

and everyone turned that side....

greetings master, mingxia and Donghae said and bow down to the opposite person....

Leiyan was standing firmly....

"don't bluff with your nonsense" that old man repeated again...

"iam not master" leiyan said calmly.....

"Your confident" about yourself... old man said....

"yes master" leiyan said...

"pardon master she is a kid, she don't know what is talking please forgive" Donghae said these words to Oldman while bowing down his head down infornt of the Oldman.....

"but she already crossed the line" a person answered who is behind that Oldman...

"brother, don't worry Iam not bluffing, I really completed all these books" leiyan said with a confident voice....

" don't worry Donghae" old man said...

Oldman said so your so confident that you completed all these books....

yes as leiyan answered....

"so let me ask you some question" old man said and sat on the bench...

and said leiyan you can sit too...

"no master, My brother said, I can't sit infornt of masters, so I will stand" leiyan replied....

Oldman Smirk by seeing leiyan face...

"how immortal people can die" Oldman questioned

" there are certain rules to follow, if a person don't obey the rules then high powerd offical or God's can punish" leiyan said confidently..

"how powerfull families are there" old man questioned

" 5 families" leiyan said

"no it's wrong" by saying these word man gets to stand...

"let me complete master" leiyan said...

by hearing leiyan words.Oldman sit back on the table...

leiyan continued...

there 5 families but Hong family princess nuwa died in the hands of demons, and there is no one to carry on her name... so now there are only 4 families...

Oldman smiled....

"next one" Oldman said

"what happens if a person had been attacked by the demonic power"

"That person will die and only Soul purifying stone can help to fight the demonic power in them and soul purifying stone are only avaliable in the northwest end of the waterfalls forest and its very ward to go and only high cultivated and pure soul person can touch the stone or else it won't work.... leiyan answered....

"excellent, amazing" Oldman praised leiyan and said....

"your blessed my child" Oldman said these words witha joy....

" take this" Oldman give a stone to leiyan and said...

"this is life stone, if you losed your power or strength in the future use this stone to recover. it will help you recover very fast and keep it safe.....

"no master, I can't take it.." leiyan said to the Oldman...

" Take it my child, iam giving you this us my blessing so keep it..." by saying these words Oldman went away...

Oldman discipline came back and said young girl you are really blessed, master never give any of his stone to anyone, not even to his own disciples... so keep it safe.....

everyone in the library are whispering, wow wow... how can she do that she so amazing....

"Iam proud of leiyan" Donghae said with a happy face...

"yes leiyan me too" mingxia said...

"how can you memorize all the details in a short of time....and I even don't know about the soul purifying stone your great" mingxia said....